
Nostalgic Gaming Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I'd love to see your return one day to that kind of late 90s early 2000s like quake counter-strike and real tournament halo style of map design."
"Let's make a classic Roblox Avatar, we just gotta put on the Nostalgia goggles."
"Goldeneye 64 is probably the second best first-person shooter on the Nintendo 64 in fact it definitely is and it is one of the best FPS has ever made for sure."
"I like games that make me feel like a kid again."
"Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater... just so amazing."
"There's just something so great about it. Starting that first level, hearing this music, winding up, riding the ride, fighting all the bosses."
"Later titles like Blood, Shadow Warrior, and Redneck Rampage are generally well remembered."
"It's a blast... if you've ever played Super Mario Brothers."
"It definitely grew on me... it started to evoke more of the jazz soul type feel."
"This 2007 real 2007scape method came in handy."
"I never truly relive those memories again. Through the pain, there was a tinge of something else, a beauty in the stillness of being alone in a game that was once so overrun by players."
"It was the best summer ever and it's never... you know... and I played all the rest of the games and I liked them... boards excellent but he never came close to that religious experience for the first game."
"100 percent brought me back to the days of playing Halo. Just I think there's just something about the gameplay. I don't know, there's like the mechanics and gameplay in this game just feels so unmatched compared to so many other games."
"Some of those core memories growing up as a Nintendo kid. A lot of my fondest memories were centered around Mario."
"For all of us that were there from day one that we're looking forward to this I was looking forward to a modern-day Goonies adventure RPG."
"I strangely have a lot of memories with this game, Toe Ball number one."
"It feels not like some new thing but rather some old thing just being brought back and powered up I like it."
"Playing Crash Bandicoot the Insane Trilogy really did bring back the memories of the old games which let's be honest is exactly what it should have done."
"There is a lizard brain satisfaction in playing Diablo 2."
"My fondest childhood memories are playing Turok and Super Smash Brothers with my friends back in grade school."
"Heartgold and soulsilver ends up feeling like a weird time capsule it was made to bring a classic game to modern standards but now it's looked to as a classic itself maybe they can revitalize it just one more time."
"They've simplified it to the point where it has that earlier COD feel."
"I played these for hours as a kid and I have absolutely no idea why everything about these games in the I toyed device itself is so silly yet so [ __ ] clever"
"A new version of Street Fighter 2 the version the Commodore deserved."
"Mode 7 on the Super Nintendo... makes you feel like you're on a track in a 3D world."
"After two decades, Vice City feels like home."
"It all started with force nothing, didn't it? Almost a year and a half ago now."
"Mini consoles have become a fad in recent years."
"Last time I played games was Worms like years ago, it was great throwback."
"The first game I ever played was of course, as it was for many a person of my age, Spyro the Dragon. That little purple nerd."
"It's as complex as the old Age of Empires was."
"Invincibility codes could be a fun way to screw around in a game you knew by heart, but there were drawbacks."
"I'll never forget that love at first sight feeling I got from the game the minute I booted up X6 on my brother's old PlayStation 1."
"This game has so much PS2 energy right the difficult unbalanced fights that can't be patched away the QTE mini games the kind of goofiness the bite-sized nature of it yeah it's all very very very PS2."
"Arcade games like Gum Blade New York remind us of a different gaming experience."
"It kind of reminds me of like the early days of minecraft when nobody knew what was good and I kind of love that."
"Discover the magic of A Link to the Past - a journey worth taking, over and over again."
"Crash Bandicoot Insane Trilogy: the Crash games are amazing, super fun to play even today."
"Sonic 3 & Knuckles, that is a game that I grew up with when I had my Genesis way back in the day and I loved that one."
"This is probably the Pokemon game I remember the least from when I was younger, so I am very much looking forward to replaying this in sexy 3DS language." - Sexy 3DS language.
"Jurassic Park Arcade Game was a plastic replica jeep and it was the absolute bomb."
"Back in the day when you landed with momentum you can spam the jump button and keep bouncing... it was probably the most fun way to get around we have ever had."
"Prototype and Anti-Champion... it's like a throwback to the older days."
"Sonic 2 was one of the first games I played as a kid, and Tails will always have a special place in my heart."
"Welcome to Monster Hunter one, it's nice for the times."
"Welcome back single-player arcade FPS dual wielding assault rifle nonsense game, I've missed you."
"This was always my warm-up stage when I played Melee as a teenager."
"Opening legendary decks 2: a wave of nostalgia"
"Star Wars dark Forces, Pokémon Red and Blue, and Half-Life. Those are ones where I think, like, I could tell somebody, 'Hey, you should play this,' and then it wouldn't be like a huge shock."
"Classic WoW was a massive success for Blizzard."
"The NES brought so many new norms to the table, especially by late 1986 when I scored mine."
"I love this, I played this game a ton as a kid, and I still enjoy it now."