
Poetic Justice Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"There's something sort of poetic about transitioning to renewable type energy like the sun."
"It absolutely has poetic justice. You know, this concept of sticking it to the man, it feels good."
"He's got to have some Guardian Angel somewhere because this is like poetry."
"Greater purpose requires sacrifice, but for a day they are allowed the happiness that has always been denied them. It's perfect."
"It would be poetic justice if Fresh Kills, what's an environmental nightmare, became an environmental beacon."
"Every viewer watching is just hoping something will happen to give this kid a taste of his own medicine."
"Live by the sword, Natalia, enjoy getting impaled on it."
"I think ending this world in the land of Ivy rose is about as fitting an end as I could ask for."
"The poetic justice in the film I thought was wonderful."
"Some people just deserve whatever it is they get."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold... or in this case, freezing and covered in cow manure."
"When women bleed on the earth, men will stop shedding one another's blood."
"So now Etrigan and us won again. Ah, he's back to rhyming."
"I will have my revenge or sorrow, leader of the delinquents, this fiery wand will kick all parts, I will enjoy it."
"Looks like the chickens have come home to roost Roger Stone."
"All's well it seems for it but in a while an eagle tears the vulture into shreds."
"Here comes the rain, here comes the rain, for there shall be thunderous showers that break forth upon the unjust as the storm is passing over the just."
"While he will never be held accountable for the murder in a court of law, some say there is Poetic Justice in the way he died."
"Red defeating Oak with the very Pokémon that he gave him to start his journey."
"Life is a bitch and karma will slap you in the face."
"Prove that death can have you when it earns you."
"This revenge tastes so sweet. No Ambrose, what... what in this world or the next is sweeter than the taste of my revenge?"
"It's a new day and Lori and Chad seriously need to look at their own selves and they need to check themselves because they wrecked themselves."
"Whoever wounds his heart shall die by his own hands."
"That is beautiful, that is poetic, and that is surely going to bring a Champions League title to Birmingham City!"
"You gifted my people a thousand years of suffering. Now I gift you an eternity in darkness."
"Of all the ways that this could end, sanctioning themselves into an economic crisis is probably one of the most poetic ways that I could ever imagine this empire coming to a close." - Unknown speaker
"This Queen Gibo is going to get a jolt of her own medicine."
"Patrick Willis wins his Hall of Fame spot the weekend the 49ers have a chance to win the Super Bowl that does seem poetic to me really really cool stuff for the 49ers today."
"I absolutely love it when karma is applied in a situation but with interest."
"There's some type of like sweet Justice to that."
"Oh, you've been hoisted by your own petard."
"Well, I guess it did live up to the name 'Justice Star,' given Palpatine's own body count."
"What better way is there to deal with a micromanaging boss than have them demoted to a position the same as the one they were trying to undermine? That is freaking poetic."
"Aw, isn’t that poetic – they all died in the same ways they screwed up Pablo’s life."
"Almost Poetic Justice I got to finish this character off and the interesting bit was his character was a cannibal all along."
"Let ruin come on them unawares, and let the net that they hid ensnare them."
"...it truly was awesome to see Karma come his way and put him in his place in a beautiful manner."
"The same fire that exposed the viper was the same fire that killed it."
"Let their way be dark and slippery, meaning where they were supposed to make you fall, they are the ones that will fall before you."
"Wow. Poetic Justice. He beats Bully Ray at his own game. That's fighting fire with fire."
"Can't think of a better way to define Poetic Justice."
"Those who stole in life will now have everything stolen from them."
"Now spoken right is true, the wheel has come full circle."
"Oh, medallion most deadly, beneath this earth may you rest, may your evil be silent, know that goodness is best."
"Poetic justice, oh I love it, don't you just?"
"Poetic justice is a literary device in which a character is rewarded or punished in a manner befitting their actions."
"Hopefully forgives the man who took the socks; it's poetic."
"It's just poetic justice, right? You spew so much negativity out into the world, and then it comes right back at you."
"We don't fear the goddess Nemesis in the modern age, however, we do have the concept of poetic justice."
"The sea is a harsh mistress, and the paradical town found a poetic end."
"There's a poetic justice in that, becoming experiments themselves."
"Yeah, poetic justice. Those loggers break the law and let loose the things that kill them," Spinny mused.
"Justice is poetic when vice is punished or virtue is rewarded without another party actively seeking to reward or punish."
"Life often has poetic twists of fate and a tendency to always go full circle."
"It's sort of poetic, isn't it, to think that that original Abbey closes but the houses stay and so really it's like it never went away."
"The fate of my country's enemies will be written in dust, in ashes, in tears, and in blood."
"Providence does not allow a blood debt to go unpaid, it seems, because here I am."
"Time not only heals all wounds but eventually wounds all heels."
"Once in a lifetime, that long foretold tidal wave of justice can rise up, and hope and history rhyme."