
Sighting Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"He goes outside and he sees it. It's low and it was actually all over newspapers the next day."
"The first experience I had that really shook me wasn't an abduction, it was a sighting."
"I think they really did see something quite real, the Farmington Armada."
"A sighting they only discovered after they reviewed the footage."
"Many people have seen UFOs. Rarely do they report them."
"Did these kids really see Bigfoot or was it something else?"
"The 2006 O'Hare International Airport UFO sighting occurred when 12 United Airlines employees and several witnesses reported seeing a metallic saucer-shaped craft."
"Frosty the Orca, three-year-old Orca Pure White hanging out in Newport Beach, how cool is that?"
"I have no idea what it was, and if I had to be honest, I'd say that it looks like a mix between a man and a wolf."
"A group of red, green, and yellow UFOs have been seen flying over Deception Island for 2 hours."
"It was a white orb, rather large, and it shot straight into my line of vision, then moved in a few circles and shot away."
"I was just gazing out, looking up at the sky when I saw what appeared to be an unidentified flying object."
"We are 72% sure that we saw a UFO."
"It was bright and bobbed back and forth, changing from a yellowish color to a transparent green hue."
"The unidentified flying object is said to have hovered for 10 minutes in the air before it suddenly vanished without any trace."
"Bigfoot in Ohio is a very possible thing. And like I said, I saw what I saw."
"On the night of October 4, '67, a UFO was seen to hover over the waters of Shag Harbor, tilted to a 45-degree angle, and descended rapidly to the water's surface producing a flash and the sound of an explosion."
"I've never seen anything like what I saw that day. The more I replay it in my mind, what happened, I'm convinced I saw a Bigfoot."
"A typical Bigfoot sighting reports a large bipedal, vaguely human-shaped animal."
"She does exist, people! She's even got her snow boots on."
"People that do Clemmy report they see a soldier walking the grounds."
"This is probably the best footage up to this time of the so-called Loch Ness Monster."
"I do believe what I saw was a dog man."
"I saw it right in front of me with every rock crunching step it moved left to right directly outside that window bobbing and twisting its head trying to get a good look inside."
"He saw a UFO and he had no reason to fabricate that story."
"What's very positive about this sighting is first off it is of an angel."
"There’s only one thing scarier than a ghost sighting: a ghost sighting you."
"How big was the object? I would say they were probably smaller than these jetliners that come in and out of Sky Harbor. And they just appeared to be, you know big balls of light that just hovered in the sky very slowly."
"Several passing by the memorial building after dark have reported sighting a female apparition that wanders the halls sometimes with a lantern in hand."
"a remote Pine Forest in Suffolk was the scene of the most significant UFO sighting on British soil"
"Oh, I just saw a spout. I just saw one. Yeah, there's a bunch of spray. Unfortunately, my telephoto lens didn't arrive in time for this trip to be able to capture these whale sightings, but it was so amazing. We had never seen so many sprays at one time."
"There's a demon thing standing in your kitchen."
"This thing just disappeared. Next thing you know it was directly behind us mid-sky and it shot directly upward back up into the sky."
"There it was, a Bigfoot was standing about 15 yards in front of our truck."
"It was one of the creepiest and weirdest things that I've ever seen in my life."
"I swear, I saw one, like, I was completely sober, riding down the road, and I saw something that looked really odd. I mean, I'm not gonna say that I thought it was a UFO, but it... The way it moved was not like something that I'd ever seen move in the sky before."
"Since it was published, there is little to no information about this event. A creature is spotted leaping in the woods, and its very long arms and legs tell me that maybe this isn't a hoax or anything of sorts."
"To this day I still do not have an explanation for what I saw."
"He insisted what he saw that day was a Bigfoot."
"In a peculiar twist, the deceased man's brother, Mr. William Richardson, reported seeing him at 10 p.m. that same night on Balm Street, a place filled with childhood memories."
