
Mysterious Quotes

There are 286 quotes

"We wanted to get that vibe of something mysterious."
"There are accounts in this book, newspaper clippings, where there are references to these huge wild men carrying off women and children."
"The weird thing though is that none of us heard or saw him walk there. It was kind of like he just appeared."
"There are cracks in our cities and dark things dwell within."
"There was such a crazy vibe up there I have no I can't explain it."
"It's atmospheric, full of murder, full of magic."
"This is what happened next: a man that I had never seen before appeared in the room as I lay there dying."
"A cult leader... a narcissist... Atlanta's savior."
"The most concerning part is the door opening by itself, with no acknowledgment from the person in the video."
"A history book crossed with a transgressive novel in the form of an art book with the aura of an occult text."
"Balls on the floor mysteriously seem to just start rolling around on their own."
"The figure was human in shape, clad all in silver, and rapidly descended to the highway."
"I hope you understand this was the right thing for me to do. I don't want you to feel left behind in my endeavors. Don't look down on me for what's to come." - Mysterious Pink Box Sender
"She kept hearing a lady's voice or something that sounded like my mom."
"Accidents happen in Alaska, it's a place of deadly beauty but something else may be lurking just beyond your front door waiting to make you vanish into thin air."
"It's gonna come in the form of an animal, it's either gonna look at you, it's either gonna fly in a bizarre way, it's either gonna do something unusual or it's either just gonna be unusual in itself."
"Something very specific, very unusual, very strange, and very bizarre is going to be on the other side of the door."
"Second man good white code code code Robin come here at Dillon monogram."
"It's very chilling behind the scenes like activities."
"His line 'I have been awake since before the breaking of the first silence.'"
"I heard something over the roar of the waves at the inlet. It was muffled, it sounded like a small voice."
"No one knows what it is or what's causing it, eerie sound, it's creepy."
"Baka pyramid: Why was the construction of the Baka pyramid stop so abruptly which personality should have been buried here and why was a military exclusion Zone set up in the relevant area which no civilians are allowed to enter?"
"Fast radio bursts: one of the most mysterious phenomena in astronomy."
"After just a moment the hatch closed and the orb descended a bit closer until it gently landed on the ground, center of the park."
"While many scary ghost videos show figures that appear to float aimlessly down hallways, this shape seems to behave with purpose."
"I wanted it to sort of look ageless and strange, like something you'd find in a secondhand shop."
"Looking for something creepy to watch? Or maybe your preferences lean mysterious? Why one or the other when you can have both?"
"Swarms of flashing tic-tac-shaped UFOs chased four U.S. Navy destroyers off California coast."
"Euron's eye... could be an oily stone in there."
"They feel really attracted to you and they don't know why."
"The officer at Silbery Hill experienced an excruciating headache for the whole day after his bizarre encounter."
"Even investigated as I began my investigation it quickly became apparent that there was a disturbing nature to these disappearances."
"In February of 1957, something very strange was discovered across the street from a home for Wayward girls." - Aiden Mattis
"Her dark eyes are windows upon an ancient and wicked soul."
"The basement door started opening by itself."
"He said, 'Don't mind me boys, just passing along,' then he briskly walked off and back into the woods."
"How this man mysteriously traveled over 700 miles east and had acquired an entire new wardrobe, sneakers, sunglasses, and new gear and equipment is beyond anyone's guess."
"I saw a tall dark figure just standing at the forest line."
"I turned towards one of the bay doors behind me, specifically number 20, which is where I always saw it. And for a split second, I saw a human-shaped figure, but it was too quick to catch."
"A woo woo woo followed by a pause then they would hear it again."
"GM Testing Depot: A mysterious map with a creepy backstory, spawning strange save files out of nowhere."
"Phone calls from the grave, you know? And the caller ID is like zero zero zero or something like that, something... yeah, those are really creepy to me."
"A lot of people say her eyes follow you when you walk across the room."
"Here are 15 places where gravity doesn't seem to work."
"Standing there in the gap of the curtains... I saw a pale ballerina at the window watching us go."
"He described the scream as if a woman was being murdered... I think it was a bigfoot screaming in those woods."
