
Unbreakable Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"Unbreakable: It is such a good perk and can get you out of so many situations. Gotta go in the S tier."
"This woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to."
"There's really not much to say about Unbreakable that hasn't already been said, except that it's one of those rare films that remains consistently re-watchable even after you've uncovered all of its secrets."
"Gorger's are terrifying, with fear, frenzy, killing blow, and unbreakable qualities."
"We'll always have something that can't be broken."
"There is a bond of trust between them which is unique and unbreakable."
"The bond between a girl and her unicorn is sacred and can never be broken."
"It's just love. It's always been love. It's always going to be love. You can't break us up, alright? Break up brothers, you can't break up. You can't break America's heart."
"By the time he retires, LeBron's scoring record will be so absurd that no one will ever be able to break it."
"This bond can never be broken with this person."
"The Armor of Brutus in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is a virtually unbreakable garb owned by the legendary assassin Marcus Junius Brutus."
"There is something in the human spirit which cannot be chained."
"...we are an unbreakable force..."
"Not even God can break that bond."
"This is really like an unbreakable type of connection."
"No matter what the universe threw at us, our bond was unbreakable."
"This bond between us can't be broken."
"The emotional bond is going to be unbreakable."
"...their bond as a couple seems to be unbreakable."
"Like we've always known, been said it's stone unbreakable."
"Unbreakable: A movie way ahead of its time."
"Unbreakable has gone down as one of the greats."
"...that love is like unbreakable."
"The bonds of brotherhood that could not be broken."
"Unbreakable: How I turned my depression and anxiety into motivation and you can too."
"...you formed a bond with your cousins that no one else could ever break."
"There's a bond between us, and nothing will ever break it."
"The bond that that creates is unbreakable. A couple who have had that moment will never separate again."
"There are certain laws of human nature that you cannot break."
"That's a bond that will never be broken, man."
"Strength so formidable that no one can break it."
"We have a special bond now; we can't be broken."
"We've been together our whole lives, and nothing and nobody can break us apart."
"It would take eternity to break us, and the chains of Amor vincit omnia couldn't hold us."
"Jack Hobbs's record will never be broken."
"This relationship is so pure, it's so beautiful, like it's truly unbreakable."
"You have a very special bond with a grandparent that can never be broken."
"The soul is unbreakable, it's everlasting."
"Bound by a code of loyalty, meant to be unbroken."
"The bond between mother and child can be unbreakable."
"There ain't no chain this love can break."
"Unbreakable, I still think this is his best film."
"Let nothing separate you from the love of God."
"The Testament to the unbreakable friendship between our two countries."
"A mother's love is the tie that binds, and the bond that can never be broken."
"The love between you and your person is eternal, nothing and no one can take it away from you."
"We reestablished a bond that can't be broken, and we're happy."
"The energy and connection between the people's champ and the people can never be broken."
"Who shall separate me from the love of God? Nothing."
"Nothing in the entire world can separate our love."
"You already know our bond is forever unbreakable."
"Our connection is unbreakable, no matter where life takes us, we'll always find our way back to each other."
"Our bond is unbreakable, no matter where life takes us."
"There is nothing in the world that can separate two hearts that are bound by the golden clasp of love."
"That bonds like that cannot be broken."
"The bond between us was too strong to break."
"Nothing can separate me from this loving Jesus."
"Their intuition tells them that you have a very special connection, one that's unbreakable."
"We have a bond, a bond that can't be broken."
"A bond between a mother and daughter is one you think could never be broken."
"Love never dies; some bonds cannot be broken."
"There is this bond between mother and child that nothing can break."
"You have a connection with somebody, nobody can break that."
"There's a connection that can't be broken."
"There's a deep emotional bond that cannot be broken, no matter the time or the distance."
"No matter what happens, our bond cannot be broken."
"The chains we forge for ourselves, tempered by hardship and grief, honed by duty, are often all too tragically unbreakable."
"Once you eat bread and salt with somebody, there's a special relationship you cannot break."
"There's a bond there that can't be broken."
"There was a bond between these two friends that could not be broken."
"Our bond will never be broken, for love is the greatest force of all."
"Can't nobody break the bond that made us all family."
"It's a bond that just can't be broken."
"You're impossible to break, your spirit's way too strong."
"They seemed like the perfect trio, like nothing could ever tear them apart."
"Pinky swear, you realize the sacred unbreakable oath that is the pinky swear."
"And you can never break that bond, no matter how much one of you might want to."
"Love is a field he that cannot be broken."
"That means that we've got a bond, me and Sharon, and she can't break that."
"Nothing will ever break the bond we have."
"Just as our spirits cannot be broken, so we cannot be divided or estranged from our heritage."
"I feel like me and my family just so close and we just so tight, there's no breaking that."
"So marriage comes from God and the marriage bond is sacred and not to be broken by man."
"Nothing can really ever tear us apart."
"Got a bond and they can't break it."
"Our connection, our bond, is something that I feel should never be broken."
"That's a bond that can't be broken right there."
"Love is one thing, real love, and it said true love here, you can't mess up love."
"Our love was real, our love was true, our love was unbreakable."
"I believe that nothing will be able to separate them anymore."
"You can't break this bond of family."
"Family blood, that's the only bond that can't be broken."
"Our friendship was too strong to break."
"I think the connection that we had is unbreakable."
"In this world, the only thing that can't be severed is blood line."
"Mother and daughter, their hearts as one, a link that can never be undone."
"There is a love that will never be separated."
"This person is your real twin flame, a bond that can't be broken."
"The bond that you and this person have is unbreakable."
"We both are unbreakable. I can't even imagine my life without her."
"You have this amazing strength to you that no one can break."
"It's this undying connection between two people that just can't be beat."
"This is a past life soul connection; this is something that nobody can break because God put it together."
"People who have locked in their love for each other... no power can separate them."
"You have a very unbreakable energy, unstoppable."
"You share a very strong spiritual bond with someone that cannot be broken."
"I have some type of a spiritual connection with you that just cannot be broken."
"No matter the time, place, or circumstances, although it may twist or turn, our red string cannot be broken."
"This special bond of love can never be broken."
"This is some sort of kindred spirit, kindred soul; this is such a connection that no matter what you do, you just can't shake it."
"This is a bond that can't be broken."