"I know exactly what I saw. It was solid, sitting on the side of the loch on solid ground."
"'I was out behind the caravan, and it was a clear, moonlit night, and I happened to look up, and suddenly I saw this tremendous tall person running along the crest of the hill.'"
"...what he saw on this day, and what was trailing him, and what had caused the woods to go quiet around him, was none other than a Bigfoot."
"He saw what he described as this massive cat-like beast crouching at the topmost step."
"A very similar shadowy, horned, cat-like beast had been spotted by others in the same area."
"While on a routine flight over Papua New Guinea in 1972, soldiers from the Australian Air Force spotted an unusual object lurking within the greenery."
"I'm pretty sure I saw some kind of Fay creature."
"I believe in aliens, bro. Okay, I believe in them. Bro, I've seen [__] in the sky, bro."
"He swore he saw a person back there, from what he could see, a very pale lanky person."
"Was this a prank? Did they really see something?"
"I saw a full body apparition of a soldier, wearing only what I can describe as a dark button-up uniform and a flat style hat, holding a rifle over his left shoulder."
"I seen something out there that terrified me. He's like, 'Oh, well, I just seen... I haven't told anybody about this but I seen something myself as well.'"
"It takes three entities to make a sighting: the sighter, that which is cited, and whoever makes the sighting accessible to the public."
"No one will ever know what Frank really saw at Loch Ness."
"That was the only time we saw one."
"Liberty Ohio was there Gary sighting?"
"I saw exactly what I saw and that was the back end of a large wolf-dog thing that basically had its eyes level with mine while I was in a patrol truck."
"We just saw another Bigfoot, we just had another Bigfoot encounter, like a legit sighting!"
"The sighting has reignited interest in the search for Bigfoot."
"It seemed as if he was walking in lost circles, until he caught a sight of the lone figure standing in the shadows."
"One significant sighting by an individual named Mr strickler described the Mantis man as tall transparent with a small head and long thin arms."
"One of the most remarkable occurred on December 26, 1980, at Bentwaters, an American airbase in England."
"Sightings have come in as a steady stream and it wasn't until 2016 that he was officially declared dead."
"Tonight yet another sighting by our pond my wife and I were at dinner and as we arrived home about 8:30 p.m. a large fast gray and silver light brown covered and fur Bigfoot darted from the bushes in our front into The Cattails in our pond on all fours."
"Seth had been riding down the countryside of manura Ohio when he spotted what looked to be a large bipedal creature with brown hair running through a clearing on a hill about 50 yard away."
"...the ghost of John Hossack himself has been cited walking at a relaxed pace around the property..."
"This large black shape appears out of nowhere and just kind of swoops down."
"Loch Ness monster spotted again, this time on drone footage."
"The shape captured by Maver's camera bore an uncanny likeness to a plesiosaur, a sea creature from the dinosaur-dominated Mesozoic era."
"A freshwater fish native to the Amazon was spotted on the Kalos Saachi River in Cape Coral's JC Park."
"The first sighting was made by a guy here on holiday, so I saw it in our local newspaper."
"That was the first and last time that he saw what he believed to be a Bigfoot."
"In 1934, the monster was spotted by CB Green Street, who described seeing a creature about 100 ft in length with the tail extending roughly 30 ft."
"I've started to see from my peripheral this black figure peer out from behind a wall while I'm in the kitchen."
"For 6 hours on the morning of the 20th of July, there were at least 10 unidentifiable objects moving above Washington."
"I saw a UFO flying over Vegas, the Grand Canyon area."
"I'd love to even have a name for these things because to this day I still have no idea what I saw."
"The object looked like it was engulfed in some orangish reddish plasma, almost like what the surface of the sun looks like close up from space."
"After exchanging testimonies, we believe that we saw the same thing. The only thing she brought up was that she believes it could be was the Mothman, which fits the description of what she and I explained."
