
Unapologetic Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"You have a very powerful energy... you're very unapologetic about it."
"The game doesn't give a [__] in the best possible way."
"His unapologetic approach challenges prevailing narratives."
"Cuphead: Mischievous and unapologetic, but still a kid."
"We are speaking the truth, the hard truth, without apology." - Vivek Ramaswamy
"Don't worry about it. You know what? I'm not sorry, actually."
"I'm not going to apologize for being successful."
"Never apologize for your success."
"Naturally born to lead and will unapologetically do so."
"I will never apologize for spending money to entertain people."
"I am not going to apologize for speaking the name of Jesus."
"I apologize for absolutely [__] nothing."
"Rebels don't apologize, even when they cross the line."
I love how they own this aesthetic so unapologetically. Like, they do not care that the entire town is like, "What the heck is happening over there?" They are just like, "Yup, this is who we are."
"We push the limits, ladies. We're bold, we're fierce, we're unapologetic."
"Sorry not sorry. I'mma be who God said."
"Stop apologizing, it is what it is."
"He's not apologizing for his art, and he shouldn't have to. Ain't nothing wrong with that."
"If people don't like it, they can kiss my skinny white ass, so sort of unapologetically."
"Ginjo remains unapologetic when it comes to the actions that he has committed."
"I don't want to apologize for anything I spend. I agree."
"We should not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We should never compromise the word of God so that we can fit into this world."
"I like when people be themselves, unapologetic."
"It's unapologetic in its execution."
"I just love how unapologetically glamorous you are."
"You're meant to be unapologetic about your truth."
"It was representing the way they did unapologetically rebellious style and they didn't really care what people thought."
"She navigates the world unapologetically."
"Just love what you love and don't apologize for it."
"I love that about her, her unapologetic ambition."
"No apologies here I am who I am and I'm happy about it."
"Don't apologize for your success."
"He knows what he's doing and he's not ashamed to go ahead."
"I am authentic, unapologetic, driven without doubt."
"I definitely not about to say sorry that's for apologize."
"I will always keep showing up and I will always be unapologetic about it."
"I'm training to be a hero you knew that I will never apologize for saving someone."
"I won't apologize for doing every single thing I could."
"I'm a fan and I like them and I can't apologize for buying another pair of jeans."
"I realized early, early on that like, 'Yo, I'm in for an uphill battle, a lot of resistance because I'm unapologetic.'"
"You are unapologetic. Play with your joy, play with your passion."
"May Allah bless him for genuinely just defending the oppressed and speaking the truth and being unapologetic despite being in the position that he's in."
"I'm a very unapologetic person when it comes to some of the [ __ ] that I personally do believe."
"Never apologize for raising Dragon Slayers in a time when they're real dragons."
"And you can offend whoever you want because you're unapologetic and you said what you said."
"Of course I'm not sorry. It was a delectable murder."
"You've really championed this thing of ours and you've been unapologetic."
"I was just hoping to get her to have a full bin for 2 weeks, the rest was just icing on the cake. Not sorry at all."
"I always try to be super authentic and Unapologetic of what I'm doing and how I'm feeling and what stage I'm in in life"
"I am expressing, not apologizing."
"The game is unapologetic in that regard and I love it for that."
"My last sin is that I'm not sorry at all."
"It was truly unapologetically hilarious the whole way through."
"Karma is real. I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not."
"I'm never gonna apologize for succeeding."
"Don't be embarrassed or ashamed of your desire. Be proud of it, and don't apologize for it ever."
"...you're Unapologetic with your character and you don't need anybody."
"I'm not going to apologize for being successful at this."
"I'm not going to apologize for how people choose to feel about me."
"I'm unapologetic about my love for David Tennant's doctor, so yeah, I am too."
"I love comedies that are unapologetic and they go hard in the paint."
"I will never apologize for picking a career I love to do."
"I don't need to apologize for just liking things for the sake of liking it."