"An object burst from the sea, engulfing the ship in a bright blue light."
"I feel genuinely like I can see... shadow figures just standing here."
"It was the correct experience. It was a correct experience and before I could figure out who else I was with because I did not feel alone, I just couldn't see anyone else."
"Shantae's universe feels magical and mysterious..."
"It's here, it's already here and it's inside."
"This being is billions upon billions of years old, there is no doubt this is a living entity."
"Welcome to Elsewhere, where great Darkness lies ahead."
"And we were the recipient of the unanswerable."
"Imagine seeing this in your attic and then one night you're lying in bed and you hear the sound of squeaky Wheels slowly rolling about above the ceiling accompanied by The Faint sound of a child's laughter."
"A place where strange rituals occur, and people with unnatural abilities thrive."
"The back rooms are a space that eats. And I don't mean like the house and monster."
"The Backrooms is an 'easy come, easy go' kind of place."
"A man of whom no film exists nor even a recording of his voice... Yet a man who has exerted huge influence over horror cinema."
"I heard a whistle that sounded like whoever or whoever was whistling was still there on the edge of the woods and was looking right out." - Sincerely, Roger L. Colonel United States USA retired.
"There's an eerie quality to the event that leaves room for doubt."
"Her car was engulfed by a massive ball of white light resulting in 90 minutes of missing time and the unfathomable experience of waking after dark."
"Of all the footage they caught on camera, the highlight was what appears to be a face gazing through the kitchen window."
"These cases were just three of many disappearances that have been caught on camera."
"Is it just a weird angle that makes it look human or is it some evil mermaid responsible for all those crashes?"
"Kiril finally understood why the demon inside the pregnant woman vanished upon contact with the amulet, but why was the Chief Physician also extremely wary of it? Indeed, no one in this hospital was a simple existence."
"From the most mysterious military bases hiding alien secrets to the ancient Egyptian artifacts turning up in the middle of the Californian desert, these are the 15 strangest things recently discovered in the United States."
"Whatever this was was not from this world... underline that because that's huge."
"Those weren't kids. I don't know what they were, but they definitely weren't human."
"The love of secrecy goes all the way to the top."
"She has this encounter with these two unusual canine animals."
"For anyone who's genuinely wondering, I don't have one. Or do I? No, I don't. I don't have one."
"I kept seeing stuff break through this wall, it was really weird."
"Something after that session was definitely sticking with us."
"Right as the guard pulls out the chair, a dark figure seems to move past him and then disappear into thin air."
"Beyond that move one square further per night soul owned."
"It sounded like something ritualistic from like the craft or something."
"Every description of curious and mysterious arts that penetrate beyond the common pale of human sagacity and wisdom will be studied and practiced beyond what has been known by mere mortals."
"What was the book and the cave maze in the cave soggy yet something I had to cut out."
"Know something what you know you can't explain but you feel it, you've felt it your entire life."
"The Mystery of the black-eyed children continues to loom in the shadows, challenging our understanding of the supernatural."
"You're a bit more mysterious, but people also really respect that about you."
"He simply took a couple of steps back and disappeared as if he had never been present in the first place."
"It's like he's a mystical creature speaking in riddles to our hero."
"Someone is outside and then I hear a whisper: 'Hello Terry.'"
"For some reason who for some reason had bomb instructions in his basement but whatever whatever for some reason yeah."
"There is nothing more awesome, compelling, and mysterious than that."
"It's weird, like how the hell did he show up to the most popular trailhead in the country's most popular National Park, walk into the woods, and not be seen or noticed by anybody?"
"He's not a timeline or a mirror world or a kaleidoscopic multiverse. He is more."
"God works in unexpected mysterious ways."
"As I'm walking here to you, I shine my light down into the field over there and there was these like two glowing eyes looking at me and I got it on camera."
"He was elusive. We never knew where he would be at any given time."
"You know, like, there's a little bit of that like, we've been introduced into this this force that is just kind of incomprehensible to like a regular human being, you know?"
"...they've been known to approach people in their human form."
"If it wasn't for that mysterious page or call, I could most definitely not be alive telling you this story today."
