
Buddha Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Hinduism, rather than purging the Buddha, enveloped him."
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the moon, and the truth." - Buddha
"Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have." - Siddhartha (Buddha)
"The statue turned out to be a nine foot tall 18 karat gold rendition of Buddha."
"This is essentially what Jesus was teaching, this is what Buddha is teaching."
"Be like the Buddha, when you can have true internal freedom, it doesn't matter what's happening outside of you."
"The objective of the Buddha's doctrine was not to get rid of pain and put pleasure in its place, but to go to something else which stands as it were transcending these two opposites."
"Buddha is a potentiality within all of us, the seed exists within all of us if we were just to water it."
"Finally, in the sixth battle, Buddha emerged victorious, bringing great joy to humanity."
"The Big Buddha here is covered in White marble standing at 45 meters or 148 feet tall."
"Who is the Buddha? The dried-up dirt cleaner."
"The Buddha summed all of this up in one essential teaching. I mean, if you don't remember anything else from the talk tonight, if you remembered this, it would be enough. The Buddha said, 'Nothing whatsoever is to be clung to as I or mine.'"
"Before he was known as the Buddha, he was just a normal guy like you and me."
"The term cave is rather reductive. These are actually temples and prayer halls famous for their magnificent sculptures and murals which reflect the teachings of Buddha."
"The Buddha says we should regularly evaluate our spiritual path to see whether we're heading in the right direction. You know that you're on this trend going in One Direction, it's kind of really exciting."
"Stop chasing things, stop craving. Finally, clue into what the Buddha was teaching: sit perfectly still, don't try and get something, open up your heart."
"The only way to get the mangoes from trees planted by the Buddha is to sit perfectly still under the mango tree, open up your hand, and a mango will fall in."
"One of the most iconic sights is the Golden Triangle golden Buddha."
"The Buddha has the eyes of enlightenment, of transcendent intelligence, of spiritual intuition, of love and compassion for all sentient beings."
"Buddha is content no matter what happens."
"The Dharma of the Buddha is not dead, it's out there on the internet."
"And, you know, Thich Nhat Hanh said, 'The next Buddha may be the Sangha,' and it seems to me that this is an explanation of how that is so."
"What you find out very quickly when you start talking about the Buddha is how little most people actually understand about who the Buddha was."
"The Buddha saw that practice is not a concern of the body; it's a concern of the mind."
"The Buddha lived 2,500 years ago in a part of India that was very remote, in a part of the world and a part of time that was in many ways as remote from today as anywhere in recorded history."
"All the Buddha's of the three times by means of perfect wisdom have fully awakened to the utmost true and complete enlightenment."
"He was then called Shakyamuni Buddha."
"The Buddha is probably the first person in history to really describe that unconditional expanse of loving-kindness."
"By praying to the Buddha, by offering to the Buddha, by complimenting the Buddha, we are training our mind to do that in our day-to-day life."
"Buddha is someone unconditional, he himself is unconditional, full of loving."
"It is said that this is where the Buddha smiled when he rested during his travels."
"The meaning of life... it's the reason I chose this title because Buddha has a lot to say about this question."
"The Buddha is just this one who knows within this very mind."
"The concept of Guru Rinpoche Lotus born is so special because here we are talking about the Buddha within."
"You can see the eyes of the Buddha looking straight out from the top of the stupa."
"I am not the first Buddha to come upon earth, nor shall I be the last."
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"Finally on a full moon night, Siddhartha gained complete realization and became a fully-enlightened Buddha."
"Each one of us now is just Buddha looking out at other Buddhas."
"A Buddha is a being who has become every being."
"Buddha is a being who has become like that for all of us."
"From Buddha's point of view, we are the same as him."
"Wherever a buddha is, a buddha sees that place as paradise."
"Meeting the Buddha is having that clear, wakeful awareness called 'Budho' - the one who knows, the awakened one, the radiant one."
"This is the best feeling in all of the world, and I'm quoting the Buddha when I say that."
"The Buddha is omniscient, means he knows about lipstick, earrings, football boots; everything is the display of the energy of the Buddha mind."
"All conditions are impermanent; a Tathagata understands this and comprehends it, and then he teaches it."
"Whoever sees Dhamma sees the Buddha; whoever sees the Buddha sees only Dhamma."
"The Buddha followed the path of happiness to enlightenment."
"It's really getting into the presence of the Buddha when you read this."
"Your highest, your most important Kalyanamitta always is the Buddha. He is the one that really matters."
"The gift of humanity is exemplified in the form of the Buddha."
"The Buddha is the enlightened one, the supreme person who by his own unaided effort discovered the way to deliverance."
"The Buddha suffered before he entered Nirvana and attained Enlightenment."
"The historical Buddha is considered to be a human being who attained Enlightenment through his own efforts."
"What strikes you about the great Buddha is the poise, the steady quiet calm of a face."
"By practicing what are needed to become a Buddha and by overcoming the unfavorable conditions which obstruct one to become a Buddha, a person becomes a Buddha."
"Buddha is a psychologist, and that's not a cliche, it's a fact."
"For the Buddha, it's to achieve our incredible potential. Buddha's view about what we can become is mind-blowing."
"And then we visited the temple and we saw this amazing Buddha sculptures, over a thousand there."
"This Buddha is 14 M tall and 46 M long and it's also covered in Gold Leaf."
"He had thus discovered enlightenment, raising him from the status of Bodhisattva to that of a Buddha."
"The gigantic standing Buddha statue here is the largest on the island."
"The Buddha is within everyone and everything."
"Where does Buddha live now? He is right here."
"May your faith in Buddha Dhamma increase and so that you have that confidence to break through the realm of delusions that tend to create our unnecessary suffering in our lives."
"That refusal to become the Buddha is the Buddha."
"Buddha is the light in denial, Buddha is the light."
"Touch not the whole forest of selfish desires, not just one tree only; cut down the whole forest and you will be on your way to liberation." - Buddha, Dhammapada
"The Awakening of Siddhartha Gautama, who was the man who would be Buddha."
"It's a story in life of the Buddha, I would recommend it."
"But belief in Buddha's sincerity can be sustained for life."
"Every sentient being has the potential of being the Buddha."
"We're going on a trip that's in the footsteps of the Buddha."
"The Buddha brings you to greater consciousness and enlightenment."
"He became the Buddha, which means the awakened one."
"To get rid of your desires and achieve a state of nirvana is the teaching of Buddha."
"Buddha never worked a day in his life... all without ever earning a salary."