
Stock Performance Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"New all-time highs tend to come before more new all-time highs."
"Last year CNBC put out this post which basically showed the best performing stocks of the decade."
"The hybrid market is led by Toyota whose stock is up over 90% in the last year."
"That's phenomenal drop squeezes up at the open halts up so this is a stock that goes from six bucks to 15 and on really nice volume."
"Etsy smashing earnings yesterday, up 12 with Churchill Capital also getting a big push today up 12."
"Netflix surging to a brand new all-time high today, Squid Game is the most watched Netflix show ever."
"Why is Open Door down 15.8 percent? Just nuts."
"We saw during the year that despite record low earnings or a big hit to earnings during the year we didn't see share prices take such a hit." - Nick Reese
"Our renewable energy plays also did very good today."
"I think there's a really decent chance this one will outperform SPY."
"Wouldn't shock me to end this week higher than before."
"The S&P 500 just broke a streak of 12 consecutive months with a negative rolling 12-month price return."
"Square could have earnings of somewhere around 28 bucks a share by the end of 2028."
"The best performing stock market in the world in dollar value though or in Venezuelan currency." - Raoul
"AMD has been a beautiful move down, it was never really in danger."
"Even from here I think this stock can easily double in the coming few years."
"It's worth pointing out, Pinterest went public just in the last few weeks at about $16 a share. It's now around $28 a share."
"This looks like a new stock that looks like something came out pre-market and just skyrocketed."
"And one of our markets already hit an all-time high today."
"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. This is one of the best performing stocks in the market. One out of three. You know it's incredible."
"Shares of low-cost European airline Ryanair up by 8.5% this morning."
"Interest rates have very little predictive power over stock performance."
"I see this stock minimum 275 to 300 in under five years."
"The problem is, if the results come below expectations like really bad, then the stock will move down."
"If Coca-Cola turns out to be more resilient in the face of Delta, the stock price will move higher."
"But DWAC was going to get to up nine percent and look right when we got off air for the morning show that is and then you went to Trader Pratt DWAC did this breaking out on huge volume through 73."
"Tesla's stock itself absolutely surging after their quarterly results."
"The stock will react to the business doing better and better and better."
"I'm a fundamental old-fashioned guy kind of I want to see real numbers look at the numbers here this stocks up 88 percent this year."
"Lucid has delivered like 100 cars yet it's up more than Starbucks."
"I believe this stock can perform in the short term as well, even in the long term it's a multibagger pick."
"I think this stock can perform very well and it can achieve very good targets of more than 2,000 rupees."
"In the span of just the last couple of weeks, Tesla stock has rebounded from around seven hundred dollars to about eleven hundred dollars per share."
"If AT&T had a lower dividend-paying yield and in return their stock grew a little bit more, I would still be an investor in this company."
"We have a rebound in the Chinese names, severely oversold Alibaba for example, popping higher."
"Value stocks have beaten growth stocks historically, but over the last 20 years, growth stocks have outperformed."
"Tesla has always looked overvalued, and despite that, the stock's up 9,800% since IPO."
"If your profits are growing faster than your revenue, your stock should be going to the moon."
"The stock price has climbed in the last two weeks."
"Until we put in a new all-time high, we cannot claim victory."
"Tesla's gonna continue to drive this up, you know, we're gonna probably get another quarter next quarter, you know, maybe above a dollar again."
"Therefore, I believe Amazon stock could return around 30% over the next decade."
"Coinbase is up 322 this morning. Now a number of analysts believe that this is gonna hit 500 or 600 a share."
"Ford's stock market valuation crossed 100 billion dollars, making it the fastest growing stock in the automotive industry."
"Tim Cook has done a phenomenal job... Apple stock growing over 10X."
"The Big C caps... lagging the losers gaining momentum."
"This stock has done amazing. Right, this stock has to xed in the last thirty days."
"The more Tesla's stock price goes up, the easier they can raise money."
"Stanford's trouble were only just getting started from January 31st to August 31st, Tesla stock increased more than 240%."
