
Playful Design Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We're going to make it loop-de-loop all the way around."
"Brotherhood is a playground game... the focus is on fun."
"New costume unlocked: steampunk teching! Oh, okay, so uh you like my goggles I bought them yesterday from a pirate."
"Who thinks to put a chicken nugget inside of a waffle?"
"The slime blocks are gonna be pushed upwards and when that happens they're going to bounce anything that's on top of them."
"It's called Cardboard Castles because when I was building it, I mean here's the deal, it looks like a castle."
"It's pretty fun, pretty trippy that it will just randomly move."
"It's actually kind of cute, like a fun bouncy castle kind of house."
"Look how cool this is, there's like two little tunnels that you can go through."
"I cannot get over how magical these plushies are. They are just so cuddly and cute, and they even talk to you whenever you need a friend. You're my new friend!"
"So here it is, my finished kooky cookie iPad case, whoa, look at those eyes, oh my gosh, she's so super cute."
"Whatever your opinion is, hospital overwhelm, it's not good."
"Two thumbs, two thumbs way up for the children slide from the atrium down into the Ocean Ears Club. It's fantastic!"
"Let's give them something to have a little bit of a play with."
"It's a little jumpsuit that is meant to look like a double-breasted suit... it's a little bit weird, it's a little bit wacky, it's a little bit different."
"Galaxy 2 is like a big toy box of cool new things and things you've seen before but done in new ways for you to just play around in."
"It's just really cute and so are these bricks."
"I've also had a really cool idea for the city... I'm also going to surprise him with hundreds of froggy friends that will really make this city come alive."
"The action itself appears to take place on a children's toy set, and we're guessing you'll be able to drop through that win platform based on another scene that shows the characters beneath it."
"Just love all the pink and the sprinkles and the cupcakes and the candy, so cute!"
"Water is so much more fun now. I kind of want to add thrusters to this thing and see what happens."
"Instead of Hidden Mickeys, you can find Hidden Remys around Remy's Ratatouille Adventure."
"It screams out that this car is a cheeky and fun thing to drive."
"Having the cup on its back with its tail curled around it, the colors and the possibility of a 'tea pot belly pig' for its evolution is such fun."
"Oh, if I could sip out of a Capri Sun fountain. 90s fountain."
"Oh, that's awesome! He's got a little guy on his tail!"
"Let's make ourselves a little bit of a clean lady hat, alright, let's take a look at this thing, let's see what it looks like, alright, hello, it's a dragon with a hard hat, surely they know where it's come from now, right?"
"Literally, how cute is this? It's like a little egg."
"You can get creative when you find little things in your house that you think might wanna join the party, like this guy."
"Yay, it's all done! I love this hat so much; it's so fun and cute and playful."
"Wow, this pancake looks exactly like Blue from Rainbow friends, except to be honest, this one looks a lot cuter."
"Little hands until little hands hot dog toaster fire with fire fire super fire the the whole family can enjoy."
"Let's make a lovely monster that smells like nothing and just a little bit of toner and some glue stick smell"
"Oh, those are so cute, they are so much fun!"
"Take your banana medicine and effectively disguise your fingertips with six punchy pastel shades for a creamy cover-up."
"It's super cute, it's super fun, and it is super super fast."
"All those little ocean creatures are really fun."
"We think we've got a really fun product; it kind of brings out the kid in everyone, whatever age you are."
"These sunglasses are fun, they're vibrant, they're definitely that retro kind of look."
"I love that sort of playful look that that gives as well."
"That's why they name the slide H's Humps, because the slide has lots of humps, just like a camel!"
"He's got these little engines with like little propellers at the back; they're very cute."
"He does these like colorful doodle monsters, very like fun, yeah just really silly and fun."
"It's a little bit fun, it's a little bit playful, and why not? It's really gorgeous."
"I love the soft colors and the fun reveal wheel with all the little doggies below."
"I love the ruffle on the sleeves; it's dramatic, it adds texture, it's really, really fun."
"These gems are fun because they have a slight little glitter finish to them which makes them really really sparkly."
"Look how cute that is, and then with the orange, isn't that fun?"
"I meant to bring one up, I made him like this big, and he's got little bunny slippers."