
Digitalization Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Everything is ones and zeros, okay? Literally, the whole way the world works right now is computerized."
"Omniverse has unique technologies for digitalization and is the premier development platform for USD, which serves as a common language that lets teams collaborate to create virtual worlds and digital twins."
"In 2010, the Google Books project attempted something incredible: they tried to collect, scan, and create a digital copy of every book in the entire world."
"Odds are, there will never be an exact figure. Think about that: every book you have ever read or even thought about reading, or literally just saw on a bookshelf somewhere once, is included within that list."
"Digitalization is the foundation of transparency and of democracy."
"What's the value of having all your movies, all your photographs, all your books, and all your documents on your iPhone? That's enough to make Apple a two trillion dollar company."
"Digitalization is foundation of transparency and of democracy."
"Digitizing operations involves processes, employee empowerment, and data management."
"I just find it a lot more convenient to have it all in a digital place."
"The interior is really way different than the previous generation all digitalized you cannot get any analog gauges for example those two new big screens they got some very interesting solutions there for sure."
"The tokenization and digitalization of everything is happening right now."
"I think that digitalization is one of the keys to fight corruption you mentioned and bureaucracy. It happens automatically when you digitalize everything: transparency."
"No doubt, there are some amazing benefits to an all-digital future."
"Central bank digital currency is inevitable."
"It is digitalization with Chinese characteristics."
"The collision of left and right drives further the movement towards digital Revolution."
"Digital products can be really life-changing; they can be super valuable for you and your customers."
"Consider if you really want to keep these physical items or if you could move to something more digital."
"We have been launching a complete digital transformation of the Indian Judiciary."
"Strategy, not technology, drives digital transformation."
"It's no secret that people are more and more moving towards doing things as digitally as possible."
"Creating and selling eBooks... a digital version of a book that someone's going to read."
"Reading newspapers in print at breakfast has become less common, replaced by the convenience and immediacy of digital news consumption."
"I think that if I was to say something about Gen Z and conflict, maybe before looking at queering and at the gender redefinitions, I would think that one of the first things that has changed the conflict is the digitalization of the life of Gen Z."
"I'm not kidding you, it's so funny. Why wouldn't you just do it on digital? Like, why wouldn't you do it yourself?"
"Organizations in every industry are turning to you and your digital capability to help them do more with less."
"By the time our book came out last fall, it was clear that there would be winners and losers in this digital economy. What we didn't know last fall was the extent to which a global pandemic would accelerate the emergence of those winners and losers."
"Digital is more advantageous for the complexity side."
"It is time for us to push our politicians more in that direction and to demand that whatever topic they are talking about, that they keep in mind the merits of digitalization."
"Digital transformation is not fundamentally about the technology, it's about strategy, it's about leadership, it's about new ways of thinking."
"Everything in a digital world goes to zero in cost... blockchain Technology was the one thing that stops it."
"Another digitalization is possible. Let's make it together. Thank you so much."
"Digitalization is not a an end, it's a means to achieve something to achieve common goals like social justice or environmental sustainability."
"Digital efficiency means use the hardware longer, try to repair it, don't buy new, practice data sufficiency, look at your data footprint, and also maybe at times if you want, practice digital detox."
"The idea of converting into bits, to making things digital would fundamentally transform many aspects of human society."
"Everything's digitalized like I couldn't agree more."
"The new millennium would mark a massive societal shift as the analog was replaced with the digital."
"Once it went digital, paper money still had value but it was no longer the only way to buy that dog shampoo or air fryer."
"It was before the world went digital."
"...the world has gotten too digital and it's unhealthy."
"The digital church is here to stay. Please don't abandon it."
"Docker digitalized images are very lightweight minimalistic Docker images."
"And we've gone a step further by digitizing it, allowing us to put ourselves into this fantasy world."
"Your entire life outside of work is mostly digital."
"...the boundary between the analog and digital world is a jagged one..."
"We don't need books now cuz we've got these."
