
Consumer Frustration Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Toyota inventory levels are so low... customers are getting frustrated."
"I am so tired of wanting an upgraded Switch, and I am so tired of Nintendo not giving us an upgraded Switch."
"The Suburban housewife is tired of paying $475 for a dozen eggs."
"They can just sell and that way is the lottery thing as well where you don't get what you want. Do I buy another box of this to try and get the things I want?"
"Why make people wait again on your PS4? I understand all that. This year more than any other year, I have... I spent so much money on just nobody."
"I didn't actually buy an RTX 3070 because they were all out of stock within the first minute of them going live."
"We totally get the frustration from gamers with everything going on. It's a struggle in terms of the overall supply."
"The fact that you can't even buy them with real money is just like, 'Oh, we messed up on how.' So, yeah."
"Pennsylvania will be lean Republican so there's a few States left here I want to get to actually."
"It is a frustration every single time that I go to a movie that says it starts at seven o'clock and I pay to be in there."
"You unsubscribe, yet you'll still get emails for at least 10 days or longer if they put you on a different list."
"I think scalpers suck, as someone who likes sneakers, it sucks for me monthly."
"But I already bought the other thing, but now y'all wanna have the thing I wanted."
"An awesome product that you can never buy is not that awesome."
"So often I'll buy something and then I notice like a week later... it goes on sale."
"Funimation's inconsistencies in physical media releases make collecting a headache. Why split seasons into parts and charge exorbitant prices?"
"It's been frustrating to follow along with this marketing."
"I'm tired of seeing these [ __ ] packs and all these loot boxes, I hate it."
"Division says seeing people complain about Nintendo protecting their IP is headache-inducing."
"Always learn to think critically for yourself."
"The frustration comes in because the product just below say the c399 has the feature they took out of the one that was more expensive in order for it not to be directly comparable to the flagship. That's what ticks me off."
"I got tired of waiting, Nintendo. I got sick and tired of waiting."
"We've gone from 8-bit games to now this, you've created an entire virtual universe."
"Don't just fuck off, sell me a goddamn product."
"That objectively sucks when you bought something and you can't play it."
"No wired headphones fine but no charger seriously where do they think the iPhones to be plugged in that's nonsense."
"It does look like now even GameStop is having some issues with allocations for pre-orders."
"It doesn't fit my phone, it really pisses me off."
"Nesquik Cereal: All the best ones seem to be getting discontinued left, right, and center."
"I truly just don't understand why the brands just can't wrap their head around what value is, they just truly can't."
"Apple just released some information about the new iPhone and here's the thing guys, I'm so mad right now..."
"Many companies are content to release broken PC ports and only fix them later, if even that."
"They're doing something that their competition quite frankly isn't doing and it's reached to the point of frustration for a lot of people."
"So many games are just full of ads and they almost require you. I was playing a racing game where it's just like, 'Hey, you ran out of gasoline.'"
"This is a bit of a dirty industry and it's incredibly frustrating when you start spending you know 50 hundred several hundred dollars."
"The dealers could not and still many of them will not let go of the ridiculous markups."
"If you order something and have to contact support, you're already pissed."
"The frustration you might have if you are an Amex card holder is when the shops don't take it."
"Hopefully, the GPU world gets turned on its head because it's been pretty frustrating for a while now."
"Harper Wilde takes all the BS out of bra shopping."