
Vim Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"If you're one of those people that are going to spend a lot of time, especially if you're a Linux tinker, you're going to spend a lot of time digging through config files and editing config files, maybe you want to investigate Vim."
"Before we conclude, let's show how to disable some features that you may not want from the base lazy Vim configuration."
"Yes, golf reference. I was not to say that I don't use the vim key bindings, of course, I use the vim key bindings."
"We're going to be doing a lot of videos in April on Vim."
"Your new best friend is this file .vimrc."
"Steal your friend's .vimrc when you start out."
"Ranger: It's a command line file manager that uses the vim keyboard shortcuts to navigate and interact with files."
"That's the real way to exit Vim: Capital Z capital Q."
"Thankfully though we have neovim which has become the more popular variant of core vim and it uses lua for its configurations. Lua, it's so good."
"When somebody says I'm a Vim user, what they say is I almost always use Vim as my text editor."
"You update, add the submodules, then you just do open Vim, colon, plugin install."
"The Vim versus emacs debate may seem like a modern phenomenon, but the truth is that these editors have been around literally for decades."
"Trust me, Vim is like totally super cool."
"The point of this talk is to show you Vim's capabilities, not to memorize all these commands."
"You can hit G F to go to file, and you're there."
"How do we jump back? Yes, Ctrl O, nice."
"Let's just go there, G control right bracket, to list all of the tags."
"Vim actually supports its own native terminal buffer."
"Going Mouseless with Vim, Tmux, and hotkeys."
"Using Vim as a lightweight IDE... you can actually do a lot more than you think."
"Vim isn't just a character-wise editor; it's a language of itself."
"Think in terms of operators, text objects, and motions."
"It's because it's a modal editor that it's so efficient."
"Vim achieves this through four essential modes."
"Your problem with Vim is that you don't grok Vim."
"Every single jump you make... they're all saved within Vim."
"Vim has a ton of tools in its toolset... it's really hard to compress all this into a one-hour presentation."
"Always be scrolling... you don't need to use hjkl to navigate everywhere."
"Vim provides super useful mnemonics."
"VI FM is a file manager with the curses interface, it provides a vim-like environment for managing objects within file systems."
"All those keyboard commands that you know and love in vim, they pretty much do the exact same thing in VI FM."
"Editing with Vim is probably my number one most effective productivity tip is to learn Vim."
"I'm convinced that nobody knows everything about Vim, probably even the person who created it."
"Evil Collection is basically the solution to having Vim bindings everywhere without having to install Doom Emacs itself."
"It takes about half an hour to go through the entire Vim tutor, it is a really nice way to quickly get up to speed with Vim."
"Vim is a modal text editor, which means it has modes."
"Normal mode is the mode you should be in most of the time."
"Visual mode allows you to select blocks of text, which is very powerful for quickly copying, deleting, moving large chunks of text."
"Vim has proved invaluable... I particularly like the plugin system, the color highlighting in particular, where I can actually see the color that a particular hex number actually relates to, visually in the editor."
"There are about 96 compilers that come with Vim, so it's pretty powerful."
"Plugins like Vim dispatch and Mewcomplete are awesome if you guys want to learn more about Vim's native features."
"Vim is extremely powerful, highly recommended."
"It just reads like English: 'I want to change the inner word,' or 'I want to change around a paragraph.'"
"You're not going to appreciate what Vim can do unless you're actually using it."
"You just really appreciate why evil mode is just that good."
"Vim can do math for us; it has what's called the expression register."
"Vim is grammar, just like English."