
Gender Norms Quotes

There are 576 quotes

"She's always been a tomboy, never been into girly things. She's always been in computers and robots."
"If men are so strong, why can't they help but have their respect for a woman modulated by these conditions?"
"Makeup, no matter what the packaging or marketing looks like, should and can be used by anybody."
"If it takes like a simple packaging with 'for men' written at the end for guys to feel more confident picking it up and trying out makeup for the first time, that is something that I am 100% here for."
"Pink is a cool color, dresses are nice to look at and easy to pee in. The patriarchy got old after a while, but girlhood wasn't too bad."
"There's nothing wrong with being feminine, or not having the objective of ideological manliness in real life."
"Real men cry, and if women can cry, men can cry too. There's nothing wrong with it."
"Being a straight guy, then you loving women should be like a default."
"What's really exciting is that all these lines are just kind of crumbling away. When you take away 'there's clothes for men and there's clothes for women,' once you remove any barriers, obviously, you open up the arena in which you can play."
"The more I thought about it and researched, the more I began to realise that why people are interested in this trope actually says a whole lot about our own ideas of gender and sexuality."
"Biological sex is always going to be a category we have to deal with, you know, for the foreseeable future at least. What I'm against is the idea that some arbitrary hormone washes you received while in the womb should decide a massive category of expectations and behaviors that are assigned to you afterwards."
"My dad prefers to cook and clean, like he enjoys doing it."
"Women are also more highly judged on appearances than men are."
"The emotional expression that's allowed from a guy is weird. Men have the same range of emotions as women but they've been limited in what they're allowed to express."
"Solutions to that problem for many women likely don't lie in 1950s gender norms but rather in meaningful economic and social reforms."
"Tender and loving behavior is never framed as embarrassing or unmanly in his world."
"The classic fiasco on a woman for cheating is much more dangerous than for a man for cheating."
"The notion of sex as impurity, the fact that it's all daughters and no sons, the idea of dressing a preteen girl in something that looks awfully like a wedding dress."
"People aren't trying to force you to not be masculine; people are saying that you can also be a man and you don't have to be the most masculine man in the world."
"My mom always tells me, 'Cher, why don't you settle down and marry a rich man?' And I say, 'Mom, I am a rich man.'"
"Shaving body hair is an overall gender norm that females adhere to but it's not something that can define an individual's gender."
"Don't let that label of man stop you from being you."
"Men are no longer expected to remain stoic; they can express themselves, admit to vulnerability, and accept that in relationships, there are no set roles."
"We need to actively work to stop actively demonizing things that are feminine as being undesirable."
"Ultimately, stereotypical Barbie feels this artificiality too, because like the Kens, she is denied a sense of identity."
"I get why flowers are viewed as feminine, but I also see so many guys in my neighborhood working in their gardens with beautiful flowers. So are flowers really masculine or feminine, or can anybody love flowers?"
"There's no right or wrong way to be a woman, there's no right or wrong way to be a person - well, murder is bad."
"The goal of most of my work is to remove coercive mechanisms that force people to comply with heteronormative gender and family norms."
"Guys are just like regular looking women are fine."
"The assumption that if you stray away from these strict gender norms that automatically makes you non-binary, that is the most backwards thing I have ever heard."
"There is no such thing as eating like a man or eating like a lady."
"See, I don't really vibe with when feminist messages go in the direction of rejecting feminine things like makeup and fashion altogether."
"A key that opens many locks is a master key; a lock that opens any key is a shitty lock."
"Ask any woman, the one thing you don't expect your husband to do when you get married is to continue having a close friendship with the people he knew before. If they're female, it's an insult."
"Men are quite tired of all the double standards."
"Women clearly do not want modernism when it comes to dating."
"The fetishization of femininity is not even unique to media; it's a thing that people in their real lives have to deal with as well."
"because they tend to reinforce the widespread, regressive notion that women in vulnerable, passive or subordinate positions are somehow desirable because of their powerlessness."
"Heteronormativity is the belief or pervading idea that heterosexuality, based on a concept of binary gender, is the norm or the default sexual orientation."
"There is no right way to be a boy or a girl."
"Women, however, continued to be the willing victims of the beauty industry."
"Can you imagine what a jacked up place this is where boys forgot what it is to be a boy?"