"I mean, there's very few stocks I've ever held that made me over 10k in a date like that's just crazy."
"Yesterday we saw a beautiful bounce in tech... if you were long on it, it was a beautiful bounce."
"Stitch Fix is one of the strongest stocks in the market right now."
"Apple's buybacks: driving staggering results in stock price."
"Absolutely incredible, up 21% in the pre-market."
"Once a stock is up 10%, it has a much higher likelihood of going up to 20% and doubling its gain on the day."
"So much for that quote-unquote rally that we had going there into the afternoon uh one full percent we end down the for the NASDAQ for the s p about flat for the Dow but uh if that was a rally it was short-lived guys."
"Alibaba when it trends, it is one of the best stocks out there."
"You're looking at a stock price that would definitely be up a thousand plus percent just based upon today's prices."
"Apple's share price has more than doubled since its low point five months ago."
"The advanced decline ratio: NYSE 59 advancing versus 38 declining, NASDAQ 48 advancing versus 49 declining."
"The best performing stocks will never, ever, ever be cheap based on fundamental valuations."
"Boom, it just happened. We are at 174 as Etsy falls 5.2 on beating earnings, beating net, and beating quarter two guidance."
"Voyager digital, oh my gosh. It is almost at 20. This is incredible."
"If Musk went, the stock would get rekt for awhile but Tesla would continue executing on its Masterplan."
"One of the winners year to date. And here it is number two, Apple."
"When you look at the weekly performance, it was a good week all in all for the majority of names."
"The stock has also appreciated relatively well over the last actually 40 years since then we went public."
"Disbelief phase: highest daily close for the S&P 500."
"This stock kind of looks like the Hindenburg. I mean, let's just be honest, it just fell out of the sky."
"We've never gone below a previous all-time high on a bear market."
"Congratulations, GameStop, up 8.85% today, up another third in the after-hours."
"For the first time in eight weeks, the stock market is going to close green for the week. This is an incredible feeling."
"Normally when you have inflation spikes and inflation comes down again, then you would see that the stock market would go up a lot."
"This vehicle is super super capable in its stock form probably more capable than 99% of the people will ever use it for."
"I've noticed that they tended to make very outsized moves comparative to older, more established stocks."
"When you have a stock that's outperforming the broader industry, that's telling you that this stock is doing better than the average of its sector or industry."
"...the dividends and the performance of the share price over time."
"Texas Roadhouse has been an incredible performer."
"Apple has been an incredible outperformer and I think it's going to continue."
"Another nice outperformance for Tesla on the day today, finishing up 3.6% to close at 302.61."
"The stock has performed very, very well."
"A multi-bagger is a company that's gone up several times; a 10 bagger would be 10x, a 100 bagger would be 100x."
"Shares of NNN have averaged an annual total return of 12 percent."
"Dividend-paying stocks have outperformed non-payers with less risk over time."
"Business fundamentals will enable or limit your dividends; they will push your stock price up or down over the long run."
"Those first stocks that are going to be your leaders, they're always the ones that lead the market further higher."
"Market liking this back to the upside we go, not a huge move but back to positive here for the S&P and the NASDAQ."
"The more you do it, the more you study and the more you do this kind of a work at the beginning of your trading career, what is going to happen is that you will get a thorough understanding of what makes the stock go up hundred percent."
"Understand you're buying a business and as long as the fundamentals keep getting better, your stock will also perform the same way."
"Regardless if you love or hate Tesla stock, it's up 21,000% since inception."
"The stock market is killing it, right? Stock markets at 34,000 plus."
"ABT is doing good, it's going to hit $5 soon, it can still scale to $10 to $20 before it even slows down."
"You can actually get almost better reporting about performance from your stocks from Quicken than your brokerage account website will give you."
"A stock does not make a new 52-week high unless it's in a very powerful uptrend."
"Pretty positive here 2.6% for Microsoft on the day overall."
"We're going to get a much smoother performance when you combine stocks that are anti-correlated."