
Birthright Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Our lives are precious, and living in our truth and our joy is our birthright."
"It is the great deception because it is trying to get humanity to give up their birthright."
"You can't tell them they have no historical right to be in the country where they were born."
"Everyone watching deserves what we were born into: healthy bodies."
"They didn't do a damn thing, they just got lucky by birth."
"Birth should not be the determining factor in deciding someone's class."
"This is the heritage to which we are born, the blessings to which we may all look forward."
"Love and peace and joy and harmony and abundance and well-being is your innate inherent birthright."
"Oh nobly born, remember who you are. This is your birthright."
"Man is born free, and if he's not free, it's because of something done to him."
"He's the son of the king and he's born with the Royal Insignia."
"Words are your birthright... all the power of it was in you from the moment the head of daddy's little wiggler fused with the wall of mummy's little bubble."
"Restore their inheritance, restore their birthright."
"For you, it's not selfish. In this life, for you, it is your birthright to shine your light."
"We are birthed in freedom, we are created in the bosom of freedom and liberty."
"Financial freedom is your birthright."
"Happiness is your Birthright. Don't believe what you're told that happiness is a reasonable tax to pay for success. That's crap."
"You were born with the great heart of a Buddha with a great heart of compassion and it is in you it is your Birthright."
"He was destined for a throne. He was born to it."
"Individuals are born with natural human rights."
"Clairvoyance, telepathy, these are your birthright."
"Is that ethical? Are we stealing something from them, some kind of birthright, by taking away their ability to return to the planet where their ancestors evolved?"
"I believe that greatness is our birthright. We just gave it away cuz we picked up dope mister drug education class."
"Everybody has a birthright to heal oneself."
"Vision is not a gift, it is the birthright of every child of God."
"Happiness is our birthright. It is our nature. It is given freely to us."
"You manifested this. It's your birthright. It was just taken from you."
"You actually have a birthright. You did not come into this world without an inheritance from God himself. Your father and mother may have not left you anything, not given you nothing, but God has something for you."
"God hates an attitude that does not appreciate the birthright."
"Pleasure is not something to be earned, it's a birthright for all of us."
"You were born and given that birthright."
"You don't ever have to sell your gift because it is your birthright, you don't have to sell your soul, it's your birthright, you don't have to do any of that."
"Your last name is your birthright."
"All of our spiritual quests are about giving us opportunities to reconnect to that place which is our birthright."
"It wasn't her fault and that it wasn't a sin to be born."
"Because we are all born complete."
"She was born with a body full of Mana."
"She has always been high class from the day she was born."
"You don't become posh one day in your life; you... you're born posh or not."
"We are inherently free the day we are born."
"It is your right, your birthright, to recognize this; it is nothing that anyone can give you, and it is nothing that can ever be taken away from you."
"I believe abundance is our Birthright."
"Why should someone be born to be the ruler of some geographical plot of land any more than someone should be born to be a lawyer or born to be a plumber?"
"There's a freedom that is your birthright."
"All human beings are born equal and that they have certain inalienable rights that they are endowed with by their creator."
"You think you're a son by worth? You're a son by birth."
"You were born enough, and you will always be enough."
"Every member of our species has value and is worthy of being born."
"Your worth is not external. You were given worth at birth."
"Freedom is at the end of the day the birthright of humans."
"We have the right to be born of God."
"You never ever have to be perfect. Your perfection is really, first of all, you were born with it."
"Kings inherit kingship by birthright."
"Aaron sought freedom because he was born with it and it had been taken away from him."
"Let's not steal away our joy; let's reclaim our joy, it's our birthright."
"If you're born in this country, you're already privileged, you're already more privileged than the rest of the world."
"By what justification," Braithwaite asked, "can mere birth bestow such good fortune on one man and deny it to another?"
"You were born with a mission, you were born with purpose."
"We are all born so beautiful; the greatest tragedy is being convinced that we are not."
"We are each of us born with responsibilities."
"Abundance is my divine birthright; I always have more than enough abundance."
"Most of the time it's like an innate ability, people are born with the ability to access these Warrens."
"Stay as free as you can, because that's our birthright after all."
"A natural-born citizen is someone who becomes automatically a citizen at the moment of birth."
"What you were born with is beautiful."
"There is nothing to prove or do or please to earn this. This is your birthright that I solemnly swear."
"Heaven is not a place you can die into; it's a place you have to be born into."
"Have faith in your higher self, have faith in your sovereignty, this is your birthright."
"The fact that you were just born here is so lucky."
"It's so unfortunate that just because of where you were born, you have less chance of surviving something that us Americans may take lightly."
"The Constitution isn't rights that the government gave us, that's our rights that we were born with, they're unalienable."
"All of you are born worthy, all of you are born a master manifesto."
