
Delays Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Justice is delayed here, I hope it is not denied."
"Unfortunately, their hopes were dashed as the release date of March 2016 came and went."
"Clarification and confirmation didn't come until several weeks later."
"The answer seems pretty clear... the alleged increasing scope is not the reason Star Citizen and Squadron 42 have taken this long."
"Somebody's taking too long to make a decision..."
"Trust the delays, they're headed towards something better."
"Everything happens for a reason, so this delay that you're experiencing in July, you know, it could be a blessing in disguise."
"The original Nintendo 64 Zelda was delayed because it was just such an epic humongous game."
"I'm glad it got delayed because dude, when that game comes, I'll be too busy with other games."
"Empowerment: own who you are. See, like what I said, they're literally teaching these kids."
"Delays are unfortunately the norm in eSports."
"Dia's inauguration postponed twice, after 16 months of delays and a budget that ballooned to 4.8 billion."
"Delaying a game is necessary to preserve the vision."
"This sequel has been a long overdue, you know? Seven years of development, a lot of delays, a lot of roadblocks."
"But maybe there were some bugs, some issues they were trying to do a lot with this game, and that's kind of what we're seeing a lot of these delays come from."
"Postponing this is only going to further set you back."
"The resolution of problems caused by delays is coming."
"Print to demand by ordering through stores is not as easy and it takes much longer so you're gonna see a discrepancy in when people get those products which leads to that."
"Delays are designed by the universe sometimes for our protection."
"My general sense is the surface streets thing took longer, they had some fundamental problems."
"Starfield looks good, but it's gonna get delayed. That's just how it is." - Offering a prediction about an upcoming game release.
"This particular mission has been delayed for a couple times... finally they are back to sort of make its return to flight so to speak." - Perseverance through delays.
"They'd honestly would be earlier if our winter wasn't as bad. You know, wet, wet winter."
"Game delays are inevitable for all developers and most of the time, I think they're highly respectable."
"We're excited to see a substantial amount of it because it's been a long time coming."
"The road ahead is being delayed to June... unfortunate, but we'll wait... it's gonna happen one way or another."
"Yes the East team has been delayed but they are pioneering new things."
"The world's longest wait for a vehicle ever."
"Red basically had a bunch of delays with producing the titanium models."
"At what point does 'early access' mean it's not coming out till 2020?"
"The New Mutants, which has had an original release date of April 13th, 2018, was gonna come out April 2020 and has now been pushed until four days after the earth crashes into the Sun."
"I think there's major success, but it's like there have been a lot of delays."
"Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the PO Box unboxing; I am so sorry it's taken this long to do this segment again, obviously, you know with the move and whatnot."
"Delays but not dismayed, Mason! Our famous segment of the show where I just rattle off a list of things that have been delayed. Yeah, it's not all dismayed though."
"Somebody could be resisting specific changes but it's creating delays."
"It certainly has taken a lot longer to achieve suborbital flights than we had all hoped over the years."
"The cons, there is a little bit of a delay on the listing time."
"Shortcuts make delays, but inns make longer ones."
"...Games Workshop seems like they are plagued with the delays and scalpers and no support for their new games..."
"...blade originally scheduled for a 2023 release, the production faced some challenges and delays, but now it's set to hit theaters on February 14th, 2025."
"The official numbers may actually undercount delays experienced by mailers and recipients."
"Did you know we're not going to finish on time?"
"God is saying in the dream there's going to be some delays, there's going to be some setbacks."
"...it's kind of a little bit of a head scratcher because they still haven't finished you know building and delivering 23s."
"Little delays like that will come up, but you just gotta see right through it."
"Tosa is aiming for a location similar to the line which is Out Of Reach and difficult to work with making it almost certain that this Mega project will face similar delays."
"Marvel is pulling way back and delaying stuff so they have time to fix what they need to fix."
"Saturn suggests that there are some delays, some restrictions... if you're single, this could be just like another relationship falling through."
"I feel like this round has been taking forever with all the delays we've been getting with the rain."
"It's the real victims who suffer. Cases are delayed, investigations are delayed."
"Client-side prediction helps account for communication delays."
"Despite several numerous delays that we have encountered since this morning and also despite some setbacks from Filipo."
"This album was released in the states in March of 1970 it didn't come out in the UK until June due to the Ed thing."
"It took nine months to get insurance approval."
"They've already caused many delays, but you won't be stuck."
"Payments would get delayed or wouldn't be made in full whether you're talking about payments to the states for like Medicaid payments to health providers for Medicare Social Security checks payments you know to government employees or contractors."
"Be prepared for the delays in your journey."
"Worst of all was the hesitation, the split-second delays..."
"I also always try to build in a little bit of leeway or space just because you never know things might get delayed."
"George Bush Intercontinental Airport: Flight delays, cancellations, and significant TSA wait times."
"Lasting memories made in Marseilles, not least for fans on a delayed flight."
"I promised it would be done in three months... it took an extra two years on accident."
"We're starting to see the fruits of COVID because when COVID was happening, a lot of games were getting delayed."
"Latency is the amount of time, including delays, for data to travel from one given point to another."
"Things can get canceled, things can get delayed even until 2024."
"Good year for campaigns, definitely one that a couple of things ended up getting delayed just a little bit here and there, but overall just a great set of changes."
"Developing a new car is an iterative process, delays are absolutely inevitable."
"Simpler cases can be processed faster, and some cases will hit delays."
"It took me over 24 hours to get home, and they lost my bag."
"The more crucial question... is who is responsible for those delays and apportioning those delays, i.e., demonstrating cause and effect."
"A lot of shoes are subject to get pushed back in the future due to everything going on in the world."
"Flight UA 875, it's delayed. New departure time 7:35."
"Not every delay comes from Satan."
"When you sit and wait, everything delays, especially when things are not always mutual."
"We want the system to be robust to time delays."
"It's been quite the hard year with the delays and the shipping issues."
"If your case is canceled or delayed, there is almost always a good reason."
"I fully understand people's frustration with the breaks for Superman and Lois, but they are due to COVID-related production shutdowns."
"And now we have delays that not only sit in the mix but they have a real musical character to them."
"There's been a lot of delays back and forth, and now there's a solution."
"Any delays that you were having are over."