
Responsiveness Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Tekken 8 is the most responsive Tekken game in series history."
"This ability to respond to the immediate context, that is so important for wellbeing."
"The key to putting balance in your parenting is being appropriately responsive to your baby, knowing when to say yes and when to say no, and having the wisdom to say yes to yourself when you need help."
"The game developers are even actively implementing things that address my criticisms already."
"Give the guy credit, he is out there answering questions."
"Principled power that's responsive to the population that it serves is the best you can do."
"We need to have the capacity in this government to act rapidly."
"The nature of infinite intelligence is responsiveness, a response to all men."
"I'll keep them coming as long as you keep asking me to."
"We need to be vigilant, subtle, adaptive, and responsive all at once."
"To me, customer service means four things: outstanding service, superior products, making the customer feel valued, and also, rapid response times."
"Now is the time... we're gonna respond to each other and to life and to our planet differently."
"Obedience to the Holy Spirit is not just about how clearly you hear him, but about how quickly you respond when he speaks."
"We've really looked at some of the top hitting items in terms of what customers said we'd like to see some improvement in."
"I love getting your comments and I do try to respond to them as often as possible."
"Hey, man, sorry I didn't respond; it's just that I don't check my notification here."
"No problem, if you have a good question, I'll try to give you a good answer."
"Responsiveness is crucial. Do not build layouts or websites or UIs that are not responsive, that don't look good on mobile devices."
"They actually did respond to my email in just 2 hours... 'Happy to replace or refund right away. Thank you and look forward to your response.'"
"Always answer an email if someone cares about me that much."
"One of the greatest indicators that a man is serious about you, is not in what he does on his own. It's in how he handles your expressing of feelings and concern."
"Are they actually listening to feedback now though?"
"God moves to people that act and respond to what he told to do."
"People aren't really looking for traditional one-to-one inputs. They're looking for something that feels nimble."
"If my servant takes one step towards me, I take ten steps towards him."
"We usually do more work by eight o'clock in the morning, as most of you know, because you start calling us usually around 5:00 a.m., and we try to respond to emails and phone calls about 24 hours a day from you guys." - Ms. Sanders
"I called on all 50 states to take action and all 50 states answered the call working with us to make that program more flexible."
"God is not an ironclad dictator, but a father who is responsive to the needs of his children."
"Congress deserves credit for moving quickly."
"Unbelievably responsive, more so than any I've ever seen."
"Responsive means responding to the size of the user's device, which is so important."
"Your UI is waiting for that change, and when that change happens, your UI will change, like it's reacting to it."
"Attempts by the Democrats to recast all of American politics in terms of January 6 are likely to fail."
"Anytime there's any notable event online, Pornhub's like, 'Fire up the analytics, let's get down to it.'"
"You keep asking questions, I'll keep answering them."
"I'm loving the gameplay responsiveness, it seems to be very responsive."
"They listen to feedback, they're open with communication."
"This is weird it's like responding to everything I say we can be fun sometimes let's embrace the weirdness together."
"It's how to be a better more integrated person so that you could be in the world and not react to what was going on but respond the way you wanted to respond as a whole person."
"Every single motion you're going to see, every tap gesture, everything is gonna seem very very real, responsive, and more direct."
"Throughout this glorious history lesson, we've learned that legislation is often decades behind when addressing these problems."
"These analog sticks themselves are almost exactly like what you would find on a Nintendo switch they are nice and responsive."
"Thank you very much for your feedback, hopefully you feel like we've taken it on board."
"Most African Americans are where Glenn Lowery's paper sort of has outlined the problem I think we have is that black political elites for some reason are not responsive to the will of black folk."
"Responsive design: making your website perfect for all devices."
"We take their concerns very seriously and what we are doing in the ministry right now is a human resource review."
"I think you've acted quickly, swiftly, and with good measure."
"If we make a mistake here or there, we've always tried to listen and make it better."
"The gameplay is responsive and lightning fast the combat as a whole feels impactful and satisfying."
"I think it's a little bit of the writers and the creators kind of hearing the fans' complaints, the fans' anticipation and impatience with the situation, and addressing it."
"Investigators immediately followed up on the witness's tip."
"I always really appreciate a survival game where you ask for something like 'man this game really needs this' and then as you play the game like the next day or you know the day after that you find out that it's in the game."
"They're actually listening to the community not doing what the wild team did and say no this is how we designed it this is how it's supposed to be played."
"It's devastating. So here's what I did: when I saw that order come by March 19th or March 20th, I said, 'Listen, I understand...'"
"Combat needs to feel responsive, not floaty."
"It's a live ball, we're going to have to do that."
"Sugar Shan always responds - that's what makes him so damn good."
"Revelations 2 showed they were 100% willing to listen to fans."
"If God calls you, pick up the damn phone. Hello. I'm listening." - Lady Gaga
"We need to make sure that the Labour Party responds to that effectively."
"So, we're really trying to make sure everybody gets their comments and questions and emails answered."
"Let me know if you have any questions and I'm happy to answer them."
