
Societal Challenges Quotes

There are 851 quotes

"I think it only gets harder to find someone who is authentic."
"The commodification of social life makes things harder to be poor."
"The fact that it's such a loud conversation about mental health is a spotlight on the fact that we do not know how to build deep, meaningful relationships."
"There's this asymmetry here, and we have to recognize it."
"The country has not failed; it has been failed by those in governance."
"Thanks to advances in science, we actually have more tools than ever before to help us better manage the difficulties that we're facing."
"The stakes couldn't be higher...we're facing...sociological and ecological collapse."
"The preservation of our communities is the largest challenge we face today."
"It's unbelievable, isn't it, because I think that there's a low level of mental health problems amongst young people because the pressure they live under."
"Being a black woman is just... it's hard, it's hard to deal with."
"People need to be a lot more internally driven... we have a really hard time in society with people facing and overcoming any type of adversity."
"Systemic racism isn't like people being casually racist; that's not where the vast majority of the issue comes from."
"America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad because it's gonna put up a fight."
"Does some of this depend on who profits from what is this just about our inability to see great dangers in slower motion?"
"Gen Z is incredibly anxious compared to other generations for many very valid reasons."
"With more freedom comes more problems, of course, but that's one of the trade-offs we make for freedom."
"You can agree that there is still more work to be done to get women on a level playing field and point out what's happening to men and boys."
"Staying out of the pleasure trap is perhaps one of the most difficult things people do in our society today."
"In recent years, we've seen a lot of attention given to quarter-life crisis stories as financial precariousness and bleak world news have made hitting adulthood for Millennials and Gen Z uniquely challenging."
"We live in a dark moment and have to confront the fact that we're in an internal sort of cold cultural Civil War."
"For the majority of the millennial and gen-z generation, the rule actually seems to be downward mobility."
"This is a very unforgiving time, this is a very uncharitable time, and I don't know how a society can sustain itself with a complete lack of compassion."
"We know we cannot continue to go in this direction. We also know that we don't have a recipe for figuring out how to correct our course."
"The real challenge lies in combating the culture of greed, bigotry, ignorance, and intolerance that permeates the United States."
"Life as a man is exceptionally difficult... born without value, society doesn't care about you."
"If you don't avoid the central issue, you might have to talk about uncomfortable things and consider the possibility that all of your solutions are destined for failure."
"Our society is in the early phases of facing a mental health plague on the scale of the black death."
"Every person with a uterus seeing the Supreme Court deleting their bodily autonomy, every trans kid being kicked off their sports team or out of the bathroom, every gay kid being outed by homophobic teachers, and queer kids in general watching as their states again and again take away their rights, they know the battle is happening."
"This is going to be hard for us as a society, this is going to be hard for us financially, but I have every confidence that we will get through this together."
"Let's all make it to the end of the year. I'm seeing more and more stories where it's the entertainers, the rappers, it's kids, it's parents. We're going through it out here."
"Creating a utopia is incredibly difficult when humans are naturally greedy and self-serving."
"The solutions to racism are an extraordinarily complicated net of political, social, economic, and legal challenges."
"The world can be a hostile and uncomfortable place for women."
"All the major problems of the world today are global problems."
"Economically, financially, socially, there's going to be a huge storm coming, and when that storm comes, people are going to come together."
"Our chief problem is a perfection of means but a confusion of aims."
"The truth is that white privilege doesn't act according to quantifiable segments; it's about the degree to which we are willing as a society to grapple with the ideals of freedom, justice, and equality upon which it's based."
"If you free a person after a whole long time of oppression and say, 'Now you are free to survive,' if you have no skills, if you have no quantifiable means of existence, what you have done is liberated them into oppression."
"The problem is, society has not fully accepted trans people yet. They get questioned more than anybody else."
"Our greatest challenge is to address the roots of distrust and fear, prejudice and hate that undermine the foundations of our union."
"The unprecedented challenge that we find ourselves in demands that we all address the issue of the day."
"Look in Australia as I mentioned earlier now having problems at the moment sure but you know it's extraordinary what they're able to do."
"It is time peaceful people were free to take on the challenges we face."
"If it doesn't solve these five, it won't be a society."
"Sometimes it seems that the side of justice, the side of truth, has all the problems."
"History demanded courage from many, and we are no different."
