
Transportation Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"We think autonomous taxi networks are going to be pretty much natural monopolies."
"Robo-taxi networks are going to be natural monopolies wherever they exist."
"By combining the familiarity of traditional engine designs with the environmental benefits of hydrogen, Toyota is not just challenging the current EV-centric narrative but is also redefining what sustainable transportation can look like."
"Someday in the future, this plane could be the new Air Force One, shuttling the President of the United States around the Earth at hypersonic speeds."
"Toyota's hydrogen engines offer a ray of hope... cleaner, greener transportation all without compromising performance or practicality."
"The transportation community has failed the disability community over and over again."
"Take a trolley ride down to the castle or perhaps board a decker bus."
"The Jamaica Labour Party government has delivered 1,452 vehicles to the police."
"The nature of transportation changes if you have a large fleet of autonomous vehicles."
"And now we have our new metro transport option added onto here, which I think is looking also very sweet, very modern, very swish."
"It's really cool; it works really well. Get a high volume of cars flowing through."
"I love this sort of busy highway road running through the middle of these districts."
"It's going to keep a lot of people safe on the road."
"Electric bikes open up a world of possibilities."
"If you're one of the last people leaving the park and most transportation has stopped for the night, you won't be stranded. Just find a cast member, and they'll get you to where you need to go."
"This vehicle miles traveled statistic is used to stop projects, block projects. It's all nonsense when you think about what's actually causing the emissions or pollution or traffic that we should be concerned about."
"Every type of transport is going electric; planes are next."
"Imagine a world where you don't own a car anymore, you don't need it, you have automated systems."
"Think about this: we've had the automobile invented, the airplane invented."
"The inquiry established that the Polonium was first brought to London on a Transaero flight from Moscow."
"People no matter what industry you're working in now, people want to be able to get to work in a variety of modes."
"I'm biking on my motorcycle, right, my Huck motorcycle. This electric and got pedals, but it's a motorcycle. Okay, it's fire as fuck."
"By the middle of the century, there were more than 6,000 miles of railway track in Britain, connecting more of the country than ever before."
"In the end, canals couldn't really compete. It became cheaper to lay down railway lines than to dig canals."
"We're going to look back and say that human-driven cars were weapons of mass destruction."
"The Line will be a car-free city, emphasizing vertical movement and featuring an ultra-high-speed transit system."
"One of the most important advantages of business aviation is the flexibility of transportation."
"It is time for a big change, and all four of the cars that are currently lined up behind me are going to be departing."
"We got a party bus for our trip 'cause it's going to be a couple of hours on the road."
"The brilliance of humans, digging out materials from the ground, transforming them into machines, and then driving to your girlfriend's house. That's insane."
"The cardiovascular benefits of exercise are well known, so any mode of transportation requiring exercise is likely to be a superior alternative."
"The difference between a battery electric vehicle and a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is that you essentially get much faster refueling times and better energy storage per unit volume and weight."
"The Belt and Road did not begin as a military venture; it actually began as a defensive venture in order to diversify transportation corridors."
"The goal was to connect Dallas to Houston in under 90 minutes."
"At its best, transportation makes the American dream possible, getting people and goods to where they need to be, directly and indirectly creating good-paying jobs."
"Disney's been working to make transportation from your hotel into the parks easier and less stressful."
"The Disney Skyliner is one of the most beloved yet also feared complementary transportation services in all of Disney World."
"By 2030, nearly all demand for cars really has now gone to electric."
"The United States is finally catching on to the need to change transportation."
"The only reason they bought a car is to drive back to their hometowns during the Chinese New Year, so these cars are jokingly referred to as 'two oil tanks a year' vehicles."
"The wave of the future is the electric aircraft and regional transportation small aircraft transportation system."
"If high speed rail should work anywhere in America, it’s here."
"But unlike those before it, All Aboard Florida, now rebranded as Brightline, actually opened for actual rail passengers in 2018."
"Fast and fully private, it was the first of its kind in the US."
"This new era of private passenger rail development is an indication of how powerfully tweaking the underlying business model of something can lead to different results—Amtrak and Brightline are both running trains, but Brightline’s business model has allowed it to do it better, faster, and in more places."
"It's not that cars are bad, it's that we have planned around cars not around people."
"The reason for the Sandringham gun bus is to transport guns around the Sandringham shoot. The reason for the Sandringham shoot is to provide great shooting and great conservation of rare species."
