
Hidden Depths Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I'm just a nice guy... but deep down inside, there's an assassin there."
"Everyone loves a good mystery, the idea that there is more to something that meets the eye..."
"But also that there’s more going on with Sans than meets the eye."
"Rebecca is an incredibly popular character. There's also so much to Rebecca we have yet to learn."
"Reinforces that there's more going on than just the initial people you see."
"There's more than meets the eye with the PlayStation."
"For me, I would feel so under-accomplished. I would feel so incomplete. There's so much to me people just don't know."
"Only 10 percent of an iceberg is visible, while the other 90 is underwater."
"Underneath that rough exterior beats a heart of gold."
"You're like an iceberg. It's as if you only show a part of you to the world but the world knows that there's so much more to you."
"We can see the top of the water we don't know what's going on underneath it."
"It's just a wooden building which looks very very small but as soon as you get past those doors it is miles of underground tunnels and secret passageways."
"When you first come across the bunker it presents itself like a small Bungalow in a wooded area but going inside you soon find that there's a hundred yard tunnel leading you deeper and deeper into the hillside."
"Most things about superheroes aren't the way they appear; take a look behind the mask, and you'll find something deeper going on."
"Behind his icy facade lay a heart ensnared by shadows."
"Capricorns: discreet and proper on the outside, naughty underneath."
"There is in fact a lot more than meets the eye to this guy than initially expected."
"There's something much more interesting going on under the surface."
"And there's more to the king than meets your eye."
"The doctor became a warrior, a soldier, a killer, a side of him that had always been there hiding just under that cheeky grin."
"It's an iceberg, you know. You only see a little bit above the water, but there's so much more below it."
"You only see 10% of the size of the iceberg above the water; ninety percent is underneath."
"It's like the picture of the iceberg, you just see the tip, but not the deeper iceberg under the water."
"Despite her tough exterior, Prism does have a softer side that only a few close friends have seen."
"There's more than what you see on the surface here with this person, Cancer."
"Deep down, he means well and he does have a good heart."
"They only saw a tip of an iceberg."
"The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water."
"You got to have like, you know, they say most of an iceberg exists underneath the surface."
"...people just really loved Judy and liked being around her and there had always been more to Judy than met the eye."
"The iceberg is a metaphor... most of the massive icebergs are hidden under the surface of the water."
"The potential of Hasbeen Hotel actually goes way deeper than a lot of people might expect."
"Even though the outside is very kind of festive, the inside it's more complicated, a little darker."
"There was much more to me that didn't make its way to you in between the lines that were never written."
"This town is on its knees overseas, oh it's more to this than what you see, you know this town's got the best."
"What you see is only the tip of the iceberg."
"It's like an iceberg; you see a little bit of the iceberg exposed out of the top of the water, but there's a ton more underneath."
"You're very much more than meets the eye."
"The thing about icebergs is that there is more than what meets the eye."
"What we've seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg, most of it is below the water line, out of sight."
"Language is like an iceberg. The bulk of it is underneath the surface of the water."
"It's rough on the surface, but underneath it's calm."
"People see the tip of the iceberg and then the rest of it is underneath the surface of the water."
"I realize now that even the calm water in the lake has deep hidden feelings."
"There is so much more to him that meets the eye."
"It's like looking at an iceberg and taking into account the size of the mountain below the water."
"Never judge a book by its cover because you never know what's underneath those little shoes."
"But still waters run deep, and nothing had yet happened to make her show what lay hidden inside her like gold underground."
"Underneath that steely junkyard exterior, it turns out that Kid does in fact have a heart."