
Ocean Life Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Dolphins are in the ocean and get to go fishing for a living."
"The giant squid is the thing of haunting dreams. Like, I can't watch those deep ocean documentaries. They are terrifying."
"Belugas are the good Samaritans of the ocean."
"The ocean is now filled with sea creatures swimming bubbles and a little otter named pascal."
"Gentlest creatures manatees: These creatures are the gentle Giants of the ocean."
"Let's sail to the tropics and swim among the corals."
"They're big, dangerous, legendary creatures lurking below, waiting to strike."
"Sharks aren't that scary, okay? They're just as scared of you as you are of them."
"Life on the open ocean: the wind in your hair, the salty air in your nostrils."
"Oceans have an unending cycle of predators turning prey and prey turning into predators."
"Life on the open ocean is a contrast of highs and lows, a reminder that in the ebb and flow of emotions, we learn resilience and embrace the unknown."
"We are a family of six who call the ocean our home. We feel incredibly blessed to be doing this life together as a young family."
"The mammal evolved backwards into the ocean."
"Before the arrival of industrial fishing the ocean was full of life."
"Life under the ocean is actually one of the best things ever."
"Life on the ocean was going to be much more hostile than he had anticipated."
"Life finds a way to thrive even in the harshest places of the ocean."
"Fauna is greatly diverse, and a unique opportunity is present within the subtropics for ocean-dwelling creatures to make landfall more easily."
"It's our dream to live by the ocean and have a beach view."
"One of the coolest fish in the ocean, that is for sure."
"It really was a privilege to share the ocean with those creatures, they are so special."
"Finding joy in the simplicity of living on the ocean and all the things we discover along the way."
"The seahorse is the unicorn of the ocean."
"It could swallow prey half its size and surpass nearly everything in the ocean in terms of speed."
"The colorful cuttlefish with its toxic nature and vibrant displays represents an incredible example of the diversity and ingenuity found within the ocean's depths."
"For millions of years, life in the oceans evolved according to its own laws and created fascinating creatures."
"...it's been demonstrated that certain ocean predators like sharks, for example, can detect scents as diluted as one part for 25 million."
"AJs are one of the hardest fighting fish pound-for-pound in the ocean."
"Tired of living at the bottom of the ocean? Using a revolutionary technique, you can convert sunlight into food."
"The oceans are teeming with beings you have never seen or heard of before."
"Seaweed is green, the ocean is blue, no one creature in the sea gives better hugs than you."
"By 2080, jellyfish may be all that's left in the ocean."
"I'm an ocean guy. The older I get, the more I'm an ocean guy."
"It's hard not to be in total awe of the size of something like that living in the water."
"Makos are often called the cheetahs of the sea or falcons of the ocean."
"The world's oceans will be rendered inhospitable to all but the most resilient of sea creatures within two to three years."
"Ride the manta, you could see his stripes but you know he's clean."
"The most diverse range of species within the ocean decides to congregate."
"Being by the ocean has really been a big part of my life."
"Many experts believe that given the vastness of the ocean, it would not be a surprise if some pretty large animals still remain undiscovered."
"I would prefer to be on a yacht in the middle of the ocean."
"Life is the ocean today, I don't want to go anywhere else."
"It's a great vibe being out on the ocean, whatever it is, sailing or motorized, just a great feeling going around coastlines."
"They're 200 million years old, those are living fossils that we put back in the ocean."
"Just by taking one look at the frilled shark, you can't help but think that it's a mythical creature."
"Bikini Bottom is based off of actual sea animals, and the trash and all the stuff that we do definitely does add to that."
"Plankton serves as pretty much the foundation of all life in the ocean."
"This looks like an ocean reef, or at least closer to this looks like somebody put a painting or a picture of a reef and just lacks all the rhythm and movement of a natural reef."
"The dimness of the deep has transformed all life that swims in the gloom."
"If you lived in the prehistoric ocean, there was always a bigger fish."
"The power and strength of these fabulous fish is just part of the ocean's great plan."
"The brilliant part use of those parachute plastic pieces looking exactly like a jellyfish."
"Every day was new, nothing was planned, but I knew that I was going to be in the ocean."
"I will find myself going back to Danang year after year and just loving the lifestyle, and again it really comes down to living on the ocean, that's just something that makes me so happy."
"It just looks like the ocean is shimmering, and underneath you can just see these Manta Rays going about their business."
"The ocean is so much alive, there's so much wildlife in this ocean, it's just unbelievable."
"A few hundred years ago, the oceans were home to millions of whales."
"Salmon swims in a blue ocean, and peaches grow on brown bark trees."