
French History Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The line of the Carolingians had ended, and the way was open for the Capetians to rule."
"In 17th century France, there was only one thing for it: get yourself in the presence of the king by any means necessary."
"The second empire had been declared, and the man who now called himself Napoleon III took up residence at the Tuileries."
"Despite its shortcomings, this 18th-century palace has established itself as the first residence in France."
"France's victory in the Seven Years War spares it from sudden and violent upheaval."
"It would be the French who kicked off the final stage, the ironclad warship era."
"A French king was expected to have a mistress."
"A Bonaparte who not only managed to rule France for longer than his famous predecessor, but basically created modern Paris."
"They truly believed that God was with them in their mission to liberate France from English rule."
"Napoleon was now the de facto ruler of France but his hold on power was tenuous to say the least."
"1880s France was a tinderbox of monarchists, republicans, bonapartists, and communards."
"Henry the fourth was originally Protestant which was obviously a problem in the minds of many French people at that time being a strongly Catholic country."
"On June 8th, he met with Army Commander in Chief Weygand who was about to announce the French surrender."
"For the first time in a generation of war, an entire French field army had been destroyed."
"King Louis XIV proclaimed, 'I am the state.'"
"It is the last refuge of Napoleon in a France completely besieged and invaded."
"Dumas believed that the interest of France should come before the interests of any individual, which clashed with Napoleon's imperial aims."
"The impact of victory was profound - with some historians even suggesting that the monarchy’s hard-won prestige set the French kingdom on its road to absolute monarchy."
"Victory boosted French morale and helped to turn the tide of the war in their favor over the next several months."
"The Versailles Gardens are some of the most iconic and beautiful gardens in the world."
"He revolutionized the French military."
"The turbulent times that followed after 1789 brought changes to the French nation."
"Philip II... is the first ruler of France to actually use the title King of France."
"The creation of the modern nation of France as distinct from the Roman Empire actually happened in the last Roman rump state of the Kingdom of Soissons."
"This really marked the end of the monarchy in France."
"The French generals had pledged to defend Verdun to the last drop of blood."
"The beast of Gevaudan, a fearsome creature that terrorized the French province of Gevaudan in the 1760s, is a tale covered in mystery and intrigue."
"The Palais Royale served as the great clearinghouse for any and all dangerously seditious notions."
"The story of the film is basically about two French Napoleonic officers who have a disagreement about something."
"In just 10 years, the young French king had gone far on his conscious striving to be a great creative patron whose influence would bring into existence a new style of painting and design."
"It's a very beautiful small castle with French history."
"In this series, you'll learn about the collaboration, resistance, communism, loss, and courage shown by the inhabitants of a fictitious French village from the year 1939 to 1945."
"Joan had to convince Charles to let her fight."
"...Cardinal Richelieu is able to establish French sovereignty..."
"The last recorded famine in France was in 1855, which is a hell of a thing when you think about how much famine has played a role in our past French revolutions."
"This was all supposed to be a methodical envelopment but really it just negated their numerical superiority long enough to allow the French defenders to hold the line until help arrived."
"It gives you a pretty good idea of what the French navy was doing in the latter part of the time period covered by the channel."
"She will be Empress of France, Josephine, Napoleon Bonaparte's great love."
"The most basic warring throughout all of the coalitions was the preservation of France's natural borders extending to the Rhine."
"Louis XIV is famously stylized as 'Le Roi Soleil,' meaning the Sun King."
"In 1809, France under Napoleon Bonaparte was the most powerful nation in Europe."
"After the victory at Valmy, French forces went on the offensive and enjoyed an unbroken string of successes."
"She gave new morale to the French forces that were fighting in France against the English."
"The Revolution, over and over again the Revolution. It's at the heart of French history, but even more global history."
"The French people recognize the existence of the Supreme Being and the immortality of the soul."
"Francis I, you probably know the name, he's the King of French Renaissance."