
Lifelong Passion Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"As far back as I can remember, I've been enamored with the idea of people being free."
"Hopefully you don't ever fall out of love with it... I know that I am stuck with it for life."
"You guys make an old man feel good. Have followed rocket in space programs since the mid 50s."
"one thing is certain once a racer always a racer."
"As a kid, I thought it was an amazing thing to get to be a musician, and I still do."
"I've been on, I mean healthily obsessed with dragons since I was a little kid."
"So, coming here as a little girl, I was just infatuated with the subject, and I've been hooked on it ever since."
"Dance is a state of the soul, and I hope to dance in some form in my old age."
"Finally, I was like, 'Oh my god, like holy [ __ ], it's real.' You know? And I remember the thought popping into my head, like, 'I could do this forever.'"
"Drawing is my oldest friend it feels like someone i have known and developed a relationship with over my entire lifetime."
"The riff that made me want to play guitar for the rest of my life and do it for a living was 'Through The Never' by Metallica."
"Born inside him at that moment was a flame that would never go out."
"Norman throughout his life has been so fascinated by flight."
"I can’t really think of a time in my life where I wasn’t interested in games, and because of that, there are certain aspects about them that are almost instinctual to me now."
"I started as a ten-year-old, and I made a decision that I was going to be a makeup artist when I grew up, and I also decided I was never going to grow up." - Rick Baker
"Finding that 18th camel in the world's conflicts has been my life passion."
"But yeah, mainly football. I've always been... I've grew up with football."
"It was a time machine for me. It took me back to one of my early loves of pro wrestling for the rest of my life."
"Comedy is all I care about even at this age."
"Most cyclists, all cyclists that end up on this channel... they're in it for life probably."
"Thank you guys for everything. I know you all truly believe in me. It was the exact confirmation I needed, and now I know that food will be a part of my life forever."
"Music was always in my life since I was since I was born."
"Pretty much my whole life I've been into the arts."
"I'm a self-taught painter and I've pretty much been making art my whole life."
"Wrestling fans never left wrestling, if you were a fan of wrestling when you were 10, you were a fan of wrestling when you were 60."
"I actually been singing all my life."
"The love of the sea stayed with him all his life."
"The attachment that you get drawn towards right from the early days is something that never leaves you."
"This has been my passion and my hobby since I was a child."
"Our goal as riders is to make sure we have a good time on the bike for the whole time, through the whole our motorcycling career."
"Snake Discovery is going to be part of the rest of our lives."
"I think still when if I make it to 40 50 year old I think I'll still be involved with motorbikes like this."
"The hunger never dies. Fire for life."
"Bowling is in my DNA. I will be a bowler forever."
"I've been doing this since birth."
"I've been a rock hound my entire life; the second I could walk, I was picking up rocks."
"I first became interested in history as a 10-year-old kid."
"This became my Disneyland, so I had an avid interest in the Civil War at an early age, and it's continued my entire life."
"I've been an artist my entire life."
"I've been an artist all my life. I went to the Royal College of Art in London."
"You're never too old to do something you love. Just get out there and do it."
"I caught my first bass when I was four years old, and I was hooked ever since."
"You're never too young to fall in love with classic cars; it's a passion that lasts a lifetime."
"I just want to create for the rest of my life."
"I have always been a full-time creative. It's just like ever since I was born, I just couldn't stop creating."
"I have always loved theater from the time I was a kid."
"I've been into art since basically I exited the womb."
"I've been doing this for like 40 years, you still get some really neat things and really neat interesting happenings with your finds that you haven't run in before."
"I love pro wrestling. I've always loved it, will always love it."
"I never thought that I'd wind up being who I am with pigeons and having been... I just stayed with the things that I've loved all my life."
"I could not see myself ever falling out of love with ice cream."
"I still do, even at my age, and all I care about is that animals live well, whether they be in the wild or in captivity."
"I love being part of a team. I have been a part of a baseball team since I was 5 years old."
"I've been around horses my whole life, and I can always go back to ride."
"I've been singing my entire life... it was just natural for me to go into music."
"I'm a D and D fan and I will continue to play D and D for the rest of my life."
"I've been doing it since I was 17. I'm now 64."
"I've never been outgrown being a wrestling fan."
"I've been fishing since I was four, you know. It's been my dream since I was four. I've always wanted to become a professional fisherman."
"I have loved horses my entire life."
"I've been doing music since I was six years old."
"Even at the start of her life, Erica knew what it meant to love something wholeheartedly."
"That's the whole goal here, the goal is to drag race for the rest of our lives."
"I've been collecting my whole life."
"It's like being a kid all the time, and you never get old doing this."
"From a very young age, my whole life had centered around music."
"This is what I've wanted to do my whole life, watching people doing visual effects on YouTube, and I was like, I want to learn to do that."
"It's about something that you can do for the rest of your life."
"I'm not going to let it scare me out of enjoying something that I've loved my entire life."
"Your early stuff just informs what you're obsessed with creatively your whole life."
"I've been doing creative things my whole life."
"I still get that excitement before going to a game, like butterflies in my tummy, like 'Oh, what's it gonna be like?' and I don't know why that's never died."
"I am still creating, and I guess I'll be doing that all my life."
"Music would remain his lifetime companion, and there would be a piano in his house even in the stern ‘20s."