"Egypt is an ancient and mysterious land."
"Whatever it is in his house has forever changed my life and my views on the unexplainable."
"There is something otherworldly around this area."
"You are always catching people by surprise, you have this mysterious aura to you."
"This place makes me feel like I've happened upon a clandestine operation in an abandoned warehouse."
"Soon. Once the signal is sent. Then I will allow them to freely experience the arrival of the shadow behind the stars."
"In just a few seconds, it was above me, a spotlight shined directly on top of my truck."
"The woods have an eerily soothing effect on those that it captures. That's the only way that I can explain it."
"You become more and more of a mystery the longer we talk."
"There is something about them that is very ethereal, otherworldly, almost like a character from a game or something."
"People view you as someone quite mysterious... like you don't show everyone too much of yourself too soon."
"There's something about you that they can't figure out. It's like mysterious but it's like making them addicted to you."
"You both manifested each other like mysteriously here. I can't even explain how y'all did this. You did this while not even trying."
"An unsettling occurrence was captured on camera as the reporter showed the surroundings, a chilling figure emerged from the flood waters in the background."
"It's a signature Hardrock Venture courtesy of the purple's Mark 2."
"It just had to be there; you aren't really able to explain what happened because I think it's ineffable and almost accidental."
"There's something creepy going on when people will admit to it."
"There's something just so eerie about it."
"The house unsettled the priest from the moment he laid eyes on it."
"You seem a little bit mysterious, like people want to know what's going through your mind."
"It's weird. It's like something's trying to show itself. I'm trying to keep up with it. Can you see it with your eyes? Yeah, yeah, it's weird."
"This book is mysterious, it's fun, it's atmospheric, it's a little Gothic... and I just love it. I really, really, really want to get like an old classic edition of this novel to have in display because this book is so incredibly beautiful."
"To start, you've got this very mysterious logo which will have people asking what is he or she driving."
"He's mysterious and cunning, charismatic and clever. He's driven, he knows what he wants and how to get it."
"She's dark she's mysterious and she's spending a lot of money at the bookstore that's the vibe."
"The World building is topnotch, it is so strange and mysterious."
"There's something so intriguing about the mysterious."
"The Entity touched onto the ground by our trailer."
"The creature from the lake was unique, a being out of time and place as if it had stepped out of a forgotten world into ours."
"It's just as weird and mysterious as mathematical truth and knowledge."
"It was so mysterious, so thrilling. It's like a mash between Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Black Mirror."
"Stranger is like Galactus, except he's of memories and elders."
"...the door that's halfway closed just all of a sudden closes right before the latch and opens halfway this repeats four or five times before it just stopped open a little wider than it originally was."
"Whatever this giant was, it looked similar to a man but it was massive. Its head probably 15 feet off the ground."
"Thank you." [Mysterious figure passing through the kitchen]
"The lock was unlike anything I'd ever seen. It was glowing with the same blue fungus that lit up the cave. It looked almost alive."
"She is mysterious, she is sexy, she is what I like to call a creative genius."
"You have this edginess to your style and aesthetic, with a mysterious vibe."
"You have an intense and mysterious look that draws people in, but also signals independence."
"There's something genuinely mysterious about the UAP phenomenon."
"There was one painted black, it was the Black Mailbox."
"I feel a presence behind me... on the floor laying down behind me is The Interpreter."
"He's the guy that's hiding out with special skills that you don't know about, that you thought was just an ordinary dude or your neighbor."
"karma definitely works in mysterious ways"
"A dim phosphorescent radiance came from no recognizable source."
"The thing was about four feet across, with a thick rim adorned by writhing indecipherable figures deeply etched as if by acid."
"I see you're a man of your word. I am many things. You couldn't begin to imagine half of them. But for now, I shall take the role of executioner."
"...it literally just smells so inviting and also mysterious at the same time."
"Dark, deep, and mysterious... This is a vampire in an enchanted damp Forest."
"As we're moving along the road I walked upon a figure standing right next to the road within a few feet of me."
"He told me his name was Arthur. I always found it strange that he appeared in the exact same spot in the corner of my room."
