
Fan Appeal Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Neo 2 is a better game in every way shape and form one that is not only extremely worth it for souls fans but fans of magnificent games."
"A Dragon Ball Z story without emotion is a very stale story that doesn't appeal to fans who actually love storytelling."
"Sonic's eyes were that infamous green, contrasting from the rest of the design and nodding to Green Hill Zone."
"She's the same in all universes so it makes sense to me that you have her... I mean look at that, come on, who doesn't just love her?"
"You gotta have a robot that looks like Optimus Prime, and that's what this is. It's just really awesome."
"Watching Batman, Robin, and Batgirl team up alongside Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo is everything we could ever hope for."
"Everyone who watched the teen titans cartoon was like wow deathstroke is the coolest [__] on the planet."
"Ronaldo's return demonstrates the unique appeal of this club."
"I think anyone who loves Deadpool is gonna love the crap out of this movie."
"Ali and Harry are a fan favorite of the show. I'm with that. I think that they have a perfect setup for an enemies to lovers trope situation going on."
"Scarlet needs to stay forever. Scarlett needs to stay I want my red ninja lady in every single game."
"I mean, such an incredible character, I think fans are gonna just walk out of this movie wanting more of him."
"Please give it a season two let this [__] breathe because you got gold here."
"Tom Cruise put his life at risk for your entertainment, isn't that special?"
"She's always kept it real from the start, that's why people love her."
"Turtles fans new and old will find plenty of love... prepare to relive your childhood."
"They somehow made a game that's like, 'Oh my god' for long-time fans while simultaneously accessible for new players."
"Anything old in the Star Wars universe is infinitely more appealing."
"This mod is literally the perfect one, and it is exactly, to a tee, what the movie one looks like."
"Spider-Gwen, becoming a favorite, interesting animations."
"Blade, looks great, Wesley Snipes vibe, awesome."
"Carnage, fan favorite, hilarious animations."
"Nintendo, when are you gonna do it? Bring back F-Zero, come on, seriously!"
"The Giant, this map was largely successful and obviously, a remaster of a fan favorite will never hurt."
"He comes out and they're like, well if they love him, do you know who they also like? His brother."
"I think this is going to be a game that a lot of Mario fans are really gonna enjoy."
"Galactus may be one of the most terrifying cosmic entities in the history of marvel comics popular with book readers and moviegoers alike."
"But if you're a fan of games from smaller European studios or just slightly smaller experiences but not quite indie games, we call them AA games."
"This movie has everything: giant monsters brawling, a creepy mech, awesome tech, beautiful special effects, Easter eggs galore, and... mostly irrelevant humans."
"By morphing Flav into a bizarrely modern man, Shea dazzled All Stars viewers and won Boyer Chapman's heart."
"WWE would do themselves a favor if Brock Lesnar was on the show every week."
"Gambit's return to his classic form resonated with people."
"Randy's magnetic charisma and innovative in-ring talent soon caught the hearts of fans."
"Endless props to Mama Michelle. Can she permanently host this show, please?"
"Moxie, infamous for her bodacious looks and innuendos, is a fan favorite in PC."
"Nick Diaz's anti-hero performance carved out a section of the fan base that night."
"Johnny was just a cute emo boy to help him sell tickets."
"I also have a beacon claw shirt uh although I'm wearing the older version so we came out with a new blue version of this one because people really like this one."
"We need another hours just going crazy like bro please bring Andi back and please bring spice back your wives back the people are asking for the return of any inspires."
"These posters are awesome and I know you guys are gonna love them."
"Some movies seem practically engineered for cult status."
"She's being played by the Bear's IO ediberry Jackie Chan is playing Splinter and the movie seems to be bringing back a lot of fan favorite characters from the cartoon."
"Season five is amazing. More of this please."
"People love Legos, people love video games, and people really, really love Star Wars, so why not mash them all together?"
"If you're a professional wrestling fan who loves the art of professional wrestling, Sean Michaels will deliver the goods each and every time."
"The most solid core that appeals to the widest amount of Pokemon fans."
"It's perfectly written and played to appeal to both new and older fans, since classical fans instantly understand what the Master appearing means."
"Number 3, the Seattle Kraken. It's hard not to like anything to do with the Seattle Kraken."
"Please Disney, we need a show of this guy immediately; he's just awesome."
"Hey Sony Pictures, we want Spider-Man back to the real Stan Lee at Marvel, please. Thank you."
"Please love our show, 'Love Siblings.'"
"What are you waiting for, Warner Brothers? Give this big hairy boy his own show."
"I love that they use the movie logo; it's so cool that there's an image from the film on there."