"Zoning demand mechanic is more refined and responsive."
"I'm just answering your question to the best of my ability."
"I don't think that there's a whole lot of argument about the fact that Twitter is far more responsive now to most people's inquiries than they ever were before."
"The acknowledgment about things that they haven't done right or they acknowledge when people are disappointed and say yes you have a point and we're going to fix stuff, which is super important."
"They have listened to us and have worked hard to make these changes."
"This team is honest, they have been responsive late at night, early in the morning and they have thus far been doing everything that they can do."
"Shooting feels fast and chaotic and nice and tight and responsive."
"You've got to give the people what they want."
"Your game will feel a lot more snappy, fast, and responsive."
"You want to talk to us? No worries, whatever you want."
"We heard your feedback... we are gonna make continuous improvements."
"It sounds different, does it feel better, more responsive?"
"It's bright it's versatile it's punchy it's percussive it's very responsive too."
"But when Zelensky himself was asked about it, he was actually much more receptive."
"A simple, quick, and effective optimization to reduce input latency and increase FPS."
"Make the game feel way more snappy, more responsive, and reduce micro stuttering."
"The responsiveness... very snappy... top of the line unit."
"You can feel it through the responsive brake pedal and you can definitely feel it through the quick and agile steering."
"If I make a bad decision quickly, I can also make a decision quickly to get rid of it."
"We hear you. We know those seeking our services need and deserve this commitment."
"I ended up contacting Eugene's son via Twitter asking him for an interview and he actually responded saying he's interested."
"Intel claims a 2x increase in overall responsiveness."
"I think they actually listened to the feedback."
"Listen to that, look at that, and take action."
"Let the market-generated information come out and tell you what to do."
"Sam's movement is very responsive and a lot of the time realistic."
"I found the dynamic mode quite good because gives you a little more throttle response."
"When well-maintained, the stick has an incredible responsiveness and range of movement."
"Every time you give him that command, he goes deeper and becomes more responsive."
"And if you do have questions that I didn't get to, I'll try to look at the questions as well."
"What about being selfless and actually replying to the eight people, you just posted an hour ago?"
"The driving experience is just how pleasingly light and crisp... it's really an effective aha moment."
"The BRS community often answers within minutes which is an awesome tool."
"Next steps for combat: focusing on responsiveness and fluidity."
"I always expect a little bit of delay now but you're not going to get that with a naturally aspirated v8 this thing instantly puts the power to the ground instant acceleration when you hit the gas which I definitely appreciate."
"Mario Kart DS was the most responsive and intuitive Mario Kart to date."
"Thankfully Subaru has done a really good job at tuning the CVT to be responsive."
"We are very quick to figure out how to capture inspiration from innovation."
"The best thing about that entire thing is that they act Bungie actually responded very quickly."
"It felt actually very very fluent very responsive so I was I was I was happy to see that."
"If anything else comes out about this, we'll reassess it."
"They could actually come out looking a lot better if they said okay, we've heard you, we'll reconsider this feature."
"The gunplay is solid, it's tight, it's very responsive."
"Good communication is key. Reply promptly and address feedback."
"Teclan is really actively listening to their community."
"Y'all say something to me I'm going to give you the time."
"The attention there and then just some quick references when people request for stuff."
"Girls are very responsive. They will never let their friend down if he or she is in trouble."
"He's literally encountered situations in the past where as soon as it was brought to his attention and he was made aware of it, he fixed it."
"Everything from combat to just moving down a hallway feels more Snappy responsive and satisfying."
"Every single comment that somebody writes, you need to respond to."
"I'm gonna get Jesse a better microphone. I got one for him and we should rectify this sooner rather than later."
"The Quran emphasizes God's responsiveness to humans."
"You see those little changes get made because of the feedback that the community has given us."
"We're reading your feedback, we're already making improvements based on it."
"This is a highly responsive monitor in all regards, perfect for competitive gaming."
"Be sure to check your emails, I even put the text on the screen because the last thing I want is someone not getting the prize because they responded like a day late."
"I've been impressed at how closely the developers are listening to feedback and quickly addressing any issues the player base may have had with the game."
"Let me get back to you...Great, let me get back to you."
"It is likely that if your question isn't answered in this video, someone else will have asked a similar one and it will have still been answered."
"Love the fact that while we're in the open the dude started shooting at us and we didn't hesitate."
"It answers a lot of the questions you see repeatedly asked of me."
"God wants you to hear His voice. Be sensitive to what He's calling us to do."
"Can you hear me good? Good, good, good, you guys are responding okay."
"It's just instant instant feedback I like press the button and it fires immediately."
"The SCUF triggers are crazy fast with almost no travel at all when pulling it."
"The fastest screen on hand raise you can get on a smart watch."
"If you have any questions for me at all I'll do my best to answer them down below in the comment section."
"Now whenever I do pull off just a little bit I can feel it I notice it I'm in tune with it and I and more importantly guess what I know exactly what I need to do I get it back."
"Creating a mobile responsive design is essential for a better user experience."
