
Community Thanks Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Thank you guys so much for watching love you y'all love y'all uh thank you for being here going over to nerd report."
"Thank you on behalf of the Starship Children's Fund."
"Thank you guys for all the love and support."
"Thanks to Sydney and thanks to Ricardo, everyone else that turned up here, and God bless you all. Lest we forget, folks."
"If we get to a million subscribers, there's only one thing I'm going to thank and that's you."
"A big ol thanks goes out to each and every one of you."
"I seriously cannot thank you all enough for that."
"We did it guys! Thank all you holy movie, I'm like I'm giving away the PS4s now, here we go!"
"Thank you all for coming, it's over there, go get it before Rat starts barking again. I just want to say really seriously big thank you from me to all of you guys."
"Thank you to all those beautiful souls who have liked, shared, commented, and subscribed onto my channel."
"Thank you to each and every one of you for your positivity."
"Thank you, Charlie, again. Thank you everyone here, we're going to do more of these for sure."
"Thank you to all the new subscribers, to all the old subscribers, to everyone that's been tuning into the show and supporting the movement. I appreciate you."
"I am very thankful for life, family, all of you who watch the videos, friends, and just the opportunity to actually exist."
"Thank you all for being here, thank you for a hundred thousand."
"Thank you to everybody it's been a big year for the United Stand."
"Happy Halloween everybody, and thank you to anyone who sent a little gift or just a thoughtful thing my way."
"Thank you so much for hitting that join button, your support really does mean a lot to me."
"Thank you and and Tony for your donation i apprec-- very very much brother thank you so much for the support."
"I'm so excited for a million, thank you everybody."
"We can't thank you guys enough for the greatest, most epic, most insane year of our lives."
"So many people to thank. It's been a very long road for us."
"Thank you from all of us for your coverage of this."
"Thank you so much to everyone that subscribed."
"Thank you very much everybody for being here."
"Thank you: from all the fans, from myself, from the bottom of our hearts."
"Thank you guys all so much for all the support, we're almost at one-year channels rolling around to one year in a couple months."
"Regardless if you're on Patreon if you're just someone watching the stream right now someone just dropping likes on videos I owe you a massive massive thank you."
"I love your game, and I must say a massive thank you to everybody who has been involved."
"Thank you patrons, I got a new camera... finally upgraded from my old camcorder."
"We just really want to thank everyone for this amazing highlight."
"Thanks again to the tier one and two patrons, I really appreciate all the support for everything you guys have."
"Thank you for the support, the love, and the prayers."
"I do want to thank the community for their support over the past decade. It has been awesome and it's still an incredible journey."
"Thank you all so much for subscribing and for getting your girl to 100,000."
"Thanks a lot for watching and a massive massive thanks to everyone who has donated or otherwise supported this project."
"Thanks to all of you and to everyone else, and until next time."
"Thanks for your support, you know, I really appreciate it."
"It's a great Friday. It's been a great Halloween so far, and I want to thank everybody for their support."
"Thanks for showing up, Jennifer, thank you, thank you guys, you guys are so awesome."
"You all made it happen, so thanks to every one of you."
"We definitely appreciate your support."
"Thank you guys, sincerely, sincerely thank you."
"I just really appreciate all your support."
"We so appreciate you all so much, the best subscribers in the world."
"Thank you for all the Patreon supporters. Yes, there's over 1,100 right now. Really appreciate your support."
"I appreciate you guys so much for listening and watching my video."
"Thank you for all the support that you give to us."
"Thank you to all the rock stars and all my fellow YouTubers who have been so supportive."
"I have to give a huge shout out and thank you to Moto Camp Nerd."
"Thank you as always to my lovely patrons whom I could not do this without."
"Cheers to you all, thank you so much, I really do appreciate it."
"Big thanks to the sponsors that support this channel; I couldn't possibly do this without them or you."
"Thank you so much for your watches, for everything."
"Thank you all. And have a merry Christmas."
"Thank you very much from everyone in the community."
"I just wanted to take this moment to tell you guys how appreciative I am of you guys."
"It has been completely overwhelming and I appreciate each and every one of you."
"We the people thank you for joining our wine-loving community."
"I want to thank the people of River Heights for supporting me over so many years. It's been a phenomenal time, an incredible experience for me to be the MLA for people in River Heights."
"We really really appreciate every one of you for your congratulations."
"Thank you all so so much for everything, we're 200,000 of you strong."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you guys so much, that's all thanks to you guys."
"Thank y'all for being so kind in the comments."
"This channel wouldn't be what it is without each and every one of you, so thank you."
"I'm so lucky to have you guys in my life, and thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Thank you guys so much for all of your support... it means the world to me."