
Realizations Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"It feels refreshing knowing that I met my sister."
"Throughout this month, you'll be rejuvenated; ideas will flow, leading to significant realizations."
"Only when all of the rivers are dried and the sky air is polluted and the fields are barren will people realize that you can't eat money."
"That's usually the thing that punches you right in your face."
"I thought love was war. I didn't know it was supposed to be peace and [ __ ] love."
"That moment changed everything because I felt something real that I could not deny."
"I thought what I wanted was to be rich and famous and successful... but what I wanted was to be happier."
"The fight may be over... it's actually the other way around."
"At the top of the mountain, you realize that getting to the summit is no achievement. The true achievement lies in embarking on a journey in which you better yourself."
"If he never knew you, you must have never loved him. I think that's a safe conclusion."
"Jerry and I thought you were just some politician. You are a genuine leader."
"The real thing has been right in front of her face the entire time."
"You can't know until you've been in a situation like that what it is to be really scared."
"Now he's gonna realize that his womanizing ways weren't right all along. Yay, this is Ellie as soon as he holds her."
"I don't know what that's gonna feel like though I don't... you really just see numbers and now it's like you get to see people... it's really cool."
"No way! I just got to go up here? No way, this can't be real, right?"
"It's all about making money and materiality, but once we achieve that, we realize it wasn't the answer."
"This video taught me the fan base is a lot deeper than any of us realized."
"Sometimes people who claim to love you might not be you that they love."
"If this is real and if this happens a lot, this completely changes my view of the universe."
"This really ends up being a blessing in disguise."
"Every relationship goes through problems, you know? We haven't been happy with each other."
"Here's the thing: I knew none of this a month ago."
"As time went by, I learned more and more about what actually happened and realized that it was not an accident as we would call an accident. It was totally avoidable."
"Strength in your final hours, a light bulb moment of realization."
"Magic in Sleepless in Seattle: sometimes you have to kiss the wrong man to know what's right."
"I love her expression like it's just occurred to her that she might actually need to make sure that her man is happy."
"The silver lining is now you know who you're dealing with."
"If I'm not initiating a sex thingy, she's not that into you. That is very true. That's so true."
"Maybe friendship was the true victory today."
"Ted finally realized that it was his teacher's charm that saved him."
"I just heard more truth in 12 minutes than I've heard in a very, very long time."
"Now this really spoke to me because I'm just like yeah, that's so true."
"It's more real now, like I'm excited, today was like more real."
"I guarantee you man, there's dudes watching this right now, you're in a marriage who's in a long-term relationship and this exact thing has happened to him."
"Sinatra wise beyond his years... until just now."
"China realizing belatedly its behavior hasn't left it with a lot of true friends."
"If somebody shows you their true colors, believe them."
"Being around those superstars kind of brings you down to earth."
"Jupiter is making this very big, it's making these realizations, these understandings like knock us over the head, they're very big, they're very massive here to kind of wake us up."
"I think big insane moments like this are eye-opening."
"I never really looked at it quite like that before."
"People are starting to realize what's really going on in the world."
"You need help, and until you're really at rock bottom, do you realize okay I do need help."
"Once you stop giving it, once you decide not to be used no more, once you decide to choose you, you're gonna see how they really feel about you."
"Once we got back to the real world, I started noticing things that I kind of ignored or blew off that were red flags."
"I cut out fancy vacations. I realised they were doing very little for me."
"The real Gateway back to Karo's world is the friends he made along the way."
"I feel a lot of you guys are waking up and having powerful epiphanies and realizations."
"You're diving really deep into yourself, a lot of realizations, a lot of epiphanies."