
Responsible Behavior Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Alicia and Josh should not be drinking if there are any children or homes that come from alcoholism."
"Long story short, I like gambling personally. I think it's fine to do, you know, if you're of age, you gamble what you can afford to lose, you're okay with it, it's all good."
"There's only one safe policy for driving, that's the human policy."
"Let's not take it in jest, let's take this thing seriously."
"You always want to break these plastic rings holding bottles together to prevent animals from getting stuck."
"A man doesn't stop him knock [__] little broads up willy-nilly, a man cares about his legacy."
"Do your research, know what you're doing, know where you're getting it from. Get your blood work done, legally."
"I canceled my plans to ensure that I get better by Monday."
"You shouldn't let people know whether you own a firearm or not... that's part of being responsible with firearms."
"Most folks, guys and gals, will leave their guns at home."
"If you can't identify your target, you probably shouldn't be shooting at it."
"If you can loot businesses, burn down buildings, engage in protest, you can also go to a Christmas party. You can celebrate the holiday of Christmas, and you can do it responsibly."
"If you're gonna be attempting a prank for a YouTube video, you need to make sure that it's one that does not involve any weapons whatsoever."
"Congratulations, I am so proud of you because you have decided not to go and get pissed in a pub garden on the first day that pubs have been open but to stay in and watch Tiski Sour."
"You have to do this responsibly and that means managing risk, not managing the potential to make the most and use the most leverage."
"I hope this is the lesson to all of you out there: be careful if you're going to drink, get in an Uber. It costs you nothing compared to what it costs otherwise."
"Do it respectfully, responsibly, and as safely as you can."
"That's just not smart, that's not what I want to do with my channel, that's not what I want to do with my life, that's not the kind of behavior that I want to encourage in other people."
"You need to be responsibly selfish to love others."
"Protect yourself Storm, yes protect yourself and always wear protection."
"Don't drink and drive over the holidays. Be safe, be merry."
"If we want to take something out, let's be responsible about it."
"If you educate four-wheel drives and people how to treat the Australian bush, well, guess what? You're not causing any environmental impact."
"You can't throw stones within the glass house."
"Leadership means acting with decency and integrity."
"Half-protected sex, get test results. Be careful with that."
"Don't drink and drive. It's just not worth it."
"They really try to follow the law and do what's in the best interest of the kid."
"One part about being responsible sportsmen is picking up your mess when you're done."
"Act accordingly, it's about everybody else as well."
"If you're taking drugs and you're not doing your blood work, you're just stupid."
"Everything in life, bro, just do everything responsibly if you're gonna be eating these foods, man, make sure you're in the gym working out, make sure you're drinking water, put a lemon in it, you know what I'm saying?"
"Be careful on every level, don't be paranoid, be careful, be responsible, don't be crazy."
"If you're doing what you need to be doing in school, you play a sport, you're doing your thing, you're listening to your mother, bro, you ask for a car at 16, you're getting a brand new car. I will not tell you no."
"Players need help to make sure they take the right path."
"Governments creating the right incentives and norms for responsible behavior."
"We've got to do some adulting roll up our sleeves get in and clean it up."
"Make good choices, be safe out there, take care of yourself."
"I made this merch to help spread awareness to stop drinking and driving."
"Just call me Mr. Cocking Responsibility because I just did all the sensible things."
"He's a really sweet dude, so if he arrives to a frat party late and he sees somebody that's way too drunk, he's like 'Bro, let me drive you home.'"
"Someone here is Honorable, Source can trust you, and you're handling responsibility the way things should be handled."
"Moderation...be careful...exercise caution and don't drink and drive." - Coach Craig
"Shoot more practice more practice safe gun handling yes period."
"Please don't drink and drive, please don't do this."
"It's a safe way to get back home if you're going out for drinks and you don't feel comfortable driving."
"Responsible clubbing will get you so much further."
"Only gamble the amount that you could afford to lose and only take that amount with you when you go into the casino."
"Gambling responsibly is something everyone should know."
"Drink responsibly, don't be drinking and driving for sure."
"Use protection, whether that's a seatbelt, a condom, or a helmet."
"No drinking and driving, I don't do it, I don't condone it."
"Always adhere to speed limits, buckle up with seat belts, and stay clear of reckless driving behaviors."
"You have to be mature enough and responsible enough to conduct yourself in a way that is not only making yourself useful to the community."
"Be safe on New Year's Eve, people go crazy, people drive drunk."
"Whatever you do, be safe. Don't drink and drive, uh, whether you're sober, drinking, whatever, just be safe."
"Please make sure that you are gambling responsibly."
"Love to me is responsible behavior towards other human beings based on care, respect, and concern for them and acceptance of them just like they are."
"That little girl did everything right by going and telling someone."
"Don't drink and drive, this is a PSA."
"As always, we remind you to please drink responsibly."