"There are stories even today of where people have appeared out of nowhere to help someone, and when they turned around to thank them, the person has disappeared."
"This is one seriously mysterious Place."
"That's why it's hella mysterious."
"Talk about an interesting mysterious journey."
"...he almost seems like something that isn't supposed to exist on the earth at all."
"...strangely reminiscent of the infamous Mothman itself..."
"The zamfreda UFO incident is considered one of the most peculiar and intriguing Alien Encounter stories ever."
"One such creature or thing is this purple orb."
"This mysterious purple orb was discovered deep in Aro Canyon."
"She's not someone from this world."
"...things would move around by themselves and nothing would ever be in the same spot where I had left it before."
"The spirit world is a mysterious realm, but its presence can be felt in our everyday lives."
"The most beautiful and deepest experience a man can have is the sense of the mysterious."
"I heard Whispering or what sounded like Whispering, it sounded almost like the movies."
"Don't f*** with this one. There's something off-limits about you."
"A 1965 sci-fi epic dealing with unexplainable events caused by mysterious alien forces."
"This thing was there, standing there. It was easily eight feet tall with bone white skin."
"I turned my flashlight on and it moved in front of me. This thing was there, standing there."
"The figure was maybe the size of a large dog, bright white, and moved in a kind of unnatural way."
"He just is and will always be in the parlance of our times some whole other."
"As they approached the hill, they noticed it was a deer, but this was no deer as this thing looked more... I don't know, it looked more human, I guess."
"A mysterious large shadow is captured moving in an unusual fluid manner."
"The midnight paper is alive somehow. It knows what you want to do with it and decides whether or not to let you."
"He's sort of like a reptile in the way that, you know how they don't... they don't ever give anything off, you don't know if they're smart, if the crocodile's smiling, or you don't know what it's... but you just know that it's taking something in."
"It was a voice constructed from the static."
"this creature is typically described as a massive canine often with strikingly dark fur and occasionally reports even depicted as headless"
"those who have claimed to encounter the snarly yao often describe its eyes as glowing"
"They finally reached a strange craft at the top of an escarpment, at which point he blacked out. Upon waking, he found himself in a bright round room where a voice told him not to panic."
"I mean, love is blind, love is mysterious. Nobody knows."
"Short and packed, short and packed. Spoopy thick."
"Instinct is a marvellous thing. It can neither be explained nor ignored."
"The men in black were strange out-of-town visitors and who seemed to want to pretty much just quiet everything down."
"11B-X-1371: Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. 11B-X-1371 is a bizarre video sent to GadgetZZ.com in early 2015."
"They perceive you as someone who's very mysterious and maybe holds a lot within."
"...a beam of light shot out of it and shined directly at us."
"Daniel once said that the black cloaks are really close right now."
"It never stops. It's weird, it's magical, it's strange and mysterious."
"It is so mysterious and it's so like fresh but also dark and sexy."
"1015 from Room 1015 is mysterious, confident, and definitely cool girl approved."
"You definitely exude these very mysterious vibes about you."
"The gods help in mysterious ways, and I don't think we ever have a moment where a beam of light descends down and a god comes and scoops us up, but I think it's really surprising the way deities do end up helping us out in the end."
"This tree right here, I don't know if it's at dusk or when, but a few people have spotted a man hanging from that tree right there, and when they look a second time, there's nothing there."
"Jonathan John Khan real this horse still a stone."
"She's been going around dead mysterious is what she says."
"The house was glowing green, according to eyewitnesses."
"I heard what sounded exactly like about half a dozen woman saying 'Shhh' all at once."
"I looked out back, didn't see our side gates open, it wasn't windy."
"I'm going to go." (Out of context, it sounds like an intriguing exit line!)
"A hunk of stone not from this world. It changes you."
"Oh my god space blues is five to one."
"Just before I actually got up, my head was rested on the wall beside me. Through the wall, I heard somebody softly calling out my name."
"Hazel Head is a very street-smart woman. She flies below radar, elusive, almost like she's here and she's gone."
"The figure was a shady thing... it had no gender and was too tall to be a person."