"Black women ain't got no stockholm syndrome you know what I said we don't been through words, these sisters out here strong strong."
"When it's still aren't seen as equals to men, it's really hard for a lot of people to become open to."
"This is exactly the moment in our history when we need serious adult conversations about the world around us, a world that is changing to our detriment and how we ought to respond to those changes."
"Good politicians should force us to confront our myopic views."
"It's going to make it harder for victims of domestic abuse to come forward."
"God only knows what the impact will be as all four of the horsemen of the apocalypse are on the march again."
"It's just a matter of how much trouble these people and the American people dragged along for the ride are going to have to go through to get to that point where America is going to have to find its place."
"Stopping it is not a gentle or painless process. Culturally, we are approaching, if we haven't already reached, a terminal state, which means we have to be all the more aggressive."
"People want easy solutions to solve problems... and like the fact of the matter is, there are no easy solutions."
"Men are more likely to die at work more likely to die of drug overdoses more likely to go to war and die for the country more likely to commit suicide more likely to be homeless."
"We need to face the possibility that you know until the end of this country um black people might never be equal that's impossible."
"We need to put our stupid differences aside guys because it's [__] coming man."
"All the crises we're facing unfortunately can't be solved at the level of family or local means."
"We're kind of stuck either way you go but from a deeper point of view it reveals a very high degree of vulnerability."
"I actually see more problems for men right now and men don't have a lobby especially little boys."
"These are dark days, dark times for our nation."
"The future is bright guys I promise you as long as you don't fall victim to these things."
"How in the world can a mother wait 30 days before reporting her child missing? These are the trials that challenge the legal system and ourselves."
"We're not playing with the same deck of cards."
"Should it keep trying to find something new, to fight exceptionalism with exceptionalism, or can unexceptional solutions work for unexceptional problems, even when they happen in exceptional places?"
"Honestly, I don't think we have to live with this at all."
"Evil is a very tough thing to fight because most people, once someone identifies something as evil, it's usually done."
"I'm done with the system, it's got the system has been hidden from us."
"How do we get to a level where we're really in this together?"
"It's just not fair being a black person in America."
"The core ideas of the American experiment are now under fire."
"What's changed now is that the institutions are no longer prepared to deal with the fallout from violence."
"The human cost of economic crises: jobs lost, futures uncertain."
"We have to figure out a way to care about the survival of another human being."
"Men are struggling in the classroom, in the workplace, and physically." - David Brooks
"This is the new dark age, guys, so just get ready."
"It's very hard because a lot of young people happy are being misled."
"Why isn't Black Lives Matter out here in South Central Los Angeles dealing with the crips and the bloods? They're killing each other."
"We have a rough road ahead. This is a fundamental crisis in our country."
"It's rough out there right now for sensitive people."
"There's not a lot to laugh at in the world right now, but damn it, we have got to at least try to laugh at something."
"We can either eradicate the cancer or continue treating its symptoms until the cancer wins."
"Unless we have that conversation, as we've seen in Vermont, in Los Angeles, New York, and Wyoming, and all over the country, the problem will only get much more expensive and much worse. This is societal decay, and it is a choice."
"If the world's richest man cannot oppose these forces, who can?"
"This country, this world can never stop resilient people. And we all will push forward and forward."
"It's not like oh man the levee's held and was over with yeah it's great to levy sales great government put billions into it but there's a whole nother calcification that's that has happened that is making it unlivable for us."
"To be honest, I don't know if race relations will improve in America, but I know that if they will improve, we have to take these challenges on head on."
"Maybe Ken Langone came up in the Golden Age of capitalism, but where things stand now in late-stage capitalism..."
"There is no law that you can set up that will not be abused."
"The only way we solve these challenges now is to come together." - Moderator
"Even when you have things that are overwhelmingly popular that the public wants... it doesn't happen because of corruption."
"When there is not enough to eat, people starve to death. It is better to let half the people die so that the other half can eat their fill."
"Historically, we have as a country faced divisions in conflict like this before."
"Every society on Earth has difficulty integrating people from a very different background."
"We've got to figure out a way to do this as a society or we will fail."
"This is the greatest wake-up call ever because ultimately the biggest enemy you got is your own mind and the laziness of not thinking it out and getting together collectively."
"It's kind of like saying when we're fighting for the soul of America, don't you feel like we're kind of fighting for the soul of America?"