"If you have any questions that didn't get covered here, please by all means put them in the comments below and we'll do our best to answer them."
"It actually feels pretty good out in the real world. When you put your foot down, the CVT is very responsive."
"It really felt like they listened to feedback."
"The smoothness that you get from the display can oftentimes make it feel more responsive than a phone that, while it, yes, has a lot more power on the inside, doesn't have that fluidity on the screen."
"You gotta know what those little things are and know whether to ignore them, pay attention to them, or respond to them."
"Blizzard seems to be listening and responding."
"Listen to what they're saying and give them what they want."
"For gaming, input lag measured 22 milliseconds in game mode on the Sony Z8."
"The universe is answering you like a beautiful birthday gift."
"You're making that decision and right away the universe is answering you."
"Now while gaming on the laptop it was fantastic with no ghosting very responsive great experience for high fast paced gameplay."
"Cars handle well enough at any speed. They've got the weight, they're responsive..."
"All you can do is answer the questions they put in front of you and Dan got answers questions put in front of them he answered them."
"We become much more sensitive to the things that happen around us."
"I try to follow what you guys are saying and your interests because I want to put out videos and stuff that you guys are going to like and that you'll get value from."
"At least Valve weren't too stubborn to ignore player feedback."
"We answer every mail, whether it's snail mail, email, Twitter, Facebook, whatever."
"It's amazing the way that people can respond so fast."
"Follow up with your leads within five minutes of them being generated could completely change your business."
"Tony Stark's required to think fast now because of the fact that the suit itself responds to Tony Stark as much as it responds to Pepper Potts is really kind of like a like a redundant system."
"We can move from reactive behavior to responsive behavior."
"I give them credit for listening cuz a lot of times movie studios and developers for games and publishers don't listen."
"If people need me, they can speak out, reach out, say something, and I'll still be there."
"It just feels really natural and the game overall will feel a lot more punchy and responsive when you figure out key bindings."
"AVPU scale: A is alert, V is response to voice, P is response to pain, U is unresponsive."
"The Bible is there to teach us how to hear things and respond."
"There's little moments like that sprinkled throughout all of Kainang that make it feel very reactive."
"I think it might have been the fastest I ever responded to a DM."
"As soon as you hit the paddle within a split second, I can already see the tack change and we're into the next gear."
"We're gonna add a transition on all properties."
"We want to be able to react quickly to balance."
"Instead of taking a year to fix it, it could be fixed in two to three weeks."
"I'm gonna give the people what they wanted, not just what they needed."
"I mean everything about this is really so much of a driver's car... it just responds to your input so well, does everything you want it to."
"It's pretty sharp and direct... really responds well."
"So gaming may feel a bit snappier on the Samsung."
"I'll have to take a look and circle back for you."
"You can't adhere to a plan blindly when life throws you a curveball here catch it, don't duck."
"Be sure to sense even the slightest change in your environment and respond as necessary, whilst always remembering your ultimate goal."
"All of the buttons are very responsive actually. There's a nice snap to them."
"Every poke and swipe will immediately register here on the Red Magic 5S."
"I'm glad you did that, Broden. Good instincts, good reactions, good job."
"It's so responsive, I just played Assassin's Creed Valhalla before this."
"Whoever says Roger doesn't listen to his audience, believe me, I do. I listen, I know you guys want it, so here we are."
"Twitter is always the best way to actually get a response out of me."
"There's almost no delay at all when it comes to actually sending the signal from your mouse to your PC, which is very important when it comes to eSports."
"Players really respond well to... making this a player choice."
"She's very much like, 'Talk to me I talk back.'"
"People aren't waiting to report, and that includes mainstream."
"The steering is instantaneous, it does what you want it to do."
"Biden's slow-footed response on abortion was just the latest example of a failure to meet the moment."
"They answered every base, they came up with a great plan on every base."
"I'm doing what you guys told me to. I'm listening to the chat."
"It would take his representative almost three years to say that they believed Alice after we contacted them last week."
"Shouldn't businesses adapt to meet the needs of their customers?"
"Our God is a God who responds to our prayer."
"You're a human being who can respond and the difference is the respond means to positively react to appropriately react."
"He took the advice of 'take a beat, take five beats, listen to the question, and then respond.'"
"It's like after years of us badgering them to fix things they're actually like hey maybe our customers might know something."
"The way the engine feels is a big step forward it's much more responsive and exciting and just glorious to listen to overall."
"Twin flames are highly responsive to one another's energy."
"I'm here to just be honest. I'm here to take your opinions and thoughts about my products and make them the best that they can be."
"I received a call about my availability standards sort of stuff. Can I attend same day if they have a late cancellation?"
"This takes your inputs and does exactly what a car should do in response."
"Transitional justice must be credible, inclusive, and responsive to the people."
"For a very quick question and based on how quickly this has been able to provide an answer I think this is actually pretty good."
"When God calls your name, respond: 'Here I am.'"
"Their customer support is impeccable, it's absolutely unbelievable."