"In 2008, Apple launched the App Store with 500 apps for the iPhone. In its first weekend, 10 million apps were downloaded. Like the success of iTunes before it, this was a key moment in the commodification of digital content and paved the way for future Apple products."
"Our lives have never been more digital, which is a trend that will only continue to grow, and that being the case, we need to be protecting our online privacy and taking internet safety seriously."
"...digitalization. America is getting there but I hear that the UK is ahead in the whole digitalization process."
"It's so much easier to keep thoughts organized and not having to re-review and digitize analog notes from paper is a major quality of life improvement."
"Every airplane you just saw leads to this digitally designed, digitally flown airplane."
"Gen Alpha is the first generation to grow up in an entirely Digital World."
"...with this promise of complete capture and replicability, the shift into digital when we lose nothing or seem to lose nothing..."
"You're not buying things anymore, so the digital scales infinitely, and it doesn't cost the same to reproduce. You don't need supply chains and everything else."
"So we labeled it 100X. Ambitious, bold, aspirational, but it allowed everybody in the company to understand, 'Oh, digital means going 100 times faster.' Well, it's definitely leading. And I can say that very authoritatively, since I work across the industry and the industries."
"It truly is the wave of the future and I think that certainly in my lifetime it will all be digital."
"You could for sure do 10 million, closer to 20 and 25 because what I would predict is both of their companies would start some kind of a digital arm."
"A high-fidelity strong digital identity is essential for any future Kingdom or Empire."
"I think this just reinforced how much digital is critical."
"Now that it's in a digital form, I can actually get inside of it and wander around."
"This is a digital future that is not guaranteed for all of us."
"If you purchase a physical version of any of our books... you will get the digital version for no additional cost."
"Digital products have completely revolutionized my business."
"Some of the companies that end up bankrupt is because they haven't embraced the digital economy fast enough."
"Live experience is going to become a novelty again. We've gone so digital that live again is becoming a novelty. It's a brand-new thing."
"We're moving towards a more digital world and you're going to see more decentralized systems and not supplant centralized systems, but integrate with them."
"Having everything digital, it saved me so much time."
"My grandkids 1 three and five they'll never have a leather wallet they'll never know paper money they will only own digital stores of value."
"The future of work is in the digital world and is full of questions they need solutions."
"We have this new Neo-feudalistic digital land that's being created, and we are actually moving at the moment by default towards the default setting of a small group of very wealthy elites and a large group of people who worked the land, although this time it's digital land."
"What's happened more recently is, well, okay first of all, you don't do brick and mortar anymore, you get to be digital."
"Our packaging is helping connect consumers digitally to product information and promotional content."
"When I look at my member states, the countries that were least digital have really uh traveled very fast to become much more digital."
"The future is global, the future is digital, the future is virtual."
"I never signed with them. They was just foul. I'ma go digital."
"Old school credit cards should absolutely be digitalized."
"This iPad Pro has been really convenient for me. I wanted to go digitally with everything."
"But over time, products have become more digital, they've become cheaper to build, faster to iterate on."
"If you wanted to change the way the dashboard in a car is laid out, well, you could ship an update in a matter of minutes instead of having people stuck with a design for years and years and years."
"People want to interact increasingly through digital channels."
"Every single company I meet... they will have a program or some form of digital programs running in the companies."
"Sending it over the Internet allows me to send it instantly anywhere in the world whereas you can't do that with cash."
"Your digital copies are gone, fun you know they got their checks they got paid."
"At the heart of this public health system, a digital public health system, is the public. That's you and you and you and me."
"The freedom to roam, meet, fall in love, and all of that has never been more shattered and separated and digital and soulless."
"Bitcoin appeared in 2009 and gave us digital gold."
"What the hell? No wonder if everything from ordering food to boinking has gone online."
"And importantly, in this era that we're living in, they are placing a high emphasis on building out their digital platforms."
"Transformation is happening at the operational level, which is okay. I transform my processing at this tactical level, I can transform to digital."
"A digital model of the procurement chain creates ability to quickly respond, it gives you flexibility."
"That's the problem these days, is with the adoption of the internet... and other stuff coming out there and exposing everything that Disney Vacation Club is not."