"Ladies first is how courtesy works, that's actually facts."
"I deserve a soft life, yeah yeah. God damn it, make soft life equal for men too. It's not just a woman thing, it's for men too."
"We must let go of this notion of masculinity as inherently toxic."
"How many bodies is too many bodies for a girl? One."
"It's almost like we have these high standards for men that a lot of them just can't meet, that are unrealistic at times you know."
"Should we refer to all single parents as women for example? Should we refer to all couples as heterosexual?"
"You don't have to buy into the rigid distinctions between maleness and femaleness."
"Boys should be encouraged to develop socially positive qualities such as tenderness and sensitivity."
"The reason I am so popular and I'm so famous is that there's a large contingent of men who don't want to wear makeup."
"If that man is weak yes you can find your weak traditional man if you're a non-traditional woman."
"It's totally cool if men wearing nail polish should be normalized."
"Happy International Men's Day! What a taboo thing to say as a woman these days."
"Even if it were possible for a male child to in some sense be a girl... in no universe is this boy's behavior indicative of anything other than a normal boy."
"Femininity is always going to be a selling point for women."
"In my opinion, the world would be a better place if we slowly made steps towards delegitimizing gender as a construct."
"Reclaiming anger as a valid emotion can be viewed as transgressive for women, asterisk included."
"Gender is a cage to destroy. By destroying the cage, we free individuals up to more individual opportunity."
"By destroying gender as a concept, not what people can be but just the expectations of people's behavior, we can liberate individuals."
"Women don't generally want to invite you into their hobbies when you're dating on a long-term basis."
"A true gentleman who takes full ownership of his masculinity would actually feel honored."
"We must raise our daughters differently. We must also raise our sons differently."
"It's crazy...if I had daughters you bet your ass I'd let them watch the Disney movies with the princess and all that and wear pinks and purples and be girls."
"Men love to scream from the top of their lungs that they're straight, but at the same time, seeking male validation."
"Women do the hitting thing. That's a big part of women's flirt to me."
"An awakening is underway around issues of intersectionality, sexuality, and gender norms across all industries and art forms."
"Timothée Chalamet marks a milestone in the gender fluid sex symbol's journey from subversive rock and roll all the way to mainstream Hollywood."
"A woman's value is determined by the caliber of men that she can attract and retain."
"The more people de-associate those categories, the less people will feel it necessary to keep up with the medical stuff," a perspective on evolving gender norms.
"If I really love him, I would understand the nature of men."
"So then, should men be allowed to hit women then? No, absolutely not."
"There's no stereotype on what a man should be or what a woman should be."
"Men wearing crop tops comes at a time of shifting dynamics of gender and an openness in masculine fashion."
"Lol anyone mad about Harry Styles in a dress is just mad that he can pull it off better than they can."
"Bama Rush codifies the many incentives behind marrying power and turns them into a long audition to become a handmaiden to patriarchal privilege."
"Youth and youthful 'beauty' is always going to be a draw... there is a neoconservative safety and appeal of these women who are not questioning gender normative gender at all."
"But if you can't keep him, what does it matter? What bothers a lot of women about my show is that it's really common sense and basic. It's just telling them something that men know."
"Girls don't need to wear dresses. They can wear pants and throw around footballs."
"The egg doesn't swim to the sperm, never chase a man. Period."
"If you have a penis, you do not belong in the women's changing room."
"Men still prefer women who are kind and empathetic and warm and feminine."
"Women are going to constantly be pressured to conform to being like men."
"Do not be afraid to shop in the men's section, ladies."
"Scores of high quality men are supposed to be chasing her, hoarding her, offering their hand in marriage."
"Neo-gastonism: women aren't allowed to read, eat lots of eggs, beat the out of furries."
"Men don't want women that have slept with multiple people."
"Get a life... why is it gross if a girl has leg hair or armpit hair or face hair?"
"Dad bods... if a dad gains weight after just being a dad... ooh sexy dad bod."
"We're not as empathetic to boys and men complaining or expressing their hurt, their pain, their feelings, their fears."
"The paradigms are shifting, and I think it's great."
"Normalize the fact that if you get in a relationship, he doesn't have to be making the same or more money than you."
