
Temples Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Assassins, with various temples to their specific focus, aid Inquisitors."
"There is no place in history that has played such a key role as the temple location."
"Temples, more than structures of worship, are enduring symbols of faith and culture."
"Can you even begin to imagine how the Buddhists ever managed to carry out all of the materials to build those original temples up that sheer edge of a mountain?"
"The purpose of the ancient Egyptian temples was to assist in the transformation of humans into shining beings of light."
"Building their temples fallen into decay, giving birth to their structures as in the primeval times."
"This is our first evidence for shared ritual practices at these Mithras temples across the Empire."
"Stroll down from anang Hill Park along anang road to South Bridge Road where two of Singapore's iconic temples await the Majestic Buddha tooth Relic Temple and the colorful s maraman Temple."
"Trekking to the top of Mount Huashan in China is a centuries-old tradition for those who make it to the top. There are Buddhist and Taoist temples that offer refreshments."
"The term cave is rather reductive. These are actually temples and prayer halls famous for their magnificent sculptures and murals which reflect the teachings of Buddha."
"Temples are always a blessing to the communities. Our covenants, to be honorable, honest and moral, make us better friends, neighbors, and citizens."
"In essence, she was saying, 'I know I will see Chase again and he will be mine and I will still be his. That is the power and the blessing of temples. Of that truth I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
"Temple buildings are not limited to Greco-Roman paganism, as some claim. We have plenty of textual and archaeological evidence for Germanic Pagan temples."
"These names have inspired generations of children and adults to dream and Marvel at the idea of these magnificent temples."
"When it comes to temples, there aren't any projects bigger than this one, more complex, more impactful."
"I look forward to the day when all temples will be accessible to all people."
"This is the most impressive temple in all of Thailand."
"Carvings of the Eye of Horus could also be found in temples, on boats, on weapons, and in the homes of Egyptian citizens."
"Temples served as centers for entertainment and Festival occasions."
"Cambodia is known as the kingdom of Wonder because of all of its incredible temples and its biodiversity and history."
"This is immediately in the top 10 temples in the whole of the country that I've seen."
"If you visit nine temples in one day, you will be blessed with prosperity and good fortune."
"The presence of temples is evidence of strong stakes."
"In India you've got some amazing archaeological sites like the Ellora cave temples in Northern India."
"Once I began to accept that reality and begin to take my time walking through the temples... I began to see this place through the eyes of the people who created it."
"When you walk through these temples and see the marvels, you will see the handiwork of people who knew how to manifest God within them."
"The temples take the form of caves which were carved between 2,200 and 2,500 years ago."
"Temples to Asclepius were built all across Greece, and you could basically think of these as ancient hospitals."
"Imagine Rey's character going around to different temples and being able to explore them, learn new things about the force."
"Rising from the plains' canopy of green are temples, hundreds of them, beautiful otherworldly silhouettes."
"The spirit of the mountain God, the Seven Stars, and Dokseon are enshrined in the majority of temples."
"The Romans were a little more community-oriented with their temples to their gods, and basically, anyone was allowed to enter them."
"My goal for today is to give you a very quick overview of what we know from a historical perspective of the temples in Jerusalem."
"We must begin by noting that there are two temples: an Earthly and a Heavenly."
"It's glorious, all these temples."
"The most high does not dwell in temples made with hands."
"The temples were nothing but great universities of learning."
"The temples were links between heaven and earth, the lenses that pulled the universe into focus."
"The temples up in the mountain are always the quietest and most peaceful."
"The temples of tarszyn, one of several Maltese megalithic temples, are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List."
"There's so many temples, I think it's like 2,000 temples, and the food is ridiculous."
"In all temples, those who come shall not be refused, and those who want to leave shall not be held back."
"The ruins of this abandoned place is home to broken temples dedicated to gods like Poseidon and Apollo."
"I love these small temples, again this is why I love road tripping because you just come across some really nice places that you otherwise never would come across."
"But how nice is it in here, these little like hidden temples."
"You can't find God in no manmade temple."
"As the Church grows, more temples will be built so that more families can have access to that greatest of all blessings, that of eternal life."