"It's an epic pool, like we said. There's Skyliner access here, which is awesome. They've got fun pirate-themed rooms available, and it's the best moderate resort for transportation. Why? 'Cause Skyliner."
"Transportation is the single biggest contributor of greenhouse gases in the American economy."
"Automobile: a symbol of human innovation, a mode of immense practicality and increasing production, a humble reflection of our ever-changing, ever-growing global landscape."
"Transportation systems shape who gets to feel like they belong, who gets to enjoy access to opportunity, who gets to live with safety and dignity." - Professor Deborah Archer
"This dual functionality makes the TEB an attractive solution for cities grappling with growing populations and limited space."
"The late 19th century was an incredibly transformative time for not only Philadelphia but transportation across the country."
"Philadelphia could justly claim one of the finest transportation systems in the country by the time of the nation's Centennial Exhibition in 1876."
"With Maglev, the speed of an aircraft meets the convenience of trains."
"Maglev is revolutionizing the transportation infrastructure."
"There's no safer transportation system in the world."
"Anything that seamlessly integrates the towing and driving experience... is something that I'm a big fan of."
"Sometimes I use my bike when I go see my friends... it kind of gets the soul to come along for the journey."
"I love New York City because it's just amazing. The transportation, you can get you moving constantly."
"This is about making transport mobility safer, more energy-efficient, more comfortable, more convenient, and accessible to all."
"I see long-term massive benefits for society... safety benefits, energy efficiency benefit, a more comfortable and convenient transport system."
"Trains always have the right of way, including pedestrians and emergency vehicles."
"As Toyota forges ahead into the future, its vision for transportation is clear: a world where mobility is sustainable, efficient, and in harmony with the environment."
"The Department of Transportation announced that it is investigating whether Southwest engaged in 'unrealistic scheduling' for the holiday season."
"Paris' population doubled between 1800 and 1850 as a result of easier and more widespread train travel."
"These bikes will be comfortable enough to ride while wearing a man romper, nimble enough to evade lingering COVID patios and rapidly erecting mixed-use property developments, and powerful enough to get you outside of the city on the weekends to rip some twisties and remind you what it actually feels like to be a human being."
"The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel... carries US-13 and saves users 95 miles along alternate routes."
"Trains are way better for the environment, but this is America and we hate trains for reasons promoting car dependency doesn't help our climate change issues."
"Transportation is the biggest contributor of greenhouse gases in the economy."
"There's just something awesome about seeing a single car weighing sometimes more than 100 tons move almost effortlessly down the steel rails."
"It's a transportation car, this thing can run all over the place and it still gets 40 miles a gallon if you want to drive on a highway."
"There will be a debt-free thing that God will do to make your transportation easier."
"Efficient travel, long-distance travel, right? That's not necessarily about speed, that's more about enabling."
"Who doesn't like the idea of a Greek monorail system? Come on, that sounds great."
"She can't have it both ways. Yes, we may have fired up the steam engines that blackened cities like Bradford with soot, but we also set in train a process of machine-driven evolution that gave us advanced healthcare, transportation, and communications."
"People need transportation, most people, and they need shelter. These are not discretionary items."
"The wheel has completely transformed how we travel."
"The river was like a giant water highway that brought and sustained life to several countries."
"The transportation sector is the largest single source of greenhouse emissions in the U.S. since 2019."
"There's also the potential to save the lives of some of the more than 40,000 people who die annually on American roads. We'd all want a world where these deaths could be eliminated."
"The whole thing is kind of an argument for more public transit, which is proven to be safer."
"Without a working, reliable subway system that's safe, with trains that run on time, the city is not going to be able to function."
"Intercontinental rocket travel... You'll be able to fly on a rocket from New York to Shanghai in 39 minutes."
"This is going to be the decade of robo taxis... a self-driving car with no driver in the car that you can hail on your phone."
"Most people want a convenient, affordable, fully regulated, hopefully publicly owned bus service."
"The more people that ride, the safer the roads will be."
"Tesla not only enhances its product portfolio but also significantly contributes to global shifts towards cleaner, more sustainable Transportation Solutions."
"Shipping believe it or not is safer than ever before."
"Even with a cargo handicap, not only is the Tesla Semi possible, it’s a much more profitable option for routes that are within its 500 mile range."
"Absolutely beautiful, and the train design for it, it's great."
"The next generation of long-haul trucks has drastically reduced fuel consumption."