"Typing instruction software was necessary for men who bought computers."
"If we as a society change the way we've raised young boys, a lot of toxic masculinity would disappear."
"It's okay to feel feminine and masculine and wear whatever the [__] you want and love whoever you want..."
"In your professional life it is good to, you know, have that urge to prove people wrong."
"I think guys in general find it very difficult to talk about their feelings."
"What's really sexy about women is to have a strong degree of femininity... why does someone being strong negate her femininity? I think you could be strong in your femininity."
"Look at what we are, we can't have men beating women, it's not normal, like we got to fix something about society."
"Telling me to be ladylike makes me turn that crap way down."
"Every girl feels that. You're kind of crazy."
"You teach boys that their desires are evil or at least that they need to be suppressed and then you paint women as temptations instead of human beings."
"Relearn pink and blue as colors that do not have genders."
"I don't understand men's beauty standards at all."
"Women shouldn't ever approach a man like that. Frankly, if you do, you should expect to be treated like a man."
"Blue stuff for boys, pink stuff for girls. They call a purse for men a merse, or sandals for men mandals."
"Women tend to want a man who is a little bit higher in status than they are."
"To defy the school's reluctance to let children wear shorts, all of the boys wore skirts."
"Girl gamers can exist in 2021 because they couldn't before."
"Women want a guy that's sexually experienced, a guy wants a girl that is not sexually experienced."
"So many men think money is a personality trait."
"The acceptable range of looks for men is broader than for women."
"There's a role that the state itself plays in the softening and the weakening of the western male, and it's not good for women either by the way."
"Pam, you're the cool girl, you're one of the boys now."
"If women are more inclined to jobs like teaching or social working, that's okay."
"For every Kim Kardashian, for every Cardi B, for every girl that was able to sexualize and still get a guy at the end of the road, there's millions of women that failed."
"Men aren't allowed to do whatever the [ __ ] I want."
"It's usually the men who are seeking this out... it's part of their nature and the sharia is meant to fine tune and protect the nature of human beings."
"It's okay to be a man, a heterosexual one, a Christian man, a religious man, a masculine man."
"Our society allows for poor behavior by men but has little acceptance for anything but perfection by women."
"Most women don't respect men they invest in. The girl always has to like the guy more than he likes her."
"Men in general don't care, we could teach you all the things that you need to know."
"People expect men to adopt ideas about sex that align with women's mating strategy."
"Women's shirt buttons are traditionally on the left for a reason."
"Men are allowed to cry, it's not a big deal."
"If my boyfriend just suddenly said I have a girl best mate and like I'm going to go for dinner with her, excuse me, you cannot be friends with the opposite sex, alright?"
"Biology... chemistry... biology will not change... chemistry will not change... men that operate like women... becoming less and less attractive."
"And what's wrong with tomboys and girls that tend to like boy things? I'd pretty sure you know my answer: it's nothing."
"She takes sort of masculine styles and pieces that are normally associated with menswear and brings it over to women's wear."
"Nature is clear: women ought to have long hair and men short. Long hair on a woman is her glory, long hair on a man is a disgrace."
"Gender fear reaffirming care for children is and should be considered child abuse."
"As a future designer, I should say that it's very old-fashioned to think that girls should wear only dresses at Christmas parties."
"Switch the gender in that defies logic sentence and see what happens."
"These feminine masculine labels are just that they truly are just labels and really descriptors of energy dynamics."
"Why can't we celebrate gender non-conformity in boys and girls and men and women without telling children and forcing the belief on the rest of society that the lie that is possible to change sex."
"I think the majority of people who are into fashion are okay with gender bending, like the fact that women's and men's things are very androgynous."
"I think a lot of us men know the people we want to hear this like the women that are being insulting."
"Your dude protagonist is now allowed to have PTSD without compromising his perceived manliness."
"Men aren't encouraged from a young age to feel what they're feeling."
"Men shouldn't be emotional because if you're emotional, it's used against you."
"For men, success is required. For women, success is a plus."
"Why aren't men paying for dates? Because men have started to realize that there's really no point."
"Say ladies first is we want to see the energy."
"Women want equality but how many women want to pay the check at dinner? No, no, that's true."
"Your legal gender implies the existence of a more exciting illegal gender."