"We don't have a collective cultural mission. It's so weird."
"Rose, Oro, or Akira because they are not out yet and we haven't even really played with Rose ourselves."
"Life inside n months, she's carrying back to work cuz the family she's carrying Society don't give a her just do but she prevails and Stand Tall a champion a true woman but nothing compares to all she do."
"However, there exists an issue that outstrips all the others combined."
"Maybe Rogan's got a point that these are just weird times, maybe we'll get through them."
"Our whole existence as black people in America is fighting bigotry and hatred."
"Democracy is a man's scarcity born of filth and fire."
"A social dilemma cannot be allowed to become a social catastrophe." - Tim Cook
"Navigating the online space as a Muslim can be very confronting."
"Mental health is such an important thing to talk about especially in the music scene because it's really not spoken about that much here it's sort of a taboo subject in the music industry."
"The problems for men are deeper more complex... exists on the grand stage of ubiquitous technological interface designed to consume your attention."
"Being a citizen in a democratic republic is supposed to be challenging. It's supposed to ask something of its citizens."
"It's scary to be a citizen but it's a good time to be a comedian."
"Life was probably never going to be easy for Lorina Hill and her boys."
"If we can't figure out what's true... then we are in serious trouble."
"The American Dream is becoming harder to achieve."
"It's going to be a rough few months for all of us."
"I don't think the answer is in the blacks and whites, there's so much more gray, and it's harder to explore gray and that's why we struggle."
"It's always been tough for black folks, and what we saw is just the start."
"These systems are not easily engaged with by the men who suffered from them the most."
"It's not that I think covid itself is so bad... What is terrifying is how badly placed we seem to respond to challenges of this kind."
"The hostility of the hour is going to produce a purifying and unifying effect."
"In our society, communication is not the first choice when a problem occurs."
"In these challenging times, remembering the cost of what came before is as important as ever."
"The most difficult part about being a witch: acceptance."
"Being black in America is hard, it is. We have to work harder to be seen as or be close to equivalent to our white counterparts."
"These conflicts we're facing... they'll never go away."
"It's that type of thing we're all going to be getting to. We're also going to have to be forgiving the people that went very extreme with it on both sides."
"The struggle of 'Return of Godzilla' is not only in defeating a force of destruction that has suddenly returned after decades, but in a country trying to remain strong when caught between the world’s superpowers."
"With some gay men in Tony's world behaving in self-destructive ways, perhaps we can't really say that the problems of being gay in Britain have entirely gone away."
"Don't be afraid to speak your truth because even though people think that they can take it they can."
"In the real world there's corruption at every level... there is no superheroes going to save the day."
"In the midst of a pandemic in the midst of an economic meltdown for working families in the midst of a great struggle regarding systemic racism and police brutality."
"Most people in the world are good... even when put in tough spots the vast majority of the world."
"People advocate for mental health until they see it. This whole mess was exposing the ugly side of mental health."
"Systemic racism isn't just an idea, it's a real thing."
"The economic fallout from these immense human dramas defies calculation."
"We saw that with January 6th and we saw that in the lead up to January 6th and how we navigate questions not just of freedom of speech but also accountability for incitement of violence."
"Everyday life has come to present itself as a succession of crises, not necessarily because it's more risky and competitive than it used to be, but because it confronts people with manageable stresses."
"Heartbreaking sentence: 'It is painful for me to realize that youngsters growing up... have far less chance of rising economically, educationally, or otherwise.'"
"The New Republic’s struggle to emerge from a devastating conflict, the political gridlock and instability that followed, the bad hand it was dealt, we’ve seen these sorts of things time again here on Earth."
"Morality is for individuals, but it's getting very hard in a society with an increasingly strong interfering state."
"With white supremacy in white America, there is no black person on this planet that will get enough 20s to take care of their student debt."
"I worry about our ability to come together and continue to see common ideals as a nation."
"Change is hard, and the reality is that our establishment and the dominant people have never really resolved after the civil war."
"The only way to beat back those four horsemen of the apocalypse is to make opportunity real for people."
"We're fighting two wars: the virus and stupidity. Unfortunately, there's a segment of the population that thinks, 'I'm gonna do what I want to do.'"
"The problems we face are nonpartisan; solutions should be as well."
"Accept that you are going to get that criticism... It's the world that we're in, unfortunately, isn't it?"
