
Cavalry Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Cavalry are so ridiculously strong in this game, but I like the fact that it's basically only because their charges take so long."
"That is how good a flippin cavalry charge is if you have any doubt."
"Cavalry is basically the same but with one obvious difference: their role on horseback."
"Roos have some of the tankiest cavalry in the game."
"Wet or snowy conditions decrease mounted infantry and cavalry speed."
"Honestly, yeah, just get some more cavalry in play right here. Cavalry is a good solid answer to line infantry because it can just hugely outmaneuver it."
"Cavalry forces went into battle without stirrups or even saddles. This revelation turns the whole modern idea of a cavalry charge on its head."
"From the ashes of the Bronze Age collapse... the once mighty chariots were labelled obsolete and replaced by the practicalities of massed cavalrymen."
"...he joined the L Company of the First New York Lincoln Cavalry."
"The primary weapon of Mongol armies was cavalry, which gave them a tremendous degree of mobility and speed."
"True Cavalry will start in the East long before it does in the west."
"Shock cavalry, armored cavalry with swords and spears and so forth that can go in against infantry and other cavalry and fight and stay on horseback is possible."
"This made the companion cavalry among the most feared and respected warriors that could withstand any terrain and enemy, who were trained both intellectually and militarily as great strategists for the king."
"Your cavalry wants to flank your opponent while controlling the center."
"One day on the far-off horizon, the winged hussars arrived."
"No finer cavalry than the Polish-winged hussars roamed the battlefields of Europe."
"The rough rhinos were an elite group of fire nation cavalry founded by colonel monkey."
"The Federals were making Lee pay for the fact that he had no cavalry on his right flank by throwing Union cavalry, forcing Confederate infantry to play cavalry."
"It is often said that because Southern boys were so accustomed to the outdoors and horseback riding, they made far better cavalrymen than their Union counterparts."
"But overall through most of history a lot of cavalry forces have used the lance initially and then have had a sword as backup so that essentially they're using the advantages of the lance."
"It has become a modern form of cavalry, serving as a commander's rapid reaction force."
"The idea that the First World War was a complete no-go area for cavalry on the Western Front is no longer tenable."
"This is the type of weapon in carbine form that equips Custer's cavalry at the Little Bighorn."
"The initial collision was between two Union cavalry brigades under Brigadier General John Buford and advanced elements of the Confederate infantry division."
"Buford's 2,200 dismounted cavalrymen were fighting a gallant holding action against superior numbers."
"The Sontarans on horseback are the coolest thing ever."
"On good saddling and packing depends all the efficiency of a cavalry force."
"A breast strap to a cavalry horse is almost an indispensable necessity in ascending hills."
"The cavalry traditions of honor, valor, dedication are very much alive today."
"The French heavy cavalry with their breastplates and backplates was extremely effective."
"The Eotheod would ride to Gondor's aid."
"Historically speaking, our first record of the Numidian cavalry riding alongside the Carthaginians would be during the Punic-Sicilian wars."
"Their prowess on horseback was therefore maintained and they continued to be famed as effective light cavalry who served alongside the legions for centuries to come."
"The Numidian horsemen operated in a manner typical to most light cavalry, but were experts in their field."
"It is a high moment - perhaps the most triumphant the cavalry had known since the time when the earliest volunteers had galloped across the fields that bordered Bull Run."
"For the Normans, the cavalry, the horse, was very important for their military strategy."
"To defend their territory, the Blackfoot developed a new kind of warrior which would become a defining image of the Old West: Plains cavalry."
"The shadow of the light dragoons was long behind them, the sabers were upright, curved, slashing light from the rising sun."
"A cavalry charge works best when all horses arrive at once, a solid moving wall of men, horses, and steel."
"And once the enemy horsemen were killed or fleeing, the British cavalry raked back their spurs and charged the Murata infantry."
"This was Khalid's trademark move as his mobile cavalry was able to hide in the deserts with ease."
"...a charge of heavy horse...could be very effective and even decisive if it was employed at the right place and time."
"Wilson's cavalry is decisive at Nashville."
"He led a charge of the Winged Hussars who had these banners almost feathered banners in the saddle that made it look like the wings of angels."
"And like an ocean wave, the long line of horsemen advanced."
"Union Calvary is getting better organization, They're getting better training. They're getting better horses."