
Unexplained Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"To this day, no satisfactory explanation is being given that is not UFO related."
"The weird thing though is that none of us heard or saw him walk there. It was kind of like he just appeared."
"We've certainly found something we can't explain!"
"The Hernandez family saw something they can't explain captured by their home security cameras in Clovis."
"The world is full of mysteries and secrets that cannot be explained with logical reasoning."
"I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I saw something big and very close to me, something that I am unable to explain."
"Whatever it is, it remains in place for several hours, then just speeds off into space, leaving no trace at all."
"I felt better instantly, but I couldn't explain why."
"When the light went off and when you guys were just walking there, I kind of saw a little... like, I don't even know what to explain it."
"There's never been any kind of explanation of why it's there and it's obviously not there just by coincidence."
"We've received 2 sets of videotapes. Neither of our experts can offer explanations for these craft in the sky."
"A ghostly encounter captured on camera, leaving paranormal experts baffled."
"Balls on the floor mysteriously seem to just start rolling around on their own."
"Basically, I can't fully explain this video, so this might actually be paranormal."
"It's nebulous magic, it's that magical realism that isn't always explained."
"The Devil's tramping ground: an eerie spot where nothing grows, animals are frightened, and compasses go haywire."
"I just saw Splinter get eaten by a giant crocodile, that's kind of cool."
"Year after year, people continue to report encounters with something we don't have answers for."
"This is truly a mysterious piece of footage that no one can definitively explain."
"I still cannot explain what we heard back there. It sounded like 'help' to me."
"This creepy Mickey Mouse picture in a basement is probably one of the scariest unexplained photos of all time."
"There's something out there they can't explain."
"Something happened that night that can't be explained."
"It was one of the weirdest things I have ever experienced and to this day I can't explain what happened."
"Doors kept opening and closing that I knew were not opened or closed beforehand."
"The Great Pyramid was like a building let down from heaven Untouched by human hands."
"It reminds me that there are still unexplained things in this world that fascinate us."
"There's that many different kinds of phenomena reported regularly that something's happening here."
"The detail expressed regarding his past life remains almost impossible to explain away."
"Wherever sightings remain unexplained anything is possible."
"Her car was engulfed by a massive ball of white light resulting in 90 minutes of missing time and the unfathomable experience of waking after dark."
"Those are the mysterious disappearances caught on camera."
"This footage remains unexplained; this haunting mystery continues to baffle and intrigue."
"Lot of activity last night that occurred between 9:00 and 9:15 Arizona time, very, very mysterious."
"The Soulway F Spaceman: an iconic piece of unexplained history."
"It was the strangest thing I have ever seen and I have not found any satisfactory explanation to this day."
"Encounters with black-eyed children remain a perplexing and confusing aspect of a broader extraterrestrial or paranormal landscape."
"From a haunted hotel filled with ghosts to mysterious terrains with no origin, here are 20 most mysterious places scientists still can't explain."
"The closer it got, they could see that it wasn't a lantern but a ball of light floating three feet off the ground."
"I've always considered myself skeptical to the paranormal; however, something happened one of those nights at my Nana's house that to this day, over a decade later, I still cannot explain."
"My mum was there painting and left the brush in a certain spot, came back later and found it elsewhere."
"The water upstairs turned on by itself."
"The light switch on a chain at the top of the stairs began dangling."
"Our world has no shortage of strange and unexplainable events that have still not been solved today."
"...instead we seem to find more and more pretty much on a monthly basis, and one such unexplained mystery was discovered back in 2018, this unusual explosion you see right here referred to as AT 2018 cow or basically the cow for short."
"I do kind of believe in ghosts. I know there are a lot of people out there that probably think I'm dumb for saying that, but I've just had stuff happen in my house that couldn't be explained with science."
"To this day, there is no plausible explanation for what happened that night."
"There is no physical, scientifical explanation for how that door, like something out of a movie, was unbolted and pushed open."
"we ruled out all the conventional explanations so we're left with a genuine mystery"
"One night an orb of light was swirling near the ground and while this kind of activity had been seen before, this time it seemed to intentionally antagonize the Sherman's three dogs."
"I've always been a man of science and a huge skeptic, but I can't explain that night."
"The standing blanket became a symbol of the enigmatic and unexplained, a constant reminder that there are forces in this world that defy rational explanation."
"There are things that happened that I could only describe as paranormal."
"There were more instances of mostly my stepdad appearing in places he couldn't have been in. We also had a lot of paranormal things going on in both the apartment and that house, like footsteps, shadow figures, voices, things being moved or thrown around."
"Sometimes the creepiest and most unexplained things in existence are just a head turn away. Be careful out there."
"There are things we cannot explain out there in this world."
"To this day I still do not have an explanation for what I saw."
"This is paranormal. This cannot be explained away."
"There's something genuinely mysterious about the UAP phenomenon."
"Life and vibrancy are the backdrop for eerie tragedies that defy simple explanation while officials continue to report these cases as accidental drownings."
"Unexplained sounds have been heard in the castle late at night, men's voices."
"Something unexplainable happened that night."
"It's not explained. People are like, 'What is happening?'"