"Digitalization is about learning and improving."
"...remove points from books entirely, put them only online."
"We should be able to build kind of a hybrid model where you could take traditional money and express it as a digital currency."
"USDC is like uploading your dollars to the internet."
"...we must embrace digitalization completely but not put lipstick on a plague."
"I don't carry any cash of any kind anymore."
"I love a journal, even though I actually did digital journaling these days."
"Yeah, I think the future is a lot more digitalized."
"...so much of our world has moved to online..."
"Digital and sustainable need to go hand in hand. We're trying to measure the footprint throughout the value chain."
"We have to start where we start, but digital infrastructure then does allow us to disintermediate, disaggregate, and dematerialize a fair portion of the economy."
"Digital infrastructure is still infrastructure."
"This is the time to build a democratic digital convention."
"The idea of bringing an idea into the physical world is a concept that we've largely lost in our digital existence."
"By definition is a digital replica of a physical product process or service so you take something from The Real World and you replicate it digitally."
"Everything digitalized as for this display here, these two displays two times 12.3 inch digital instruments."
"What can other countries learn about managing this digital transition?"
"Nintendo, I'm saving the environment by only using digital codes."
"The more digital we get, the more ritual we need."
"As the world is getting more connected and digitized, I'm delighted and very optimistic about it."
"That’s fine, because it makes sense to use digital money in our digital world."
"We may end up needing a very different kind of digital ecosystem in general."
"You can access your medical records online."
"We're going analog to digital, converting photons and audio-visual data directly to DNA with no mechanical or electronic components."
"Digitalization is the future; there will be less paper and more remote work."
"What is decentralized finance? Well, it is actual finance and economics in a digital world, disintermediating these horrible lot right here."
"We can only achieve that when we go and digitalize."
"The key to logistics is reliable, verifiable, and digital information."
"If you make your processes excellent, computerize them. Connect the digital and the physical world and take people with you."
"Digitalization seems to be the next game-changer for the global economy and therefore logistics."
"It's eco-friendly because you have thousands of magazines all in digital form rather than paper form, so it's really good for the environment."
"The digital availability of information should be a positive thing for democracy."
"We need to think through what the future of the digital economy looks like."
"With digital, we're bringing the clinical trials to participants with capabilities like wearables, remote tracking, and telehealth for an enhanced experience."
"We bring in digitalization to help, to support the people."
"We need to get all the people that contribute to a project... to begin to think in this digital way."
"Everything will be digitalized; people will only know the game of numbers."
"I think as the world moves more and more digital, the demand for like these one-off experiences like hey let's get out of the house and go do something, I think it's just gonna keep going up."
"Every Indian wants to make this country a digital India."
"Technology has significantly improved where customers now have the ability to transmit their orders electronically to us."
"More and more of human experience will be within digitally constructed worlds."
"The true game changer: the digitalization of our brain opens up unheard of new possibilities of control."
"The entire election process is fully electronic, not a single paper to be casted."
"Tokenization just says take anything of value and create a representation in the computer that tells us at any given moment who owns it."
"The internet has changed how we do things; everything that was once done manually now has its digital counterpart."
"You can't live that way because the world has gravitated so much towards a digital world."
"Every industry I know is being shaped by digital information."
"A system where we don't use physical money anymore is not hard to imagine, and might be in our near future."
"The Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us. This is an era in which new technologies enabled by digitalization are driving profound social, political, and economic transformations."
"People are underestimating what digital ownership means."
"What is technology becoming? Are toys not gonna be toys anymore? Is everything gonna be just like digital?"
"Use the card catalog to determine what records are available online."
"Everything that we see happen in software digital media is going to happen to these physical products."
"It's like having a library of books that you're carrying with you everywhere in a digital form."
"A digital firm is a firm in which nearly all of the organization's significant relationships are digitally mediated."
"Everything is so commodified and digital now that just the few things left in the world that you have to do in person, like reading a book and actually like holding a pen, it just feels good to rewind and experience that sometimes."
