
Enneagram Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The Enneagram might not be for you... it always shows up at the right time."
"The Enneagram answers the most fundamental and deep questions that we have as human beings."
"What is it that you want? 13% of executives being black people? What is the appropriate Hershey's to milk ratio that you would find satisfactory?" - Blonde Commentator
"These Enneagram songs are my attempt to underline what makes each of us good and beautiful."
"Type Eights are traditionally known as the challengers... They relate to power very differently than most of the other Enneagram types."
"The Enneagram... undermines the gospel... takes away why you need Christ... makes Christianity more of this self-serving spirituality."
"We developed EIP to help you understand and see that you are more than just your number or your main type."
"Nines will default to kind of fading into the background, and that becomes a pattern for them in adulthood."
"When you don't know what to do as an eight, when your plan isn't working, it's probably because you're not leaning on one of those wings."
"The enneagram helps uncover what makes you think, behave, and feel the way that you do."
"The Enneagram doesn't put you in a box, it shows you the box you unwittingly got stuck in, and the way out of it."
"May we come to embrace the Enneagram as a compassionate sketch of possibilities for who we can become when we say yes to ourselves, allowing the totality and the entirety of who we are to belong."
"Type seven: the enthusiasts, the up and out energy. They're imaginative, they're curious, they're playful."
"When I'm hearing from you, especially in the Enneagram one, that sense of wanting to figure out where the imperfection is, that provides that sense of security within you."
"A healthy eight is always in pursuit of tenderness and mercy."
"If you're a seven, if you are an enthusiast, at the core of who you are this is your internal motor, the motivation is pleasure and to avoid pain."
"The enthusiast reflects God's joy, God is a God of joy, he loves to laugh, he loves to celebrate."
"They're able to bring joy in all situations, if you have a terrible job, hire sevens, it doesn't matter how crappy the job is, sevens will find a way to have fun."
"The Enneagram is a powerful tool for increasing self-awareness first and foremost, but also understanding others and increasing emotional intelligence."
"The Enneagram needs to be thought of as in motion. A fixed Enneagram symbol is a dead symbol."
"The Enneagram is the Philosopher's Stone of the alchemists. It's a symbol of unity and multiplicity."
"Self-observation, integrating blind spots, and vice to virtue conversion are ways to use the Enneagram for personal growth."
"Pride is something that I really need to learn to be aware of if I'm using the Enneagram as a growth tool."
"Knowing what you're observing, your passion or your vice, and aiming for its opposite is one big way to use the Enneagram."
"Twos can become jealous of others."
"Sixes benefit by learning to trust their own inner silence, our own inner stillness."
"The journey of the six is a kind of grounded appreciation and deepening of that inner stillness from which the real guidance in life arises."
"I lean more towards the natural fives."
"For Enneagram sevens, the vice is gluttony, and the virtue is joy."
"The vice is lust, and the virtue is generosity, magnity."
"Fours want to be unique, accepted, and understood for being unique and then never forgotten. You cannot forget an Enneagram four."
"For Enneagram one, our vice is anger, and our virtue is serenity, which I definitely need some more of."
"For Enneagram two, the vice's pride, and the virtue is humility."
"I love how the Enneagram is getting us to open up about our true selves."
"I want to work with you to help you help others using the Enneagram as a tool to help people grow and know more about themselves."
"Sixes could be called the leader of the opposition party. Sixes identify with the underdog. They know what it's like to have their back against the ropes and to be facing overwhelming challenges."
"Healthy sixes are devoted to their loved ones and create a secure, stable, predictable, and fun environment capable of enormous self-sacrifice. Yeah, absolutely, for the cause, for the group that they believe in and belong to."
"The Enneagram has ancient origins."
"Nines tend to go along with people, especially powerful people, and they tend to suppress their own wants, needs, and desires."
"I basically use that to educate people on the Enneagram, personal development, relationships, things like that."
"You're kind of born with your type."
"The Enneagram is a wisdom tradition. It's a stockpile of wise insights into how human beings work."
"The Enneagram shows you how your blessing is your curse and your curse is your blessing."
"The Enneagram is wrong, but useful."
"We explore the mystery of the human personality through the lens of the Enneagram."
"This show transcends a conversation about the Enneagram; it evolved into a conversation about what the heck does it mean to be human."
"The Enneagram... using the various personality types as ways of understanding the relationship between our life here and the physical plane and this magnificent essence that we all partake of which is so much vaster than physical reality."
"The gift of the Enneagram is just basic self-knowledge and self-awareness."