
Unchangeable Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"You can't change your past, it's just impossible because you've experienced it."
"We live in a kingdom that cannot be moved, that cannot be shaken, that cannot be destroyed, that cannot be shifted."
"What's displayed to me, it doesn't change the lock."
"The past is the past, what it was is what it was and it cannot be changed."
"Nothing can stop His love. There isn't a single thing you can do that will turn it off."
"Nobody can change the Quran, it is guarded by Allah."
"You really can't speed this process up all that much."
"A leopard never changes his spots."
"The religion of Jesus Christ was given to us by Him, transmitted by the Apostles, made known to us by the Fathers of the Church and the Doctors of the Church, the Magisterium throughout time; it cannot change."
"Morality is based on God's and his nature, that's why morality is unchangeable."
"The truth is the truth, and nobody can change that."
"The Covenant that God made with the Jewish people by the giving of the Torah and received at Mount Sinai will never be changed nor become obsolete."
"I am one with Him, and you are one with Him, and that's never going to change."
"The law of God cannot be altered, nullified, or replaced by an institution of man."
"History is history, we can't change history."
"An evil man, no matter how long he is in prison, never changes, cannot change, no more than a leopard can change his markings."
"A leopard cannot change its spots."
"The throne of God is still set...no change, history is not whimsical. No one has overthrown Him or replaced Him."
"The past is unchangeable once something has already happened it cannot be altered under any circumstances."
"The past is 100% being. It cannot be changed. No decision you make can affect it. Nothing you can do about it. It's 100% rock-solid, impermeable, non-osmotic being."
"There's a certain passion that you just can't take out of people."
"But there's one thing in there that I thought was completely unchangeable, and that was Bill."
"This box and what's inside it cannot be changed."
"There is nothing in this world that will ever change that."
"History isn't going to change no matter what you do."
"I'm not going to change. I love it."
"God is unchangeable, so guess what, that means His law is unchangeable."
"The gospel is what it is because God has said so. It is not subject to human emendation, change, alteration, or replacement."
"The truths given us after the passing of the time in 1844 are just as certain and unchangeable as when the Lord gave them to us."
"Nothing would change what happened all those years ago."
"Some things you can't change, no matter how hard you try."
"The abuse which you've had in the past, you can't change that."
"You're not going to change your parents. You're not going to change who they are."
"Prince, I love you and there ain't nothing you can do about it."
"Nothing's changed between you and me. It never will. It can't."
"When you find your Self, you find what is unchanged by any experience."
"The destiny line can in no way be altered."
"Everyone's got a history; you can't change the past."
"How it was is how it was and you cannot change what is past."
"There's nothing that can change my love for you."
"By two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement."
"But I wouldn't change it for the world."
"I don't get stressed about things I cannot change."
"The past remains the past. We can learn from it, but we cannot change it."
"I love you, Mumi, and nothing will ever change that. No one will ever take me away from you."
"We don't get to change the gospel."
"I wouldn't change him for the world."
"You're my soul mate, Aaron. I love you too much, and nothing will ever change that."
"Truth can never be altered; the truth will never change."
"My affections to you are so unchangeable that hostility itself cannot violate my friendship to your person."
"I love you and nothing's gonna change that."
"The essential self can't be changed."
"We're family and nothing can change that."
"Who you are is who you are, and no one can change that, no matter how hard they try."
"My soul knows I am loved, and nothing can ever change that."
"You're my brother, and I love you, and there's nothing you could do to ever change that."
"You can't change things that happened."
"The immutability of God means that God is unchangeable in His character and in all of His ways."
"God defines the Christian faith; his definition cannot be edited to suit ourselves."
"I absolutely love y'all and it ain't a damn thing you can do about it."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be bettered."
"I wouldn't change you for the world."
"We went through so much together, and nothing can change that or take that away."
"You can't change the past, that's one thing you can't change."
"You always be my best friend, nothing will ever change that."
"God's nature is unknowledgeable; He cannot become not all knowledgeable."
"Someone can't be changed; they are who they are."