
Parenting Philosophy Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"You don't protect your children, you expose them to the world and make them strong."
"Parenting is not about controlling and domesticating little beasts and children on parasites of your patience and silence they are inexperienced little people who you can partner with and guide as they develop their understanding of the world."
"Obedience itself is not the goal, and 'because I said so' is not a good reason for it for parenting or divine command theory."
"Let your kids make their own decisions about their parents. Don't force something onto your kids."
"I'm a great believer there are no failures in life, only lessons learned and this is what I teach my children as well."
"The role of a parent is not to prioritize obedience."
"I'm trying to give them a neutral life experience where they can see things and experience things but the last thing I want them to do is what I do for work, I think it's torture."
"Stop robbing your kids of their hardships. If anything, give them more and be a great teacher."
"We need to let our autistic children be autistic."
"That's what raising children should be about: not forcing your ideas onto these people younger than you because you can."
"I don't want to put them in a box and i don't want them to feel like they have to meet expectations for anything we just want them to be children happy yeah happy yes"
"Your child is not you; they are their own person."
"Every kid and baby is different, it is just all about the consistency that you and your baby feel comfortable with."
"I'm glad to know there's a free-thinking parent out there who's sparing the child all of this Jesus stuff."
"Parenting actually is not a role at all, it's a relationship."
"Parenting is not a role you assume, it's the relationship you create."
"Letting the parents let their kids fail, teaching the parents how to let their kids fail is one of the most important things."
"Discipline without love produces rebels; love without discipline produces irresponsible people."
"If you don't discipline your kids, you hate them."
"Consider this the holy work of the child, that really is his sanctuary to be protected and preserved by us, the parents."
"Rather than being a parent as this reality defines it, empower your kids to be the greatness that they are."
"Life is difficult, but you cannot protect your children; you can prepare them."
"I like to raise my daughters knowing that they can be whoever they want."
"The long-term benefits of following the continuum concept are optimal well-being."
"You don't need anybody to tell you what I mean it's good to have structures just like I've stroked on my kids it's nice but mainly you have to figure things out for yourself you know."
"Parenthood is about showing up with a Relentless conviction to love someone like rain or shine whether you feel like it whether you don't."
"The idea is to raise individuals that grow up having the capability to discover who they are."
"I would just tell young moms that kids don't need perfect moms, they need happy moms."
"The idea of insulating your children from any kind of ugliness is just totally alien to me."
"I can't wait to have kids and just let them be whatever they want"
"If you raise a kid with love and kindness and affection most of the time, you've got a good shot that they're growing up to be decent, caring, loving human beings."
"My kids are allowed to question me because sometimes I'm wrong in this house I say I'm sorry I apologize because I don't get it right all the time."
"As long as we give them our best, that may not equate to riches and video games, but as long as we give them whatever our best is, that's what we own and that's their best springboard into life."
"Our job is not to make our kids happy because when we focus on making our kids happy, we actually start to make them fearful."
"Parenting with fear isn't parenting at all. It's tolerating a child's presence until they're old enough to mind themselves."
"Our children come to this world through us but they don't belong to us. The point shouldn't be missed here."
"Your job as a parent is not ownership or change, it is support, safety, and acceptance of what is."
"If you want your child to fear you, that is a shitty parent."
"We want to raise our child. We don't want our child raised by Instagram, Facebook, Twitter."
"So if your goal is really liberating... I need you to move through those stages and if you do that properly, we get to principle number two: your role as a parent is a shepherd, not an engineer."
"Shepherds don't turn sheep into dogs or cats... you're a shepherd, not an architect."
"Parenting is not a popularity contest."
"We've been working for too many years to have super dependent children."
"Your kid is not a window whose sole purpose is for you to relive your childhood."
"We can only do the best that we can to raise them as long as they feel loved and safe."
"I strongly believe in gentle parenting. I don't believe that you should hit your children."
"Independence is a big part of my parenting philosophy. I believe that children should do for themselves everything that they can."