"He went into more detail and described it like a large black triangle craft that kind of hovered over the park and then just faded out, as in it just went translucent and disappeared."
"This sighting definitely happened."
"I see what looks like a literal naked man running full speed on all fours into the woods."
"I have no doubt in my mind that what I saw was a Bigfoot. This thing was huge, easily around eight feet tall at least, and built like King Kong himself."
"There was definitely a ghost in that house... I saw a white mist in the threshold."
"He saw a creature that some people would say was a Bigfoot with a snout and a tail and backward bent legs."
"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was an enormous figure, standing upright on two legs."
"It looked at me with these red eyes."
"Walter M. Silkey, a witness traveling along Route 20 in West Granby, glimpsed a creature resembling a panther."
"'What the hell,' left my mouth almost instinctively as I realized what I'd seen."
"'You didn't see that,' I said, my voice was shaky, tinged with fear."
"I saw something running quickly across the field. It looked just like the wendigo paintings I've seen."
"We both saw a mother-effing werewolf-type creature exit a neighborhood street and calmly run it in about four steps across a four-lane road."
"I saw something across the clearing by me that I just can't explain."
"...reports from residents in the area saying that they had seen a strange object in the skies at around the same time that the event occurred."
"This is the one place where people specifically see a very tall shadow figure of a man."
"I truly believe that I've seen him."
"I still can't explain just what the hell I saw."
"Somewhere just off St Simon's Island at the mouth of the Ultima River they saw a creature that was estimated to be 70t long and 8 ft in diameter."
"Westall is still one of the biggest unexplained UFO cases in Australia and it's Australia's largest mass UFO sighting to date, that's what it is."
"So she titled it 'Bigfoot sighting near Port Renfrew.'"
"That leopard sighting at the end... it was mind-blowing."
"Lonni Zamora would soon find himself at the center of the best documented UFO sighting on record."
"We both saw Bigfoot walking across the road."
"Let's go, let's go! I had one foot in the car, and then as I looked up, I saw the outline of a figure move slowly to get behind a tree where its face was obscured."
"My Bigfoot sighting happened in the Sam Houston National Forest."
"Saw Jesus chugging a dart, five out of five."
"The only thing I have seen that looked like this is the descriptions of Bigfoot."
"I never thought I'd be writing in again about another sighting, but here I am."
"I saw a human-like figure standing hunched over looking directly at us from the top of the mountain."
"They were coming down this road... and all of a sudden, they caught something big and hairy on two feet running across the road."
"The disc-shaped metallic craft is visible, emitting rays of light towards the ground where a man and his dog are gazing up at the luminous object."
"Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot, reported seeing nine strange crescent-shaped objects flying in a V formation."
"I saw what I saw. I saw the White Walkers."
"Do you believe you saw something out of the ordinary on that evening? Yes, a creature."
"The investigation found that a local lumberjack likely saw Welden alive."
"Christmas Eve we saw a guy that looked just like Santa at Home Depot working."
"The Min Min light is often white in color but may cycle through several other hues during the course of a sighting."
"To see the ship is said to be a terrible omen for those that look upon it."
"I saw something massive and stark white walking on two legs into those trees."
"Dad and I saw a UFO or something... there was a huge, very bright light blinking off and on in the sky."
"The first Spirit sighting was Kobe's birthday... all we could see was a silhouette of a young woman standing over him."
"I caught a glimpse of a large hairy creature lurking in the shadows; it was Bigfoot."
"I saw what I can describe to you as a black saucer or stealth."
"It looked like a very pale human on all fours crawling on the road."
"Lonnie's case remains one of the most compelling UFO sightings by a police officer to date."
"This looks like a ghost. It is the ghost."
"I am a hundred percent convinced that what I saw was real and it has not been documented before."
"It was a bipedal dog-like creature, roughly six feet tall, reddish-brown fur, and standing on its hind legs."
"I swear to you that I saw something move away from one of the second-story windows."
