
Crows Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"It's amazing how intelligent these birds are. By the way, crows have a very good memory - they remember people by their faces, so this Black Beauty certainly remembered its saviors."
"Crows have an incredible understanding of the relationship between certain things."
"A wild crow solves a complicated eight-part puzzle to get to its food."
"Number 13: Mother bird protects chicks from crows."
"A dead crow leaves a lasting impression on living crows."
"I do love these mudlarking crows. I absolutely love sharing the foreshore with the crows. They've just got such a lot of character, they're so intelligent."
"...crows are very intelligent birds and they recognize people. Oh they watch tell ex."
"What do you call it when a bunch of crows murder a chicken? It is a murder most foul."
"A group of crows is called a murder, I did not know that."
"A group of crows is called a murder."
"The old man then reveals that the murder he witnessed was the slaughter of a large number of crows outside his prison window."
"New Galilean crows are supposedly wicked smart because they can design their own tools."
"I know every black crow in the city by its first name and its surname, and its bird call and its birthday."
"Scientists have found that their problem-solving skills rival that of a seven-year-old human."
"How is it that crows are so profoundly intelligent?"
"But if we survey the world of animals, one of the smartest is one that is perhaps unexpected: a bird, crows."
"Crows have always been known for being great problem solvers."
"The crows perched on the power lines are such a defining feature of the city."
"Crows pass a number of different intelligence tests involving tool usage and puzzle solving."
"Crows never forget. You've got a buddy for life."
"I would date a crow because they're smart."
"Crows are supposed to be pretty smart, they are one of the smartest."
"I would wish that you see 12 crows at sunset because 12 crows at sunset is good luck."
"If you are finding yourself drawn to crows or ravens, stay tuned because we're going to take a deep dive into the symbolism of crow and raven."
"Crows have actually been observed to hold funerals, loudly cawing and gathering around their deceased flock mates."
"I want to be friends with crows. That's awesome, dude."
"Scientists know that crows are smart birds and have the reasoning and problem-solving abilities of a seven-year-old child."
"Crows are very smart, especially when they're in a murder. A murder of crows, that is."
"Crows are known for being extremely intelligent birds and they're known for their problem-solving skills."
"Can you hear the crows? They're very wise birds apparently."
"I want to make friends with a crow and trade with it."
"I just saw a whole gaggle... what's it called? A group of crows? A gang of crows? Saw a gang of crows just take off."
"Crows are incredibly smart animals who remember people's faces."
"Many people overlook the fact that crows are some of the most intelligent creatures on earth."
"Crows are amazing at recognizing human faces."
"Crows hold funerals for their dead."
"To know the crow is knowing individual crows is absolutely essential to our study."
"Crow calls are sufficiently graded; there's lots and lots of different variations."
"The fields that had crows in them in the winter had a better yield the next summer."
"Crows can remember your face and they can hold a grudge, so be nice to crows."
"Crows can make tools and use them, they can solve puzzles."
"Crows have an exceptional ability to problem-solve and communicate."
"Crows are smart and they're smarter than we ever could have imagined."
"Crows and ravens may actually hold funerals for their dead."
"Crows are like the smartest birds. They're like one of the few animals other than humans that can think in multiple steps."
"Crows are the smartest bird that exists; they're actually pretty smart animals."