"Every man is a free man; you are free from the moment you are born."
"Something has been set in stone since your birth, your birthright."
"Everyone who does what is right has been born of Him."
"Being alive and free in Christ is the birthright of every child of God."
"Monarchy is driven by a duty into which one is born."
"We were born beautiful instead of rich."
"A child that was produced through adultery is not a cursed child."
"Remember your inherent dignity, your capacity for compassion, this is your birthright."
"If people are born with magical abilities, that totally changes how magic is understood and the value of those people."
"...you are my firstborn, my vigor in the beginning of my generative power, the Excellence of dignity, the Excellence of strength."
"Healing is something that is for every single person who's been born again. It is a part of your inheritance."
"All men are born equal and free of privilege."
"If you know He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him."
"I was born on Canada Day, okay, in Canada. That's pretty Canadian if you ask me."
"Everyone who loves has been born from God and knows God."
"You were born with worth, you were born with dignity."
"Being born is enough proof and it should automatically give you those basic human rights."
"You could work to become a boss, but you could never work to be born a boss."
"Feel innocent again because this is your Birthright."
"You were born in the kingdom of God and you're a reflection of His word."
"Your birthright can't be bought, can't be sold, can't be transferred."
"Though born in the land of slavery, he was born free."
"It makes sense to have rights attached at birth."
"I want my child to be born where I was born, on Driftmark in my Lord father's castle."
"You were born in holiness, you didn't join holiness, you were born in hope."
"A leader has not been made, he's just been born."
"It is your birthright because you live on the earth."
"If you were born in America right now, you are amongst the most privileged people that have ever existed on the face of the planet."
"Everybody's born with a certain intuition."
"These intuitive powers were given to your soul at birth."
"Health occurs everywhere... you don't choose to be born in Nairobi, you don't choose to be born in Lahore."
"I'm so lucky to have been born in a country where I have certain freedoms."
"If the people want their liberties back, they are going to have to recognize their birthright."
"Righteousness was more important than being the firstborn."
"This is a great honor for Joseph, as the recipient of the birthright."
"This is my country, Emmelina, just as much as it is the Barclays. I was born here, and I mean to die here."
"Language is a wonderful mysterious thing that we are all born with."
"You're not born to be the slaves of others."
"I prefer the system we have where you have rights that you're actually born with."
"Being born in America is definitely a privilege."
"Some folks are born with a silver spoon in hand."
"This is my country, just as much as it is theirs. I was born here, and I mean to die here."
"It is your Birthright as a human, it is who you are."
"Your wellness is God's factory-installed gift to you, your inalienable birthright."
"Who you are as a child of God is more important than where and in what circumstances you were born."
"Every person who is born, no matter whichever country, will be treated equally."
"Being out here experiencing this is a privilege these days, but it actually is our birthright to be able to spend time in the wilderness."
"Whatever place you had been born into ethnically, geographically, or economically must not be considered destiny."
"He made it our birthright, because we are to order the world according to equity and righteousness."
"It's hard to navigate this society that we didn't choose to be born in."
"How wonderful was Brooklyn, she thought, when just being born there automatically made you an American."
"You were born with a specific gift."
"Perfect health is our birthright, and what we're all experiencing, this collapse of our collective health, is not normal."
"We are born with inner levels of mind that are spiritual. We are born for heaven."
"Behind the veil is the glory you were born with, the real beauty you were born with, the real honor you were born with."
"We are all born to be successful just as we are."
"Just because you're born here, does that give you a right to be essentially an American citizen?"
"It does help to have good schooling, good connections, relatives in positions of prominence, abundant shares of good stocks, and these one is born with in this free world of ours."
"You're the first prince born upon His Majesty's ascension. You're a very precious prince."
"He that is born of God overcomes the world."
"Every human being is born with a birthright."
"This land, this earth, it has given you a birth, so be loyal to it."
"The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to all those that are born in the United States."
"Your Birthright is that you deserve love and abundance and ease."
"What you want is natural rights, the ones you're born with, not the ones that are gifted to you."
"All of us were born with exactly the same privileges and rights."
"By birth, you have been blessed, and it is time to acknowledge that blessing."
"Everybody was born with potential."
"No one can block your blessings; this is your Birthright."
"You were born with this equality."
"You're born to create, you were born to fulfill your destiny here."
"It is your divine birthright to have everything that your heart desires."
"We were born to run. We were born because we run."
"You are worthy of love and blessings; it is your birthright."
"Live with a childlike sense of wonder; it really is your birthright."
"It is your birthright to receive abundance in your life."
"Everyone wants to claim their birthright, don't they?"
"It is your divine birthright to be abundant in love, to be abundant in life in every area."
"He was born with the power of an angel."
"We all born with gifts and talents."