"A perfectly round reddish-orange sphere appeared on the horizon over the Nantucket Sound."
"What I saw next left me dumbfounded; maybe one hundred feet above me was a circular object that emitted light in its center."
"We saw what we believed to be a Bigfoot."
"It looked almost like the Patterson sasquatch."
"How about that alien just flying over that American Airlines flight the other day in New Mexico?"
"We were so lucky, we got to see some dolphins."
"We had our first whale sighting on this leg."
"We saw something walking upright, covered with gray hair... the creature stood between 7 and 8 feet tall and had very large eyes."
"I'm a ranger in Yosemite National Park; I believe that I've seen what people refer to as a real-life alien spaceship."
"I told her what she had seen was a Bigfoot."
"I know what we both saw that night was a Bigfoot."
"We know what we both saw, and without a doubt, it was a Bigfoot."
"I saw this thing that was 7 to 8 ft tall, covered with hair, walking up the mountain."
"I swear to God, there's one time I thought I saw a UFO, like not the UFO, like an actual spacecraft."
"...after seeing what Sam pointed out, I think we very well could have seen The Moth Man off in the distance."
"What I saw could not be explained for it to be a person."
"A ghostly face has been seen looking through that particular door."
"That was fantastic, what a sighting!"
"The Unexplained Apparition of a woman in a flowing white dress can be seen floating eight to ten feet above the stage."
"I know what I saw and I still stand by it after all of these years."
"I know what I saw was not a bear."
"When Elizabeth arrived at the hill, she saw a spacecraft that looked like a rotating disc with a stationary dome in the center."
"Hundreds of witnesses have claimed to see who they believed to be the spirit of Sir George Mackenzie."
"He said he had just seen a Bigfoot."
"I am not a liar, what I saw was a Bigfoot, period."
"I saw Santa Claus in that sleigh with Rudolph at the front."
"You'll never convince me I didn't see that."
"It's so strange to finally see a mysterious being that so many of us have seen but not even a photo to prove it."
"A pale figure can be seen passing by the TV."
"It was just the normal fields and tree lines of Indiana until there was a bright vibrant red oval-shaped ball of light."
"We could see it was very tall, at least seven feet high, and the width of the body from front to back was thicker than a man suited up in football gear."
"About 150 yards above him was a silently floating huge black triangle."
"It looked like a clear gelatinous blob in the shape of a human, a very large human."
"That's what I saw, that's what I saw, it looks just like it."
"I think there's a very good chance he saw something, and it was the briefest of glimpses."
"I swear I just saw a shadow figure move out the corner of my eye."
"What an incredible sighting that we've had this afternoon, she's really been a special, special cat."
"It's very special sighting to see that night or even during the day around camps."
"It's good to see a buffalo because I can't remember actually the last time we saw one."
"We obviously had the most amazing sighting in terms of our leopard family."
"This is a tornado warning with a large and extremely dangerous tornado that has been spotted by multiple people."
"We actually have reports of a special sighting that I don't want to share with you just yet."
"...the first sighting of the brown lady was in 1835, and the photograph was taken in 1936."
"I have seen a ghost as clearly as I see you."
"There is always a chance of seeing them."
"A strange light in the treeline; the witness described it as a craft, it lifted out of the trees and took off into the darkened sky."
"Bigfoot, yes Bigfoot, a real live Bigfoot. I saw them."
"Standing about 60 yards in front of me was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen."
"I think I've just had the best elephant on a vehicle sighting of my life."
"Turning around, he was amazed to see a saucer-shaped craft parked in a field about 100 ft away."
"I saw this huge brown hairy man-like creature running up the hill after us."
"I saw these triangles flying over my house, like there were literally three triangles in a triangle formation, no lights, no sound."
"It's not every day you get to see a UFO."
"I think that was hands-down the best sighting I had."
"I saw Miss Olivia Rodrigo with these eyes right here."