
Adorableness Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Since then, Henry and Kiki haven't left each other's sides."
"Oh my gosh, it's sickening how dang cute this is."
"The food is literally adorable, there's so many things to choose from, so many varieties of food."
"Oh my actual god guys look how big he is, he is literally as big as the reindeer, he's so cute."
"My heart is melting, her cuteness is melting my heart."
"Kirby is so adorable. I love the look on his face."
"The doors are back! Oh my gosh, that's an adorable update."
"You are adorable, you are so lovable, people are drawn into you."
"I am keeping this; a vintage storehead gifted to me a couple of years ago, and I just think it's so adorable."
"Pandas are smart, complicated, and cute."
"How adorable is this little cardigan it's like a lineny material so cute and then these overalls I love the muted pink color."
"They confess their love for each other and smooch a bit and gawd it was adorable."
"Look at those chubby cheeks and tiny feet, babies are adorable!"
"...their love while adorable... they are everything else in between."
"This towel is kind of cute, it has a face on the towel, oh my god, this is so adorable."
"Oh my gosh, this is so adorable, it's a squishy notebook, oh my gosh."
"Who doesn't love pandas? They're adorable, cuddly, and sweet."
"I feel very aligned myself like I feel like the way I'm doing- I'm trying to get closer so you can see... I'm doing my makeup in a way that like I just find really fucking adorable."
"Everything about this is just adorable."
"How cute is that? You cannot tell me that this is not adorable!"
"This one is adorable, perfect for the festive season."
"You can't tell me this isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen."
"This is adorable, and you can also carry it by the little handle on the top."
"They're adorable, they deserve all the happiness."
"The adorable little penguin is aptly named and is by far the smallest species."
"Some people are not lucky enough to be as naturally adorable as you."
"I love miniature stuff. This is adorable."
"These cute little decorative pumpkin pillows are adorable, the quality is insane."
"They're kind of in love, it's adorable."
"This is adorable. I love little mini guys."
"Watching Baymax slowly begin to pick up Hero's traits is actually pretty adorable."
"This is so cute and so adorable and it's so chic."
"I just found their relationship and their storyline to be so adorable."
"Size is not everything when it comes to being adorable because this frog is absolutely the cutest amphibian I think I have ever seen."
"Look at this baby, he is absolutely adorable."
"This right here absolutely wins for the most adorable thing that I have ever seen."
"I absolutely love it, it's so so so adorable."
"This car is adorable... just all adds to the charm."
"...and there you have a really adorable Christmas tree."
"Isn't young love simply the cutest?"
"The cuteness level is off the chart."
"They're being so cute, their friendship is just adorable."
"You're super adorable. Thanks for doing this!"
"a lot of eight years Shish so cute"
"Doesn't that look perfect? Absolutely adorable."
"You're so adorable, you're the cutest in the land."
"She is super adorable with hair that's pulled back into two little pearlescent afro puffs in white pink and blue."
"That's adorable, little trick-or-treat pails as well."
"Adorable mixed with horrifyingly gross."
"How do these two get even more adorable with time?"
"Look at her little tail, so cute!"
"This is so cute you can't tell me that's not cute."
"That's the most adorable thing ever."
"I love miniature anything so those are adorable to me."
"I loved the relationship between Malachi and Kiki, they were so [ __ ] cute together."
"These are adorable, maybe one of my favorite projects in this video."
"They're adorable. Isn't that adorable? I'm so glad I was able to get the whole set for that."
"From glitzy to girly, this baby doll dress is just adorable—I love the puff sleeves and tiered skirt."
"This turned out so so so adorably."
"He's so adorable Gracie clapped her hands together."
"...a boyfriend buying you a candle is just adorable..."
"That is so freaking adorable though, I'm in love with this."
"This is like 10 out of 10 on the stinking cute meter."
"The new growth lately up here is really, really small and compact, which I find so cute."
"He gets to the back door, and he's just like jumping on her and licking her, and she like has to eventually just like sit on the floor while he just like absolutely freaks out and like loves on her, and it was so cute."
"They're cute, derpy, and lovable."
"That kid is so cute! He's so cute!"
"That is so adorable; these are all such great surprises."
"She is so adorable, she is just the cutest thing in this world."
"He interprets the world in the most adorable ways."
"I can't cope with how cute this is."
"She's so tall, she's so cute, I don't know if it's because she's my niece but I find her very adorable."
"So cute, I can't get over those little cookies with the pen."
"Babies are the most adorable part of the human race."
"I'm the one that asked you to go to sleep, and your face is adorable when you're asleep."
"You are adorable, and you've got the rules down pat for the most part," Eliza said.
"They made a really adorable couple."
"It was very sincere and adorable."
"It's each book about a different couple... and by the end of it they're like a huge friend group and it is so adorable."
"She's so adorable, she's such a baby, oh my goodness."
"Everything about this figure looks adorable, the expression, the pose, the colors."
"Cats get to be jerks and get away with it because they're adorable."
"Baby cheetahs are naturally pretty adorable."
"I think our little kitty looks really cute; he's just a happy cat looking at you."
"I love it, thank you. That is adorable."
"Look at this cute little baby, this guy is so tiny."
"Thank you so much to whoever it was that sent this for Jace, it's literally so cute."
"You are so loud, oh my gosh, you're so cute."
"I can't, I just can't, it's so cute."
"Puppy bellies have to be one of the cutest things ever."
"That facial expression is so adorable."
"You'll probably never meet anyone more adorable than Bethany."
"We just had baby loveliness and she was adorable."
"Plus, she knows all of her girlfriend's favorite book scenes by heart, which is truly adorable."
"They're just so cute and anybody who sees them, you know, they fall in love with them straight away."
"They keep this up and I'm going to have to give them a citation for ridiculous amounts of adorableness," she said to Molly.
"He is absolutely adorable, and he's so cuddly and lovable; he loves people."
"Oh, that is cute, that is very cute."
"Adorable costume because this is actually something that looks like the Lego T-Rex."
"It's a bowl full of happiness, it was so adorable and sweet and vulnerable."
"Silky chickens are really freaking adorable and cute."
"The tenderness between the two was absolutely adorable."
"After putting all of the hair, I think they both look just too adorable."
"I just think these are absolutely adorable."
"Probably lion cubs are the most adorable and young, especially how playful they can be."
"If you're a cat lover, I would highly recommend this book because they're just super sweet and adorable."
"They are so cute, they're one of the few mammals that retain cuteness as adults."
"It's just an adorable story and there's a lot of heart to it."
"So cute with the raspberries, stop it, she's precious."
"Kindness changes everything, that is the cutest thing ever."
"Very cute, that is absolutely adorable."
"He is so adorable and he brings me so much joy."
"How adorable is that? What a nice little gift to take home after a party rather than the party bag."
"How cute is that from the extras? Oh darling, darling, darling."