
Flashback Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"This moment comes to us as a flashback to Reed's childhood."
"The opening sequence also flashes back to the scene from the first ant-man showing Hank and Janet's takedown of the rogue ICBM."
"The final sequence of these flashbacks is beautifully haunting and it all ties back to the moment the last of Beatrice's innocence was taken from her."
"Through a flashback, we get a glimpse of Tio's past."
"Let's go back in time to when Prairie was a little girl..."
"The Flash Forward was a clever reinvention of Lost's flashback formula."
"He remembers looking through what seems to be some sort of glass door or something with two people standing over him."
"Masaru flashes into some of Shoji's memories."
"Use flashbacks to answer questions and reward our curiosity."
"Every time he does get touched like that he has that that flashback of the KO."
"They may have outright flashbacks night terrors re-experiencing that they haven't disclosed because people haven't asked."
"Peter Gould compared the three cameo flashbacks of Mike, Walt, and Chuck to the three ghosts of Christmas past..."
"Our story begins with the anime version of the Skyrim intro before we get a proper little flashback of what led up to it."
"Getting Kevin Conroy, the definitive Batman, to play Bruce's father in a flashback was a good call."
"The film's flashback structure vividly captures the sense of a world broken by war."
"Every time in Friends when Monica... they do a flashback, she's in her fat suit."
"I love a heist, and I love these flashbacks so let's do them both together."
"I really want Void Sentry flashback be super long and basically its own miniseries around 20 to 30 chapters without any modern characters except Emu."
"In that instant in my head I was back in Iraq and my senses felt razor sharp."
"...what makes Halloween kills stand out from the crowd is that nearly flawless flashback scene."
"...flashback to his freshman year."
"In the flashback, Emily met the alien leader inside the alien spacecraft."
"I love a flashback. I love a backstory. I eat this up."
"Kind of an Oceans 11 flashback sequence."
"So, Hiroto ascends to power. It's a flashback to him, like, after Karai fell."
"The transition out of the flashback into the more modern day is the final page of the flashback, with the young Joker doubled over in turmoil. Then we transition to the iconic shot of the Joker's crazed face with the 'hahaha' in the background."
"Like those flashbacks and then the way it tied into the present day with hop"
"That whole thing where she's having drinks and they're having a good time and like I actually got a little bit caught off guard there because I thought that was just a flashback."
"Crease though, a menace from the beginning, manipulative, they add so much depth to him through flashbacks."
"Has there ever been a flashback in One Piece where somebody was running a bakery and then they died? No, it never happened."
"These flashbacks add complexity to Luffy as a character."
"And then much of the plot is revealed in flashback because what's going on here is that Joe is like Hunter I gotta know like you're like I know you're a drug addict and you lie compulsively that's what drug addicts do."
"Chopper's flashback is so good because I could show it to anybody and they're probably going to cry by the end of it."
"The first time that brought me to a lot of tears was when Daniel walked up to Mr. Miyagi's grave site and then in the car had the flashback of your whole life lesson for your whole life. It's like, 'Holy [ __ ], I just bought it, yeah.'"
"I'm so eager to find out the truth, like what deals were put in place. I just can't wait till we get a flashback of what went down in the hean era a thousand years ago."
"You're acting like a [expletive] now, go have a super cliche flashback that awakens your random power-up."
"Flashbacks that are absolutely amazing and I wish more shows to follow in its footsteps."
"Why do I carry this emotional round? Or why do I do this behavior? If you have a flashback from your childhood or something that's happened in the past, it's really important because that's often a clue or a key as to why I do this behavior now."
"This flashback may present Kuma losing three people most closest to him."
"They made that exchange believable. So believable. Not just by the acting but by having that flashback scene."
"That's terrifying, I'm really scared of Jaws, the actual movie that really scared me as a kid, so this is just giving me flashbacks."
"Suddenly he's transported back to where it all started, the accident in his lab that gave him his powers."
"When you're trapped in a flashback you are reliving the worst emotional times of your childhood."
"It takes a while before those flashbacks kick in, but there's never a moment where this fight isn't absolutely goaded."
"But that's where we start to get Luffy's flashback of Curly Dadan and his early years with Ace. This was all so cool, it informed a lot of the things we saw in the very beginning."
"It's weird how your brain works. Smell of trash, flashback. Smell somebody smoking a clove, I'm right back into combat."
"Flashbacks at the start of the beginning."
"This is when Armin flashes back to something Bertolt said when he betrayed them, which is that someone has to be the person to stain their hands with blood."
"I really liked how they did that. I liked the flashback element and kind of like the lesson through Anakin. I thought that was super cool."
"I think Kubo did a great job of slipping this miniature flashback Arc into the story here in a way that I think felt organic and actually had Stakes as well for Ichigo's overall Journey."
"Jin wants to know what really happened, and in a flashback, we meet Chen's sister Lynn."
"He packs an entire story in that flashback that is so compelling."
"Imagine the entire walk Aaron has back to Historia. You just see like flashbacks of when he first met Armin, when he first met Mikasa, you know, all the adventures they had together."
"We're going to actually do a literary device called a flashback."
"Cole's mother did return in flashbacks... we actually got to see her character and see how she interacted with Cole."
"This sample also uses little moments of flashback really well."