"Four truly strange stories of The Unexplained that will make you uncomfortable."
"There are a lot of things that we can't explain and whether or not you believe in ghosts, there are some places in the world that are just plain scary."
"I have seen some stranger things that have no logical explanation."
"To this day, we still can't explain what happened that night."
"I have determined some of the lights may have been a neighbor or two walking in their driveway... but sometimes there really is no explanation."
"I have seen things that I cannot explain."
"The stereo in my room would occasionally turn on by itself."
"...I felt really weird because it was definitely something I could not logically explain."
"I rationalize with the best of them, but I know there are things that just can't be explained."
"During the recording, they felt this fence shaking at the same time someone was throwing rocks to the film crew."
"I've chosen these quotations because they're not from Christian apologists; they're from attending medical personnel, and in each case, they say, 'I don't get this. It doesn't make any sense. It shouldn't have happened.'"
"This is one of the best-attested inexplicable events in history. All right, it just is."
"Sometimes miracles do happen, and I just think that there's other things in this world that sometimes we can't understand but they're out there."
"That's just another example of things that take place out here that I have no explanation for, absolutely none."
"We've never been able to find a natural explanation."
"It's for all the reasons that we can't think of."
"No one could explain what happened to both of us."
"Despite the many theories, nobody could explain why Jim's experience was different from others who had seen the creature."
"I've never really had paranormal experiences but I cannot explain this."
"People all around the world have experienced unknown and unexplained happenings."
"I still can't explain what happened, but I still wonder who was turning that doorknob."
"We all agreed that we had the same unprovoked sensation once we stepped onto the trail and could not come up with any logical explanation."
"I noticed a shadow being cast onto the street behind us with no one there to make it."
"These events Standalone could be nominal and maybe explained but collectively it's really hard to deny that something was present and a miss."
"Nothing else ever happened out of the ordinary like that night, but we seriously have no idea what happened."
"I don't believe in the paranormal, but I can find no reasonable explanation as to what is causing this."
"Sometimes maybe it's best to leave it that way, unexplained and unrepeated."
"I'm not really a Believer per se but a lot of spooky and unexplained things have happened at night, so many that I have no choice but to begin to believe when it's all added up together."
"One night I woke up sometime in the night to the TV turning off and on rapidly even though it didn't have a remote."
"To this day, I have not figured out what caused this, and it hasn't happened since."
"To this day it was just the most bizarre experience and I've never come up with a good explanation."
"There have been a few more unexplained events, but this one was the last and strangest thing to happen to me."
"To this day, we don't have any explanation for the things that happened there."
"It was like everything electrical had a mind of its own."
"There are things in this world that science or logic can't explain."
"It's been this way ever since we moved in about four years ago, strange people just arriving at the house and weird occurrences and hearing weird things."
"It's just so strange and to this day I cannot explain it."
"We cannot explain how it got outside in the span of about five minutes."
"For thousands of years, people have told stories about strange experiences that we cannot explain – stories that conflict with our understanding of reality."
"Things would randomly disappear and then days or weeks later reappear in the middle of my bedroom floor."
"Something unexplained happened in my room."
"...the tamam shud mystery remains one of Australia's most perplexing cases of unexplained death."
"...tragically, the death of Kurt McFaul still remains unexplained."
"This heavy wooden box has been moving on its own for how long you guys?"
"It was a reminder that there are still mysteries out there, still things that defy explanation."
"I saw something across the clearing by me that I just can't explain."
"We came across some incredible tales of unexplained encounters."
"These are five real monster sightings that will defy logic."
"When we were in the tent, the light didn't shine through the tent. This thing didn't make a single noise, so it wasn't a drone or anything like that—it was far too big."
"I never really gave much Credence to stories about the Unexplained."
"I still can't explain just what the hell I saw."
"Encounters with the unexplained, many experiences today simply be glimpses of this other realm."
"My doctors cannot understand it or explain it, but I received the greatest miracle."
"Nature is amazing. If you're new to the hobby, there's so many weird things that nature will do. We can't really explain it."
"I've seen strange things for as long as I can remember: lights, shadows, noises, things not of this world."
"These strange historical mysteries have all defied explanation for decades or even centuries."
"Eight hours later, we woke up, and nobody could remember how we got home."
"Many of them unexplainable and paranormal."
"Something happened that nobody can explain, that is of course unless you believe in miracles."
"It just hung in the air, attached to nothing, surrounded by forest."
"Flickering lights are one thing, but a switch visibly turning off of its own accord? That's a whole other story..."
"We had come face to face with a creature that defied explanation."
"Doors in their home would often open without cause."
"Suddenly, inexplicably, it simply vanished."
"There are many things in this life which cannot be explained."
"I have something, and what I have is going to allow us so much freedom that I can't even explain."
"We've heard anomalous sounds, knocks, and even strange unexplained light."
"Some things are best left unexplained."
"This unexplained footage has sparked a debate online, with viewers sharing their theories and interpretations."
"But not everything in our world is so easily explainable, and there are a few bizarre mysteries that still linger."
"Amidst this hellish landscape, tales of strange and inexplicable confrontations have since emerged."
