
Psychological Healing Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The fight to be free of whatever is haunting her has to start with her."
"The idea that in order to get free, you have to deal with the inner voices that are the ghosts coming from the past."
"When a woman is struggling, has not been delivered from a father wound, she will subconsciously choose unavailable or emotionally distant partners."
"Radical acceptance really sets a lot of survivors free."
"The healing power of presence cannot be underestimated."
"Horror can be incredibly beneficial for trauma survivors by allowing them to delve into a world that is alien but familiar at the same time."
"The final stage in the healing process is gratitude."
"From an interpersonal neurobiology perspective, the initial wound is still there, we build new neural networks which help us manage the wounds better."
"You're helping this person work through some really deep shadows."
"The Romans' psychological wounds from the Teutoburg disaster had been avenged."
"Your person is moving through some psychological healing right now."
"What are demons but reflections of our fears and shame, things we bury within us, hide from loved ones, even as they poison our hearts until we finally heal our adversary by embracing it."
"Raising subconscious wounds into consciousness so you can work with them."
"They want you to break free from a futile mentality and bring healing, renewal, and regeneration to a mindset of despair, crisis, woundings, and loss."
"The minute you recover your memories and distinguish the fake or inauthentic introjects from the authentic introjections, the shared fantasy cannot continue."
"We need to take a holistic approach, we need to start thinking about integration and doing the psychological work it's going to take to heal some of the scars and fault lines within the collective unconscious."
"Every time you actually do the shadow work in real time, you are catapulting yourself quantumly to a higher timeline to really truly align as the version of yourself and receive the best reality that you deserve."
"So much of breaking the cycle of gaslighting is taking our power back."
"This is a time where you can go through a really powerful psychological healing, especially when it comes to family trauma, your early childhood traumas and situations."
"The third noble truth: that's not who you are. You're simply holding onto a traumatic story."
"Medicine is bitter, I make people confront things that they don't want to confront, things that they've put under the carpets."
"Taking meds alongside talk therapy is just like... it helps you while you're healing but you have to do the healing work psychologically for it to all work."
"The biggest day of all is when you wake up one day and recognize that the day before you really didn't think about them at all."
"It's okay to find peace with people who you think are your enemy in your head."
"Recovery means finding something that you've lost, something that must have been there all along."
"Prince Harry found help through psychedelics, clearing away the misery of loss."
"The path to solving self-love deficit disorder is not to stop a habit, it's to get to the root."
"As a human being, you're gonna experience a huge range of emotions... you have to feel it to heal it."
"You gotta heal your ego from a lot of [] though because [] you went through as a child can really affect you later on in life."
"Process your trauma, overcome your hurts, and integrate your shadow."
"Our first job is to get inside and heal the inner child, heal all the parts of us, and then expand and be more of who we are."
"Self-compassion is the key to emotional healing."
"By taking it seriously and forming a human bond with the girl, you enabled her to return into the world of concrete reality from which she had fled." - Narrator
"That's the medicine that empathy brings, that's the most needed medicine at this particular time."
"Let's relive some trauma today, let's just really, really get to the root of the issue."
"Trauma... undoes the other and it goes in both directions."
"The wounded child is a very, very arduous archetype."
"Hey Henry, do you think maybe seeing a concentration camp has left some mental scars that you need to heal from?"
"Incredible psychological healing, releasing, and forgiving."
"I realized that I was not really progressing in my life the way I wanted to because I hadn't really cleared out this old garbage from childhood."
"A lot of these things are from childhood traumas, from wounds, from programming."
"Psychological wounds heal much slower than physical wounds."
"We can use the fact that the amygdala has no sense of time to connect with that younger self and soothe her."
"The significance of the placebo effect lies in its ability to harness the mind-body connection for therapeutic benefits."
"That's where like the processing happens."
"Any emotionally painful experience can be used as food by the pain body."
"EMDR was initially developed as a trauma-focused treatment."
"We're diving deep into the emotional and psychological wounds that don't show on the surface."
"...taking care of old business often has to do with psychological baggage or even spiritual baggage."
"This is also called psychological healing."