"A ferry system that currently extends across 3,500 miles of scenic coastline."
"If you're staying on the monorail Loop wrapping around the Magic Kingdom area, you'll just need to transfer monorail lines when you arrive at the transportation and Ticket Center."
"I think the next five or ten years are going to be the first time transportation has ever had a disruption."
"Society has changed... the way that they see transport."
"It's the last great age of the combustion engine so I think Now's the Time."
"I think this bike has tons of character and I have a lot of emotion attached to it."
"For a vast majority of motorcyclists, that is completely impractical for 99% of street use."
"A group of enthusiasts from Byron Shire Australia converted a regular two-carriage train to run on electric power and solar energy."
"Katanga has introduced a unique motorized velomobile, the VM 45, which can reach speeds of up to 28 mph."
"George Westinghouse also had an invention called the friction draft gear, which allowed the trains, when they were starting out and stopping, to cushion the impact between the cars."
"Hydrogen technology... most likely better and cheaper than the battery technology for electric vehicles and transportation in general."
"Improving things like safety and adding low-cost transportation options would greatly benefit everybody pretty much right away."
"Planes, trains, cargo, shipping... Just watch."
"Electric flying cabs will appear sooner than we all expected, namely within three to five years."
"Self-driving cars will just be a normal thing, like self-driving elevators."
"Americans, we need to buy better gas mileage cars and move to EVs."
"Living in the country as I do, you definitely notice the idea when you're driving 50 or 60 miles how hard it can be to refill or have to stop and recharge."
"We like to call it self-driving or onboard autonomous navigation."
"Hyperloop: travel at over 700 miles per hour, revolutionizing the way people live and work."
"We never seem to have a shortage of truck drivers... Where do they go as millions of Americans return to driving and planning summer road trips?"
"You're gonna be driving a automobile that is an electric automobile."
"Just remember one thing: You can stop, trains cannot."
"China has the largest high-speed rail network in the world, spanning over 40,000 kilometers."
"California is the fifth biggest economy in the world and 50 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation."
"Liquid fuels and liquid fuel-powered vehicles are going to be part of the mix for at least the next two decades."
"The NTSB's findings point out that Ride the Ducks Seattle lacked adequate protocols."
"Ride the Ducks Seattle never fully recovered from the Aurora Bridge incident but held out until they finally closed for good, in spring of 2020."
"Bikes could replace cars as the main form of transport by 2030."
"Annual bike sales will run up more than double new car registrations by 2030."
"Come on down to Smile Taxis, where every taxi comes with a smile from me, Tony Danza."
"Statistically speaking, it's safer to be driving on autopilot."
"The holy trinity: faster, less distance, less maneuvers."
"I tell you what, segregated bike lanes is a pretty simple place to start."
"It's a car that you would arrive in, so Fred Astaire would actually ship this around the world to arrive at his movie premieres."
"So if something unexpected like your idiot teenage daughter or son is out in the middle of nowhere at some point you can just go hop in the car and go get them."
"It's so easy to rent a scooter for five dollars."
"It’s going to completely disrupt the freight industry."
"Boring Company tunnels are in active use in Vegas. Try it if you're in town."
"This is one of the goofiest ways to fly but it's stable and super easy to set up."
"The Mark II was truly the pinnacle of land train design: a vast, heavily powered machine capable of traversing huge distances."
"Fully electric buses are going to be the future."
"Electric buses are basically trolley buses with a local power source."
"Now that we have a helicopter, we can also test out a plane."
"Why do you drive on the right side of the road? Because that's the side you're supposed to drive on."
"The train to Vegas is moving forward faster than the high-speed rail in California."
"Yay, flying car! Where he's going he don't need roads, 'cause he can fly!"
"Cyber protection for transportation infrastructure... just as important as having missile defense systems."
"They're about to be taken 200 kilometers north to New South Wales for cremation."
"We have a rideshare partnership where formerly incarcerated people will be gifted gift cards so that they can get rides to and from job interviews and jobs."
"Speed was as important during the era of the ocean liner as it is today; in fact it was speed that even drove the development of ocean liners in the first place."
"A deadly plane crash changes the face of passenger aviation."
"It was a definite full six-car asuno effort."
"A bus driver isn't necessarily there, but we have to know: is he a kind of guy who likes and is able to say, 'Let's go to Paris'? Fine, let's go."
