
Video Sharing Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Also, it's a huge help to share these videos with anyone who you think would find them useful."
"Creators like people have never been more empowered to share their ideas and vision via video as they are right now like there are no more excuses."
"Thanks everyone for watching, thanks for the thumbs up helping other people find videos like this."
"I started this channel back in 2010, as a place to upload videos of projects that I was working on."
"Also be sure to leave a like, share this video, and leave your own thoughts down in the comments."
"Share these videos with your friends and family so that they know what is going on."
"Share it around with any friends, family, your teammates, anyone that could benefit from the optimizations within this video."
"Share this video with someone that you know that it can help."
"Just showing us what we already were feeling every time we get videos requested to us from Indonesia. That's what that's what we see is just that beauty."
"And if you want to see some more wedding content, I can link couple videos for you down below."
"More than anything, I'm just so glad you're all here watching this video with me today."
"Thank you guys so so much in advance, I have an amazing community in general so even if you don't share the videos thank you so much for all of your support that you've given me in the last few years and continue to give me of course."
"All you need to do is film your latest trick and upload the video."
"We don't want people getting scammed, so make sure you share this video."
"The only way I can get eyes on a video like this is if you guys help me share it."
"Share this video if it's going to help someone that you know."
"Go take a deep breath go get something to eat don't forget to comment down below what you would order from the menu just us vibing share this video with your friends."
"Share this video please spread the word I would greatly appreciate it."
"If one person shares a video, that makes a difference."
"I think the most important part of all this is that people share your videos."
"I forward that video to quite a few people... It's actually a mind-blowing thing."
"I'd love to have to stay and share the video to help the channel grow into each other girl and I will see you guys next time."
"Literally everything I am going to share with you guys in today's video and I'm super excited because I've actually been wanting to do a video like this for a very long time."
"Love you a lot. See all of you in the morning. Please share the video. And, well, that's it."
"Engagement has been lower over the past couple of months and so if you can engage a little bit more then all of a sudden it actually helps share the video out there to more people."
"And if you know somebody you know maybe they don't see this video if you know somebody you think is going to be it would be a good candidate tag them in it share the video with them we'd love to get as many participants as possible."
"YouTube will always have a place in my heart."
"Let's lift up Jesus and let's work together, go ahead and share the video right now."
"We've been following your videos ourselves and then go to our integrated Learning Center, connect our laptops to the TV, and rewatch the videos together."
"It's a huge help to share these videos with anyone that you think would find them useful."
"Here's how you find this video: It's on dailymotion dailymotion.com"
"Make sure you smash that thumbs up button and if you know somebody that would benefit from this video be sure you share it with them."
"Don't forget to share this video with your friends and colleagues."
"If you have a friend who would enjoy learning the 7 secret signs a girl likes him? He needs to see this video, right? So make sure you share it with him."
"If you like the video and you like my content please like and share."
"...and probably the next video I'll be sharing some decor because this video kind of ran long."
"YouTube has informed us that if you can get a bunch of likes within the first 30 minutes, they are going to be more likely to share the video."
"Please share this video if you enjoyed the video, if you're liking the video and you really felt like it helped you out, you know, help support our channel by sharing this to other people you see there."
"Please share the video, like the video. Thanks for watching."
"Be sure to share the video, like the video, and if you haven't already, please do subscribe."
"The anointing of God is flowing so powerfully through this video, definitely share the video with your friends as well."
"YouTube is one of the biggest video sharing websites on the internet ever."
"You all are awesome and make sharing these videos fun."
"I'm building a new workbench for my shop at home and I'm sharing the experience here on video."
"If you guys want to embed a YouTube video in your post, it's really simple."
"That's the essence of YouTube, never let that go when it comes to your product decisions."
"The number one nicest thing you can do for us is to share our videos."
"Please take the time to share this video; it might save the life of your son, daughter, friend, or a loved one."
"Tick Tock the video sharing social network becomes available worldwide after merging with Musically."
"The threat posed by Rumble to YouTube is real."
"The first official YouTube video was uploaded on April 23, 2005."
"Be sure to share this video with others out there maybe that are on the Medical Medium program and wanting to find the best juicer for celery."
"I love you guys so much and don't forget to share the video with a friend, family member, whomever. We welcome everyone to the channel, welcome to the family."
"I like to think of these videos as something more personal that I get to share with you."
"We love hearing from you guys, your comments, share your videos with us, and we'll be happy to check out your builds and your adventures."
"Please support this channel by sharing these videos with your friends and colleagues."
"Share this video with someone who is traveling away or looking to purchase some new luggage."
"I'm really grateful to be doing this video and sharing it with you guys."
"Imagine this: You have a website which allows you to create an account, log in, and then upload videos."
"Share this video with a friend, share this video with a blonde hair lover, share this video with your mama."
"I think for most it really did start out with YouTube just being for the memories."
"My job is to make videos and share my experiences and my life with you guys."
"Sharing the videos on social really helps to show the videos you like."