
Educational Criticism Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"For-profit colleges continue to fail their students, time and time again."
"They say conformity is great to succeed in school, but it's not great to succeed in life."
"Public school is the most boring experience in life."
"Our education system does a particularly poor job in helping people answer that question."
"It's the biggest structural defect in America today is the education system."
"The tragedy of what happened is that Evergreen was destroyed, it's not capable of educating anymore."
"More people pulling money from these garbage universities that are overcharging their students for a degree in nonsense."
"Critical thinking, they actually hate it. They're openly against it because they say that's the old way."
"I'm a huge fan of college, but I have huge problems with the end with the... associated with it."
"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, they'll spend its whole life believing that it's stupid."
"Educators must recognize school systems as racialized and political."
"Both parents and the school itself force the schoolchildren to wear embarrassing 'scarlet letters', consisting of short notes about not such impressive school achievements."
"Our children are being taught to be judgmental at a time when we should be more open than we’ve ever been."
"We shouldn't be mad at white people for not teaching about Dr. Claude Anderson."
"These games aren't educational, Adopt Me is educational because it teaches you to drop children in a lake."
"I personally will never forgive the education system for gaslighting me into thinking that learning is boring."
"This legacy-based admissions allows mediocre mostly white but not all to get into high places with doing the least amount."
"The curriculum that the Duggars use is incredibly disturbing."
"We're teaching young people that they cannot be successful, and so of course, they're going to have a prey response to being told you're being preyed upon."
"Going to Princeton doesn't make you smart. It doesn't mean you learned anything. It just meant you followed the rules."
"Our education started literally at birth, around the fire, learning valuable skills. Western education just teaches you how to be a worker."
"We live in a world of autonomous electric cars and spaceships... but we're choosing like a horse and buggy when it comes to learning."
"Sometimes the homework was the dumb part all along."
"There's such an overt effort to indoctrinate it feels like, and I don't trust it."
"What people are being told in their secular institutions, they're being lied to."
"Our education system is creating the most racist generation since the KKK and Jim Crow."
"It's easy to hide the truth in these school systems... they make you learn this information that's not true on purpose."
"The for-profit college industry is not a way to do that."
"90% of traders lose. Most people who teach are just snake oil salesmen."
"Why should I participate in the mis-education of the American people?"
"I just personally feel like teaching to the test does a disservice."
"I mean nobody knows history the way you do... schools didn't teach us this history."
"Queer education is openly hostile to norms, expectations, and anything considered dominant."
"Don't let the school make a fool of you, because the teachers may be fools too."
"The president argued...that many of the problems the country faces stem from 'extreme indoctrination and bias in the education system.'"
"Here's the dirty little secret of Indian history: we rarely learn about its most interesting players, only its most convenient ones."
"We kind of rob them of all this joy and free love and energy and then put them through the grinder."
"Expecting kids to do these things at least to the satisfaction of fundamentalist Christian adults is totally unrealistic."
"In the modern education system, we often overlook the nurturing of a good human being, favoring instead the boosting of intelligence and accumulation of information."
"You gotta realize something: these schools suck. They want people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. You ain't got no straps, you got my boots."
"The problem with our school system is that we haven't taught kids to think and to care. Those should be the only two criteria to graduating and have you proved to us that you care? Have we taught you empathy?"
"The education system is failing to teach diversity and inclusion."
"We should not let people who do not know what they're talking about teach us what we should do."
"English teachers: Just horrible, annoying, and particular about dumb assignments."
"What we learn about Africa in the West is not true. Like most of it is propaganda."
"Students are taught their country is awful and their system of laws are unjust."
"Nowadays, China is all about money; schools are no longer a place to teach and educate but have become a factory to produce college exam machines."