"The world would be a better place if the sexual characteristics, behaviors, and aesthetics associated with each sex became disassociated from each sex."
"You can be the world's personal finance expert without ever wearing a suit or being a man."
"Even they know, don't women have the babies? It's the women of the species."
"Guys, something about it being a little pink girly mode makes it so much fun."
"Why can't two men share a woman? If men can do it, why can't women have it too?"
"We can challenge as women how we should dress in the industries where it's predominantly a man's world."
"Culture is in a process of deconstructing... the basic constructs of male and female."
"Girls have a lot of pressure to look a certain way and behave a certain way compared to dudes."
"I believe in gender abolition just so far as uh yeah, let's just take it to the logical extreme and see what happens."
"People really undervalue the stay-at-home mom."
"The point of drag is to break down gender norms."
"If we didn't define someone's life based on what's between their legs, things would be so much different."
"It's important that boys are taught from a young age that it's okay to show emotion."
"Honestly, I think a lot of these guys just don't get or accept or understand that women also like sex. That women also want to have sex as well."
"It's like jewelry for us, the girls get shoes, we get fancy watches."
"Men must unlearn society's definition of a man."
"It's pretty cool when a girl has the nerve to be like, yo, I'm gonna make the first move as well."
"Removing that from packaging isn't erasing women. It isn't taking any power away from women. It is a little bit more inclusive."
"The world would be a lot different if men could cry."
"Makeup was worn proudly by both men and women in ancient Egyptian times."
"Girls don't want to date dudes who earn less money than them."
"It's not saying all men are bad, just that men shouldn't be bad. What's wrong with that?"
"As guys, sometimes we need a little bit of help."
"There's nothing you're a man bro ain't nothing toxic about that."
"It's funny how people are mad at the women showing off but not mad at the men engaging and donating like there's a market for it so who cares if it's not your type of stuff then don't watch it."
"Pete Davidson serving in a dress and or skirt, I'm here for it, I love pee."
"Masculine men are not afraid of competition. They don't mind equality with other people because competition is good."
"Most girls wouldn't be caught dead paying a bill for a guy on a Thursday or if they do they'll never see that guy again."
"Women have put themselves out there so much that it's the new norm."
"There is no law that states a girl cannot play chess."
"The thing about Marilyn Monroe was that she was able to get away with things that at the time most women would dream of."
"It's 2024 and that means we're living in a time where it's acceptable to be a male and to like John Mayer."
"A girl doesn't have to [ __ ] like you. They do not owe it to you to give themselves to you because you're a nice guy."
"Society sets us up to believe that certain jobs are only for certain genders."
"Dudes are valid, dudes listen, your feelings are valid."
"The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we should be rather than recognizing how we are."
"Some women don't show enough gratitude because they expect too much from a man."
"I read this Tik Tok and I'll credit her here. She said that men love to scare women about hitting the wall because they're projecting their own fears."
"That's what this is, a Barbie doll for guys."
"A celebration that to be a boy doesn't have to mean like boys can play with dolls if they want to."
"The color pink doesn't determine if you're a girl or a boy."
"That protagonist feeling doesn't have to be inherently masculine, and if you want it to be feminine, it doesn't have to be traditionally feminine either."
"It's totally okay for a man to cry and be emotional by all means depending on what you cry about."
"Androgyny makes people go the complete 180 opposite of what God has designed the genders to be."
"Let boys be boys in the world we live in today."
"Women are literally not allowed to have interests and that is whack."
"The way to solve it isn't to normalize sex work and it isn't to eradicate gender."
"You as a man, you do have emotions, and you should be emotionally receptive."
"Silvano challenges those ideas, Silvano expresses his masculinity without conforming to the gender rules that have been applied to it."
"Women have not changed, they still want to be talked to and talk."
"The fact that no it doesn't count means that the person requesting to smile it's for them you're you're smiling for their reasons and that's what women go through all the time."
"Being nice is the bare minimum, what's with the men thinking that it's a godsend kind of thing?"
"Why does jewelry have to be gendered like that?"
"Drop those gendered expectations and explore what truly turns you on."
"I think this is more than gender bending I think this is could be the introduction especially from this new generation of letting us know that gender bending as well as fluidity is a thing and really doesn't matter."