
Homework Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Honestly, homework can be fun. It can, for real."
"So, here's your homework: I want you to meditate for a minimum of five minutes a day for the next week."
"Emotionally, finishing homework is a relief and a victory."
"This is brilliant... do you want some homework?"
"We love school, we can't wait, our teacher's cool, and the homework's great."
"Schools be like: making students learn a lot of things so they will be interested and will love school. They hate school because they have ridiculous amounts of homework because of it."
"You have a way lot more sources of information nowadays. Do your own homework."
"When I need advice I go to chat GPT, which would be homework."
"I hated doing homework at home. I do homework at home? So annoying."
"Homework will always save you thousands of dollars and lots of headaches."
"If the stakes are just, 'He doesn't hand in his homework, he might get a C-minus,' I'm not necessarily going to watch that for two hours."
"Me rewarding myself with a long break after writing the title of my homework."
"I don't know did he help a girl like with her homework or something?"
"CBT involves between session homework assignments on the client's part and usually the more homework that's done between sessions the faster the treatment gets completed."
"Hey Brianna, did you finish the homework? Chad, are you copying my homework? I told you, I didn't."
"Be confident in everything you do. Wash your ass and do your homework, definitely do that please."
"By not having to eat, you'll have lots more time to do more important things, like your homework. Sounds good, doesn't it?"
"I'm a firm believer that therapy should involve homework."
"You gotta do a lot of homework to get the computer the information that's needed."
"an innocent 80 year old boy stuck in the elevator for three hours sat and completed his homework"
"I think I left my homework at school. Could you check if Guess Who is on my desk?"
"Just do your homework. Knowledge is key."
"Your homework is to play around with the cocktail database."
"We did our homework before we ever brought it to Market."
"Summer homework should be illegal, it's the most useless form of work you can give a child."
"The homework for today is to go through all the resources and if possible, rewatch the session and go through the slide deck."
"Homework is just needless work. Stop assigning."
"So we just did a written reflection. Technically, if you did your homework."
"Homework means work you do at home individually, not here collectively."
"First, you need to understand the assignment. And that's homework for you to get by yourself in the Word and look at everything that it says about marriage."
"Give a young person a homework assignment that is not answer questions 45 1-4 multiple choice but actually, here's the teacher manual here's a sample lesson plan, go home and write a lesson plan use your own examples."
"Your instructor doesn't give you lots of work? I encourage you to do all the homework."
"If homework is an issue, you know what we want to focus on is, are you putting in effort and are you doing quality work? Okay, so we're talking about quality over quantity."
"Do not toxify your parent-child relationship over homework. It is not worth it."
"Students who do homework more than three hours per day show elevated cortisol levels compared to students who do no homework."
"At some point you do want to focus more on research instead of just doing homework problems because these homework problems I'm doing are very difficult, they take a lot of time."
"So it's your homework time... create a column, play with some of the blacks that we did here... there's plenty more, we haven't covered them all."
"You have to actually do the homework."
"I will forever miss sitting and helping Alex with his homework every day after school."
"We don't do any rehearsal other than homework."
"I've been doing it for 4 hours." "Okay, class, homework." "Oh, Miss, I forgot mine." "I forgot mine too." "I've got mine."
"I personally believe in therapy being more directive with homework assigned to it because one hour a week just does not... to get us back into a better space, we need follow-up stuff."
"In contrast, schools that have gotten rid of the homework requirement have seen a drop in depression and anxiety among students."
"Your homework's more important than going to Debbie's."
"I did my homework, this is the best I could do."
"That's the homework, let's get out in the field and have some fun."
"Have you got your homework?" "Yes," says Emily.
"I'm so proud of you man for stepping up doing your homework every day."
"It's time for me to do some more homework of my own."
"Here's some homework for you, I hope it's helpful."
"Homework is known as an important part because it's all well and good when the patient and the therapists are together, but actually the most important bit is when the patient goes home and needs to identify these thinking patterns and challenge them at home on their own."
"Then you need Ed model where you can share your files, where you can set exercises for the students to do at home."
"I've been really great this weekend with my work; usually, it's a struggle to get me to do homework, but I've been on the ball."
"Everyone should be aware that homework one is due next week on Monday at midnight."
"I spent the first afternoon and evening doing homework and gaming."
"Bite-sized pieces, patience equals homework done."
"That's your actual homework: enjoy life."
"Good morning. How did that first homework set work out for you?"
"Homework and time management... ultimately he gets it done, and that's what matters, not whether he does it my way or his way, but whether he gets it done."
"He's actually looking forward to doing homework."
"I actually finished all the homework that I was planning on finishing yesterday."
"By attempting the homework, you don't have to solve many of the problems, you just have to attempt the problems."
"I'm gonna give you guys homework for this vlog. I want you guys to learn one word in whatever language you are trying to study."
"I did my homework, so I understand the grammar very well now."
"I'm just gonna literally do homework the rest of the day and just chill."
"Do your homework... it's very rewarding."
"Please, please, please do not take these answers and put them on a piece of paper to hand in for homework."
"We should be thinking much more about what we're getting the students to do for homework and how we can link that into the live session."
"Yes, there is statistically significant and more than that, a positive correlation between beliefs about English homework and regular assignment of homework."
"We hope your teacher doesn't give you too much homework, and we'll see you all next time."
"Do your own homework, it's simple."
"Homework, oh homework, I hate you, you stink. I wish I could wash you away in the sink."
"I cried on Thursday night because I was so stressed 'cause of homework."
"The math homework is all about communicating it to your professor or whoever."
"The flipped classroom allows students to apply what they've learned at home in the classroom."
"Make sure you do your work in class, that way you won't have so much homework."
"Some of the homework they give these kids these days is incomprehensible."
"Now notice at this stage, you should be able to do all your homework."
"Please remember the reason you are asked to do homework is so that you can learn to reason and solve these types of problems yourself."
"Imagine a machine that could do your homework for you, not just any old sums like a calculator, but any kind of problem you could think of."
"Would you punish me for something I didn't do? Of course not. I didn't do my homework."
"Enjoy homework 8, feel free to read ahead, but also feel free to not do problems on material we haven't covered."
"It means that it is time for you to go do your homework! BAM!"
"Do your freaking homework. It's like a free grade."
"Overall, there appears to be a correlation between countries where children spent little time doing homework and higher science scores."