
Unnecessary Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The French ban is unnecessary, self-defeating, and morally wrong."
"It's absolutely not what we need right now. But a lot of people are really, really angry."
"This movie is the most unnecessary movie sequel since Highlander 2."
"There is absolutely zero reason for a character like Snoke to even fucking exist."
"There's no need to try and destroy her character."
"No one needs a nugget ice machine but it can be fun."
"There really is just no need to level in blood."
"There's literally no reason for a new live-action Lion King movie to exist."
"There was absolutely no reason you needed to shoot him and kill him."
"Your soul has been ravaged inside and out, and you are succumbing to struggle that is not karmic or necessary."
"A senseless death, it didn't need to happen."
"It's just trying to change things for the sake of changing things."
"At the end of the day, the one to five percent benefit that you needed to be the proactive, most people don't need that one to five."
"Camilo, hey dude, and why do you even need a glow-up anyways, you can literally shape-shift into anything you want, kind of greedy if you ask me."
"Aftermarket additives are not necessary... achieve the maximum service life of the engine."
"That was unnecessary anxiety that I did not need in my life."
"Calby's death was wantonly unnecessary."
"I don't like violence, it's unnecessary."
"It's so unnecessary worrying about life."
"Screaming at you was unnecessary."
"This was 100% not a need but it was just it was a want okay it was a want."
"It's just so unnecessary to have it, every hallway has one of these."
"Honestly, that scene was just fine. You didn't need a [ __ ] sniper."
"Unnecessary but really cool, and once more, I like unnecessary."
"I came back here because I was trying to save you. We didn't need saving."
"He stole a bunch of words for literally no reason."
"I told y'all I feel like WOI is one of those things that people just really have been gatekeeping and being really weird about and it's just unnecessary."
"WOI is one of those things that people just really have been gatekeeping and being really weird about and it's just unnecessary."
"This is an unnecessary finishing touch. I don't need to do this, but I'm going to do it anyway."
"You do not need that to succeed and it will simply not work."
"Why was that necessary? That was so unnecessary I can't even put it in the words."
"Tens of thousands of evacuees didn't need to evacuate at all, making their trauma unnecessary."
"I really didn't think I needed both."
"They've discovered it didn't need one"
"I will say I don't think they're necessary. I think, you know, there's a reason why most, I don't know, I would say most people find them displeasures."
"Rogue One is not a bad movie at all. It's a completely unnecessary movie since nobody was clamoring to have a Han Solo movie."
"You don't need to be a makeup artist, you don't need to know how to do a cut crease."
"It is just so unnecessary and tragic what happened to her."
"They got it right so far ago, we don't need an origin story."
"Groundhog Day doesn't need a sequel."
"You are literally stressing yourself out for no reason."
"...he just seemed to immediately blow up about it just it wasn't necessary at all."
"He's a good shape, let me see. There it is. I was staring at it all, and then you have to watch him putting suntan lotion on his cross. So unnecessary."
"I feel like I get to be more creative with these types of videos than anything else because they're really unnecessary and it's the unnecessary stuff that I enjoy doing."
"It was immediate and it was so unnecessary. The man had a knife which he threatened the victim with, but she offered no resistance and yet still he inflicted quite horrendous injuries."
"I love when people give information they do not need to give you."
"Valve simulator right now though correct it is yeah like did we really need to do it three times I think once was enough"
"That's the thing with anthologies, you didn't need to do that."
"It feels like progress for progress sake. It's solving a problem that didn't exist."
"I'm wearing it today even though it's literally 60 degrees 65 degrees and kind of don't need it."
"There is literally no reason for the musical numbers to exist in this movie."
"You don't need a row counter unless you are looking to spend money."
"...it's so unnecessary man, it's stupid, it's foolish, and it's like all for what? Because your ego was hurt?"
"Complicated my life much more than it needed to be."
"I love it I love how entirely unnecessary it is"
"It's a movie that didn't need to exist and yet was made quite honestly for no reason."
"So stories like this where people with no symptoms find coronary calcifications that lead to more testing and then placement of stents involve people walking away feeling like they had their lives saved by the procedure."
"It's like bringing [ __ ] sand to the beach."
"It hurts more knowing that he absolutely did not need to have a death and actually felt kind of out of place."
"The only part of the movie I didn't need was the psychiatrist at the end overexplaining everything."
"My job is to sit here eight hours a day and make sure no one goes in that door when they're rolling, and uh, but there's a red light that tells them when they're rolling so basically my job is totally unnecessary."
"This is an unnecessary way to consume coffee."
"And it destroys people's faith and it just doesn't have to be it's it's completely unnecessary."
"...the worst part of it all says Lori's brother is that none of this was necessary."
"This shouldn't even be drama, that's like you guys are willing it."
"It was just unnecessary the way it played out."
"I really don't need to hear your silly commentary."
"You really didn't have to do that."
"It's like solving a problem that doesn't need to exist."
"Plastic shampoo bottles are so unnecessary."
"This is beautiful, now you guys are right, it doesn't need to happen, this is amazing."
"Worry is a down payment on a problem that you and I may never have."
"It's unnecessary to uplift one group by putting down another."
"Was it needed? Probably not. Did we do it? Hell yeah. Why? Because it's freaking awesome."
"The world did not need any more white saviors."
"It's like so unnecessary but kind of fun at the same time."
"She is Supergirl, seeing her flip planes, tankers, and has heat vision, ice breath, and so on, why would she need a cape trick?"
"It's just unnecessary to bring Ludwig in, but what he's saying is true."
"Sometimes you feel like you're wearing your invisibility cloak, and you don't need to."
"I don't think the bears were necessary; we could have just had this conversation."
"It was not necessary in the first place, and this is the most pathetic part of it."
"All that stress, all that worry was for nothing. Almost always is."
"Fragrance, as nice as it is sometimes, it's just not necessary."
"An entirely unnecessary gesture, but it calms me."