
Championship Goals Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"I'm really confident that we are going to make it to the finals and win it."
"At the end of the day, if it's about winning championships, why would you not want your players to be the absolute most rested they can be?"
"We are gonna have to get a win at Monaco to be any chance of winning this championship."
"Liverpool will be ultra motivated to win the league next year."
"What can I pull out that no one has seen yet? Because at the end of the day, I want to be that undisputed champion."
"I'm not here to party, I'm here to do my thing on the field and win a Super Bowl."
"Let's do this! Madrid vs. Inter, can we win the Champions League? Yes, we can!"
"I said it yesterday on Twitter I said I can't see away in the next two years that we don't win the title on the trajectory we're on."
"I'm just excited to get in there and showcase what I can do and win that world title."
"It's a fun movie, it's a great movie. And it also happens to be something that can maybe change our culture for the better."
"I want to continue to go and end it with a championship."
"Let's hope that we can win our second championship this season."
"Let's go fellas, Super Bowl! Super, super, super, super!"
"I've never seen them want it so bad and they want it and this is what we do, that's what we live for, undisputed middleweight champion of the world, yeah, bringing the belts back to Texas."
"We're gonna win a lot of championships, don't give up hope just yet."
"Chasing it like I need to become world champion."
"Forget all that, you can play your way into the Cup final, but this is dream team United as it is at the moment, this is our best play."
"I need those guys to hold that second belt first."
"I'm genuinely gonna be shocked if we don't push for the title this season."
"Our goal is to build a winner every year. We want to compete to win a championship every year."
"I want another shot at being simply known as world champions."
"Manchester United is the best it can be, we'll win titles, we know that."
"Whether it's in the bad days or good days, you always understand something more when we're all together. That's where we'll win the World Championship."
"We have a team that hopefully I believe is strong enough to keep us in the championship next season."
"I'm going to be a multiple time world champ."
"Let's just ride, let's just please get our seventh NBA championship."
"The goal for the Sixers is no longer to make the playoffs, it's to win and compete for a championship."
"Would you rather your team be competitive every year but never win a championship or go all in for that championship at the expense of your future?"
"Ronaldo still has it and we're gonna give him the happy ending that happy ending would be winning the Champions League one last time."
"LeBron still wants to win, he realizes that part of his legacy is how many championships is he going to win."
"Jimmy wanted to be surrounded by players who were just as willing to compete for a championship as he was."
"Looking to get his third championship, the demi god himself."
"Manchester United is about winning trophies."
"Kobe will now try to bounce back from this loss to win his fourth title."
"I want all the records, I want all the belts, I want all the records, that's what you understand. I'm driven and it's my destiny to win both championships."
"That squad can win the league if it's got the right coaching."
"Let's win ourselves a championship this year!"
"We have three years to win the Stanley Cup, might as well go for it."
"Hopefully, can flip some of these guys and some nice trades, do well in free agency as well and find a way to win that Stanley Cup next year."
"Let's go ahead and win ourselves the NBA title this year."
"You can miss in the middle rounds draft some bus late and still win the championship but if you miss early that really, really hurts."
"I feel like we have a really good shot to repeat as Stanley Cup champs."
"If we come into the season thinking anything other than winning a championship then our mindset is wrong."
"Only three more games to be European champions, you can do it!"
"Let's win the championship, man. Let's win the championship!"
"Valentina who just wants to be insanely active as a champion are you hoping to be kind of the same way and just fight as much as possible?"
"Let's defend this title, man! Let's defend this title and make it to the Super Bowl again."
"Teams like Chicago win the Stanley Cup, it's realistic for year number one."
"He's got to get them a championship this year."
"We are going to knock off the back-to-back champions with a really similar team to the team we started with, just a couple role player moves." - Commentary on team success
"We win in seven and take on our third title of the video."
"If we don't get Sancho, Grealish, center back, and striker, we're not challenging for the title."
"Ultimately, that's the kind of mentality that players are going to need to win championships."
"Can we end the 10-year rebuild with a three-peat and win our fifth title in the video?"
"We started the Miami Heat to win the championships."
"Now go and win the league, now go and win the Champions League, now go win the FA Cup."
"Consistency is the name of the game... That's how you end the year with three or four championships."
"The ultimate thing for me was to win championships."
"So if your goal, LeBron, is to win championships and you'd like to take advice as Kanye said from people more successful than you, then yet, Kobe would be somebody who is more successful in that."