"I'm not totally skeptical because I do believe that there's things here, hard and unexplained."
"The world is full of mysteries, from unexplained disappearances to phenomena that defies logic."
"The Min Min light is far from the only unexplained mystery haunting the Australian wilderness."
"The ocean is home to all sorts of mysteries, so once again, I'm not surprised we saw something we cannot explain."
"The American public has the right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomenon."
"What you're about to see is a matter of human record. Explain it we cannot; disprove it we cannot."
"There are a select few that have just seemingly vanished from the face of the Earth."
"This case is truly unexplainable and absolutely terrifying."
"These are five families that vanished without a trace."
"The black day... neither astronomers nor meteorologists can explain what happened."
"Every day, strange things happen across the globe, baffling all those involved."
"Some such mysteries remain unexplained to this very day."
"Our evidence is mainly unexplained noises that mystified and unnerved us all."
"The unexplained creepy face of an old woman appears in the mirror."
"I believe that there are things that cannot be explained."
"I never really believed in the paranormal until something happened that I just can't explain."
"I had some paranormal experiences that I can't explain."
"It's the weirdest thing ever, unexplained mystery."
"I'm a skeptical atheist, but I have one story for which I literally have no logical explanation."
"Unexplained events that left a chill in the air."
"This is one of the UK's biggest unexplained UFO cases."
"The door just slammed on its own. There was nobody there, but we couldn't figure out what caused the door to slam."
"My dad was one person who never experienced anything... but one thing he can't explain is waking up at 4am next to a lit tea light candle."
"It remains the most bizarre and unexplainable thing I've ever witnessed."
"It doesn't matter where you try to hide, in this world it seems the unexplained and supernatural will find you."
"I understood that some encounters are not meant to be explained; they are there to remind us of the mysteries that exist just beyond the edge of understanding."
"This is a very real story, and it's something that I personally experienced, and to this day I've never been able to explain it."
"I've seen stuff out here I can't really explain."
"Spending hours and hours out in the woods surely will hold a few odd and unexplainable experiences."
"There are many things in this world that we can't explain."
"The beauty of these latest photographs is that they're here in the bay; there's a clear focused image in the middle of it that I can't instantly explain."
"Nothing grows in that circle; the legend says that if you drop or leave anything in that circle, it is moved and/or disappears by morning."
"Strange things would happen in the house, old shades would go up on their own."
"I don't have an explanation for what I saw, at least no rational explanation that makes sense."
"The Kremers and Froon case is one of many unexplained deaths and disappearances around the world that share some unexpected commonalities, and suggest at the influence of other anomalous phenomena."
"So that's five fascinating mysteries, some of which have been somewhat solved, others that are still very much unexplained."
"The Milky sea has been a phenomenon for ages, but as of yet, no one has quite been able to explain it."
"From the skies that dance with unexplainable lights to the ground that conceals secrets beneath its surface, every corner of this ranch is a chapter in a story that defies belief."
"Visitors and employees of the hotel have seen and witnessed things that they can't explain."
"Generations have lived here and have seen and heard things that are hard to explain."
"The past couple of years there have been many videos uploaded to the internet of strange and mysterious phenomena going on in the sky."
"Many have said that this isn't the first time that strange entities and sightings have been reported from this area."
"I believe these things that can't be explained about our relationship."
"I always kind of had some deep down love for no apparent reason... that was kind of where my heart was."
"There's some mysteries that just can't be explained no matter how hard you try."
"Have you ever seen something you couldn't explain?"
"I am normally an Occam's razor kind of person, but we saw what we saw, and I have no explanation for it."
"Once you spend enough time out away from civilization, you see and hear things that are not simply explained."
"Magic is really that aspect of life that we just can't explain rationally but that results in amazing things."
"When it comes to encountering the unexplained, seeing is believing."
"While the majority of unidentified objects near the sun can be attributed to known phenomena or artifacts of the imaging process, some instances remain unexplained and intriguing."
"From the depths of the ocean to the peaks of the highest mountains, humanity has been captivated by several unexplainable phenomena that challenge the very fabric of our reality."
"Join us as we unravel the 20 world mysteries no one can explain."
"Throughout time, there have been mysteries mankind cannot explain."
"Have you had any experiences with another dimension or something that you can't really explain?"
"Often such disappearances are eventually explained, but this proves more difficult when the incident involves hundreds or even thousands of people."
"The Cooper Family falling body photo remains a testament to the unexplained, serving as a haunting puzzle in the world of unexplained photographs."
"I've been a ranger now for a few years, and before I started my job, I would have never believed the unexplainable that goes on."
"Maybe it was an attachment, was this a case of mistaken identity, or did we just witness something that we can't explain?"
"It's full of history, he's a skeptic but he's even experienced a fear that he cannot explain."
"The things that cannot be explained are immortal."
"They could only explain it as a miracle."
"Still to this day, years later, I cannot come up with a rational or scientific explanation for what I saw."
"Every night we would lock that basement door, and every morning we would wake up to find it standing wide open."
"I'm not particularly religious, nor do I necessarily believe in ghosts or supernatural things, but something happened that night that I can't explain."