"The future of European Freight transport rose on Rails CO2 neutral and also thanks to the Vectron electric locomotive which is almost completely recyclable and whose modular configuration enables operation throughout Europe."
"The serapium is like this smoking gun evidence for some other form of transportation."
"Americans are now buying into... this concept of shared scooters, shared bikes, shared boards."
"The cost per mile of Transport as a service is gonna drop to 10 times cheaper than individually owned cars."
"Stopping at stoplights, can you imagine how many lives we can save?"
"If I'm not playing or if I'm not working on Roblox, I'm usually like driving somewhere."
"There's only one safe policy for driving, that's the human policy."
"There is a timeless appeal to a classic bike."
"The root cause of the mass formation is the loneliness which in its is somehow correlated to the level of mechanization of the world and the use of technology."
"Captain was a captain and would ferry you across the ocean. Do I think Captain will return? Definitely."
"It's tough times for the taxi drivers, and it's even tougher times now that these rail strikes are gonna."
"New York's subway: the largest single-operator rapid transit system worldwide."
"This is from day one, having a Tesla semi will beat a diesel truck on economics from day one."
"This is the greatest way to get around, so cheap to rent!"
"If you're going to take a large on load, it's nice to have."
"This flying motorbike is no longer a science fiction concept but rather a reality, the Lazarus LMV 496 is the name of the first operational prototype of a flying motorcycle."
"They certainly feel like they could drive anywhere and more or less over anything."
"If you've got lots of people and stuff that you need to transport, you just might be looking at your ideal car."
"I would love to see super sonic travel again very soon."
"I think the best thing that we can do is find ways to get people in the car."
"The tunnel is set to provide faster, safer, and more sustainable travel options for freight and passenger traffic."
"When you design a city for cars, it fails for everyone, including drivers."
"Paterson’s plan was way more original: the colony he had in mind would be entirely dedicated to transporting land cargo from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific one, and vice-versa."
"To book your seat on one of these shuttles just head over to the Mears connect website and choose the reserve now option."
"All the build quality and the ride quality is really good."
"The Rotom bike and Corviknight taxi service are so quick, easy, and seamless that they leave the old system in their dust."
"This truck will actually just drive itself on the highway."
"That puts us at, nearest makes no difference, 24 MPG in a truck."
"The Tesla Semi truck aims to reduce CO2 emissions significantly despite being only 1.1% of the US vehicle fleet."
"We believe in an all-electric future. We're working to a goal where we have zero crashes, zero emissions, and zero congestion."
"Capable of flying, driving on land, and taking off on water."
"The robo taxi might actually be different than we've ever considered."
"I predict a child born today will probably drive in a gasoline-powered car about as often as you would drive in a car with a stick shift now." - Elon
"Because let's face it, who else is going to tell you about the future of transportation?"
"Advances in technology changed communication and transportation in ways that we had never seen before."
"Ensure brakes are within adjustment to avoid fines and ensure safety on the road."
"Rationality, liveable cities, the humble bicycle as transport, if these aren't ideas worth spreading then I really don't know what is."
"Vulcanization made the inflatable tire possible."
"Every single aspect of vanning is improved by having a lightweight conversion."
"The problem is with oxygen in Delhi and surrounding parts because of a transportation problem."
"Starting a trucking business can make a lot of money."
"It was the vehicles that really make you feel like you're stepping into the future."
"Japan's Chuo Shinkansen will be the fastest passenger train in the world."
"Whoever controls the narrative controls ultimately the political outcome."
"Supersonic flight holds immense promise for airlines where it offers a new way to connect the world."
"What do I need to do to get you to understand that this is... I need to get a bus and drive around and go to every elderly home and pick him up."
"UP will have 3,000 km of high-quality expressways soon."
"People will buy great products so you never want to cut the cost to the point where quality falters. You want to maintain quality at all times."
"Wider roads in the center of town would be intended for faster travel, but not in the car-dominated way we're familiar with."
"Instead of the general traffic lanes, we would reallocate that space to bus lanes and separate cycle lanes."
"Interstate 69 would be a superhighway that could allow travelers and long-haul truckers to traverse the middle of the United States with ease."
"It solves the problem of urban transportation... and they're fun."
"It felt amazing to finally have it moving under its own steam."
"Welcome to the Unicorn Circuit, where you hike that's how you get around if you're not in a car."
"The transition to EVs across all forms of transportation will definitely improve all our lives." - Kevin