"We're one holding midfielder away from a team that I think can win a title."
"It's one thing to make it to pros and race the pros, it's another thing to be a champion."
"I guarantee if you solve this you will get the most incredible sense of satisfaction."
"The tear down part of a rebuild is the easy part. They weaponized their cap space."
"His sole purpose, the only reason Juventus bought him, was so that he could win them the Champions League in three seasons."
"It is wicked athletic to be on the verge of becoming European Champions in the big dance."
"Let's freaking do it! There it is, the Champions League ball and the trophy!"
"We will win the Premier League again. We will win the title again."
"It's our last game, and let's send them out with the damn ring, a chance to play for a national championship."
"If I'm trading picks, I'm only doing that if it makes me a legitimate championship contending team."
"Top four's in our hands at the moment... solidify top four, win a trophy."
"Just the thought of going into World Finals with the idea that it's winnable."
"We are here for the competition we are here to be champions."
"We can get to the Champions League final and go all the way this season."
"When you get a chance to win a world title, you go into a place where now you can affect people beyond yourself."
"Finally Champions League Bound in season number six and there is no reason why we can't have a good run at the Champions League let's give it everything we've got."
"I'm trying to have an undisputed linear heavyweight champion, the baddest man on the planet."
"There's no moral victories at the University of Texas. You play to win national championships."
"Let's go ahead and win the championship at home this time."
"Our objective in today's rebuild is to not win the Champions League once but to see if we can go back to back for the first time in rebuild history."
"Let's see if we can win ourselves an NBA championship."
"I'm fighting to become a four-time world champion in four different weight classes."
"He stood in that ring a year ago and he told the story of his father and the title that was taken away from him and what it would mean to his family to be the one to finally win it. Here we are one year later and the time is right for Cody to finish the story."
"In my opinion, if you're the Lakers, you should be going all in on trying to win one final championship with LeBron."
"...it's a deal that you make for two years of championship equity, that's the concern, what comes next, we'll see, we'll see how he ages, we'll see how he looks, we'll see what the money situation is, blah, blah, blah, we'll see how many years he wants, the whole thing."
"I believe this year we will fight for the championship."
"You want the prestige of being called a major champion."
"This is a team that plays for championships."
"Every college football season begins with everybody hoping to be a national champion."
"He's working as hard as he can, and regardless whether you believe it or anybody else, he believes that he is going to be the champion."
"The standard at Hopkins is not what we did last year; the standard is winning National Championships at this place."
"I'm not gonna say I'm in love with him... but he's entered the 'are you going to win a championship or not' realm."
"I love the heart that I saw in this team, the drive that I saw with this team, the determination to win a championship and get back to the Super Bowl."
"I'm gonna win a big title, the biggest title."
"...people play in the NBA to try to win championships."
"It's a title or bust year for the Celtics."
"I'm going to win the championship."
"If you win this FA Cup, that means that all of a sudden all the young players will be experienced and we go on to fight for the league titles."
"You're going to go get the best players in America that you think can help you win a championship."
"He's a man of purpose, stayed in Virginia for four years, he wants that national championship."
"It's all about winning the race and getting the maximum amount of points to try to put yourself back in the championship."
"I'm just focused on being a championship caliber athlete for WWE."
"Basketball is a game of sacrifice and roles; we're a team trying to win a championship."
"If we can sort like just improve on certain aspects of our game from last season, there's no reason why we can't be challenging for not only the championships but for the cups this season."
"We're all measured against that rivalry game and winning championships."
"Ozzy Open look motivated, they are here for those championships."
"I want to be somewhere that gives me the best shot of winning the Super Bowl."
"We've put in the work, we know that we've had a ton of fun along the way, but obviously that fourth title, that's something that we're gunning for and something that would be so special."
"We resolved to get back here and we resolved to go undefeated and we resolve to win the state championship."
"Everything is about the same goal, and that's winning this championship."
"They obviously have the talent to win this championship."
"I want to become a world champion, I want to solidify myself as a champ."
"You might win a few more championships like that."
"We don't want to lose, we want to win the Cup every year."
"2023 national champions, I'm talking to you right now boys, put that in the bank."
"Eventually he's going to win his title and then this will all be put to bed."
"To win the championship, you know, I've been so close the past couple years, I'm ready to get over the hump and get it done."