"We've got to have another level of response at which together we are taking on these forces that are messing with our ability to pay attention."
"We need to have the courage of our convictions and be brave on this. We have to accept some hardship and pain to defend the principles of liberty, democracy, and the rule of law."
"Prayer is our greatest strength in a world that seems to have turned its back against God."
"America's a land of people and an idea that all men are created by God and equal—those are under attack."
"The problem is that the system is structured for us to not get it."
"The reality is if we don't recognize civil rights if we don't recognize individual rights and human rights and I'm afraid we don't have many hopes for anyone we really are up against it now."
"Not everyone has an equal opportunity to access to success."
"The fact that people are starving right now and are scrounging to try to get a $1,200 check."
"We have a fundamental problem in Western societies with multiculturalism and mass immigration."
"This lady is expecting a complete stranger to accept a mom who smokes and her two kids."
"We are all here right now under the yoke of something that I think a lot of us will agree is very uncomfortable. How do we conquer that? How do we overcome that?"
"Just understand that no one's gonna accept you. It's like a white person. There's hatred in people's heart if a white person says, 'I don't accept that.'"
"Every time we get something popping, they find a way to sabotage it."
"The game is sort of rigged against the average person. The only way to really affect something positive and something for the people is for the people themselves to actually get involved."
"The only lot for black men and boys is graveyards and prisons."
"But if you're not in that situation it's expensive and impractical and as you say government's that the ball gets kind of finding creating the conditions that would able people have space for a family."
"This is a moment when we have to establish our values and stand behind them."
"People will tell you we're going through doom and gloom. No, we're going through an exposure time."
"The one thing we are seeing today is these issues are on food security, health food insecurity, health insecurity, things which many people are living with on a daily basis and which we're all now kind of having to come to terms with."
"You're actually going against the grain of society of trying to do right."
"If there's one thing that all Jews have in common, it is feeding you until you cannot breathe."
"But for young people who don't have the decades of all of that. They're in a different place."
"These past few few years have given me a new appreciation for the fragility of our freedoms."
"In societies where race is super important being mixed race is sometimes a very important category and it comes with its own unique challenges."
"Being trans must be harder, considering the suicide rates."
"It needed to be messy to expose just how far we collectively have to go around the conversation of mental health."
"We're in hard times, and it's our duty to try to address that hardship."
"If your government isn't looking out for you when we're facing an eviction crisis and societal collapse, do you ever expect them to look out for you?"
"Show me one incident where white police officers have shot white women, or innocent Asians, or Muslims."
"The black man is an endangered species and it's butts up for grabs."
"We're living in a time where it's pretty hard to avoid or deny that things are about to get really, really bad."
"I thought is a really nice note and as I said if you think like what a hero like this do that there's always evil in the world he can fight evil back."
"Can you handle the truth? Should you know what the true agenda is?"
"Being a straight white man is playing life at the lowest difficulty setting there is."
"Democracy remains humanity's greatest instrument to address the challenges of our time."
"The system wasn't helping, it was rigged against average Americans."
"It's about having context understanding the challenges impacting us domestically regionally and globally."
"Migration is good but unlimited migration creates challenges."
"If you're the most hated out group on earth and you don't even have a grocery store to get your groceries in a pandemic, that's a major issue."
"The stakes are higher than they've ever been, so now is the time to continue taking action."
"It's a population boom and no one talks about that."
"Why it is becoming a breeding ground for anti-nationals."
"We all got choices... we have to deal with this systemically."
"I think this is a reality that we just have to understand."
"The pandemic triggered an increase in the pre-existing Mental Health crisis, further maximizing the challenges for everyone involved."
"This corruption phenomenon manifests itself as a systemic problem that is difficult to completely eradicate."
"I do believe that this film can give us a really unique insight for the challenges that we face in dealing with China."
"The structural problems that the United States faces are so profound that all politics seem irrelevant."
"It is what it is, it is what it is, it is what is, and we have to somehow try to fix the country when more and more Americans are immune to persuasion and immune to facts."
"There are moments in history when more is asked of a particular generation than other times."
"The struggle is far from over. The question of whether our democracy will long endure is both ancient and urgent."
"It's easier on some level to walk through the world as a man than it is to walk through the world as a woman."
"We're just living in a time where when it comes to race and honest public discourse, there's virtually none of it."