"The UK has now committed to accelerating the implementation of digital assets."
"What Omniverse is, is to help companies that build physical things to do everything digitally first."
"Banks really have to strongly go towards a digital transformation."
"3D printing is a more efficient process, a more definable process, a more digital process."
"Mobile finance services sector is one of those trailblazers that have contributed greatly to the fulfillment of the vision of digital Bangladesh."
"Everything's digital and we can often watch it during the show, which is kind of fun and saving trees."
"Paper money can't exist in this digital world, the currency got to change."
"...we wanted to create a digital cultural atlas of the Susquehanna Valley."
"I've been thinking about this recently, is that books now we have it digitized right, but just like books in general and the ability to write, it's so beautiful because you can condense a whole lifetimes of wisdom into a book."
"It's that drive to create, it's that drive to connect, it's that drive to digitize."
"The world would be digitized. And with that understanding, it became clear that every industry would be disrupted, and it would be very deflationary."
"Go digital when it comes to taking notes."
"We're coming to a point in society where industries that are essential to human needs... are now colliding with digitalization."
"These transformations are being driven by India's technological expertise, accelerated adoption of digitalization, invigorating entrepreneurial spirit."
"I like everything paperless because I can keep up with my notes in a folder on my iPad and literally take it everywhere."
"I never thought I'd be able to digitize an entire design so easily."
"You can save a lot of space when you're organizing storage areas by going digital."
"We are getting more and more online every year, media is getting more and more digital every year."
"Because even as our world gets more and more digitized, we still have plenty of traditions that we've held for thousands and thousands of years."
"Over the last couple of decades, our lives have been digitized exponentially."
"The world is changing, more digital, more technical."
"Digitalization will benefit and empower humanity if it is accessible to all our peoples."
"It's really the integration and the hybrid nature of everything that is physical and digital."
"Good quality information is digital, searchable, accessible, accurate, and useful."
"It's important to remind ourselves of this, especially today with big pushes in digital transformation and high-velocity organizations."
"Sometimes when something gets so clean that's done digital, I feel like it can get too sterile."
"Digitally, I think moving forward now, we must embrace it."
"We're becoming more and more of a digital society, and that trend isn't going to stop."
"Everything's online, so there might come a time where cash is no longer needed."
"Everything is digital, aka software's eating the world."
"Otoy's work will allow generations to experience my father's contribution to humanity with the greatest historical accuracy possible."
"Digitally manage the employee onboarding process to streamline your business operations."
"In digital circuits, all real world entities, that is the ‘Data’, will be converted to binary numbers."
"No physical cards are issued, offering further cost savings for you as a retailer."
"Everything's done online these days, you know that."
"Digital is an unprecedented opportunity for us to be able to address and to personalize services to the seven billion people living on Earth."
"There will be a digital representation of all physical assets in the future."
"The shift from traditional to digital reading isn't just a trend; it's a revolution."
"Everything is being digital twinned... a digital twin is simply a virtual view of what you have in the physical world."
"It's also a digital inventory example because Lincoln Electric has gone through this process of creating a digital design for these parts."
"By going 100% digital, we're giving up all sense of privacy."
"It is tech to bring back the analog paper into the digital world."
"We have a full digital cluster now with different layouts, looks really amazing."
"The future is incredibly bright when it comes to this digital militarization space."
"Everything physical is going to be tokenized to where the ownership is put on this blockchain."
"Analog to digital conversion is converting an analog signal to something the processor can read and understand and manipulate."
"We want to be the digital brain for business enterprises."
"It's essentially a digital asset management application that provides a convenient way to organize and preview your files."
"We have the virtual microscope in which you can do an acquisition like digitalization of all the specimen with a very high resolution."
"The Arduino multi-block signal system has been improved and is now almost 100% digital."
"Mathcad should be getting more and more popular with the push to go paperless."
"Imagine a country where 99% of Public Services are online and everything can be signed digitally."
"If you've got something that you have hand-drawn or something in your sketchbook that you're looking to amp up or turn into digital art, you can bring that along."