"I think a lot of that comes from the fact that he's unapologetic for his role."
"I'm glad that you're doing it unapologetically."
"I'm not going to say sorry for it. I'm not going to say sorry cuz I feel like I'd be dropping diamonds."
"I'm doing this for me. Why should I apologize for that?"
"Unapologetic, uncompromising, deeply personal yet tapping into something universal."
"I cannot apologize for my passion or for loving my God, my dam, it and my family."
"I'm an ogre and I'm not going to apologize for acting like one."
"I am not sorry for this. I am proud of this."
"Life is way too short to apologize for doing things that you genuinely want to do."
"I need my good eight, nine hours, sorry, not sorry."
"This is a very Unapologetic let's save space for everybody to have free thought."
"Never apologize for the gifts you've been given."
"Laugh loudly and unapologetically whenever you feel like it."
"I've officially turned into that person who uses social media for cat videos. I make no apologies for that."
"It lives and it consumes and it doesn't apologize."
"Let's get straight to the point: I'm not sorry."
"I want to present myself to the world the way I want to be seen, and it's exactly what I will continue to do unapologetically."
"I have a vengeful temper and a photographic memory. I make no apology for it."
"I paid full price for some clear totes and I am not gonna apologize."
"You have to be unapologetic about your standards and about your boundaries."
"It's a revolutionary tale he found the one that would allow him to be absolutely as grim and horrifying as he wanted to be and make no apology about it."
"You don't have to be apologetic about your lifestyle; it's about sending out a message."
"Ambition is doing things, it's moving towards what you want and it's doing it even in a unapologetic way."
"We should always shine without apology."
"Because Jay is so unapologetic, you can't knock him off."
"And we do not apologize for being extra in this house."
"There are so many pumpkins in this house right now, I am not even sorry."
"I love color. I'm not going to apologize for it."
"I would like to apologize for absolutely nothing."
"I'm not going to ever apologize for being me."
"You're owning every bit of it and not apologizing for anything."
"I'm not gonna say sorry for who I am."
"I'm not going to apologize for being myself."
"Just be creative and unapologetic."
"Ain't no apologies over here. Whatever the [__] we say, we pissed somebody off."
"I'm unapologetic when I make my statements about how proud I am to be a Muslim."
"It's an Unapologetic defense of normal."
"I just want to be a lot more unbothered and apologetic about things because if I'm doing something, it's because I wholeheartedly believe in that at the time with the information I've got."
"She is unapologetically comfortable in her skin, her body, and her confidence."
"He is an institution, he's a foundation of telling our stories unapologetically."
"It's really in your face, it's unapologetic."
"He doesn't apologize for anything."
"They're being themselves unapologetically, and that's all they want: the freedom to do."
"Welcome to Disrespectfully with Katie Maloney and Dana Ka, unapologetically we're here to do what we want to do."
"I really wanted to make something that was going to turn people on, but that was also messy and unapologetic."
"It's empowering to see women do that unapologetically."
"Unapologetically Bo Burnham is what uncensored incarnate looks like."
"I love that Joseph unapologetically loves his wife."
"Comedy has always been unapologetic."
"It's goated, I don't care, I'm sorry, just because of how iconic it is."
"We're going to do that and we're going to do it unapologetically."
"I'm gonna say what I got to say unapologetically."
"We're gonna do it our way, unapologetically."
"I stand firm and not being sorry for anything."
"We should be unapologetic about the things we love."
"You're born to inspire, and now it's time for you to live your absolute best life on purpose, unapologetically."
"You are the star, do it unapologetically."
"It's a hall that started with really just really pure intentions and then it just ended up in just wild debauchery, and I'm not ashamed."
"We have to be unapologetically going for the things that we want."
"It is a smoldering, bold, and unapologetic fragrance."
"Jack Johnson was the first so-called black athlete of the 20th century who chose to do what he wanted to do and be Unapologetic for it."