
Progressive Thinking Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"We should be present-thinking people, forward-looking people, and that's how we move forward as a community."
"We gotta get over this building walls thing... in the long run for Humanity it's not gonna work."
"We're supposed to be a wealthy country, why should we go backwards?"
"It's a new world that we live in and we need to catch up to it."
"In my mind's an ideal situation is we have a president surrounded by a bunch of people who are constantly thinking how could we go bigger bolder faster better on everything."
"Embrace your individuality, embrace that need to be eccentric, and embrace that need to have progressive thinking."
"I think something needs to be updated in our educational system for people to recognize that anything that's scientifically new will have uncertainties."
"I like how Adam Aaron is forward-thinking. He's more of a forward-thinking CEO than really most that I've seen."
"The fact that people are using the word space signals a level of enthusiastic forward thinking."
"A point in Eric 10 hag would be something they wouldn't have done three years ago they wouldn't have done six years ago they wouldn't have done nine years ago maybe it's a step in the right direction."
"If you're not pushing the culture forward, you're pushing it backwards."
"The world's changed. It's time we change too."
"Disruptive thinking is about tearing down what was normal to create something that is better."
"We have to accept the science and move forward."
"It's time to let old things die the past is dead but the past died we either move forward or we die with it."
"The age of open doors: Men and women's minds are open as never before to receive the truth."
"We must go forward... but not in the ways that deny reality."
"My dad was very progressive, a progressive thinker. He was a photographer in his own dark room."
"I think that, you know, disregarding all the advances that science is proposing to us and not utilizing these advances for our benefit would probably make us miss a lot of the good that science has to offer."
"We seek a GOP that pursues climate change solutions, embraces nuance, freedom, and opportunity."
"We are moving into the future, realizing that there is a way out and damn, you're excited."
"It gives a little sense not just of his passion for nature and the environment but also his forward-looking nature."
"The key to a new beginning is to move forward never backwards."
"The allure of short hair: a symbol of defiance and forward thinking."
"This is a time to embrace change, to get ahead of change."
"Why are we looking in the past anyway? We need to focus on the future."
"We need to actually stop living in the past and live in the future."
"We are a part of the future before the Future Has even become a reality."
"Stop looking for ways to show that 'me right, you wrong, I win.' Look instead for Solutions. Look for how you move forward together because continuing to butt heads doesn't work."
"I think the generations following us will just continue to grow with understanding."
"Sometimes just letting things go and focusing on creation, loving, moving the needle forward, I think that's going to be really helpful."
"Intelligent, progressive black people want to build, come together, and have important conversations."
"Cooperation is more important than competition and I think that's the way of the future."
"Maybe we could even get rid of that stereotype, I think that would be awesome."
"The idea of sort of starting where they left off is so vastly superior."
"Always think with your step forward, that means progress not perfection."
"We need internet freedom so based legal mindset can grow from baby in cell medium channel to intergalactic interdimensional empire."
"Stay with it, this younger way of thinking."
"Maintaining our ability to evolve our thinking and our understanding is how we get to these."
"I continue to evolve in my thinking, I think that I'm evolving forward."
"This is definitely forward-thinking."
"They wanted to be progressive, they wanted to move forward."
"It's the future we should be looking to, our future."
"You've always been a very progressive thinker when it comes to diet and cardiovascular disease risk factors."
"Our tradition is innovation and continuous improvement."
"We also like to think about winning in a more evolved way, where there's a multi-dimensionality to that, there's layers to it, it's about impact, it's about opportunity."
"Progressives think out of the box."
"I feel like that is way ahead of what people are thinking."
"We need to let go of old order thinking, go forward, take what's useful of masculinity, and apply it to how things are gonna change in the future."
"It's a time of innovation, so it makes sense to me."