
Pre-order Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The physical release of my webcomic unfamiliar is up for pre-order right now."
"Don't pre-order this game folks until you see it."
"So how much is the new Razer Raptor? Well, you can pre-order right now at just $799."
"I suggest you just take advantage of the pre-order now, so that when February does come around you are one of the first to get it."
"Street Fighter 6 comes out on June 2nd... pre-orderable right now."
"For those that ended up pre-ordering the Vault Edition of Modern Warfare 2, they'll end up having access to the FGX Cinder weapon vault."
"I want everybody to do the pre-order next week."
"By the time you're watching this video, the God of War DualSense is up for pre-order. You can pre-order it today."
"Apple Vision Pro pre-order available on January 19th at 5:00 a.m. Pacific, February second. Wear without lenses, custom lenses for glasses."
"These sell out so fast. So, whenever you see the pre-orders come up, a lot of people are just sitting on the sidelines waiting for these. Definitely pre-order it. Don't miss your chance to get a great Clipper."
"So this is in between. I'm finally releasing my first book with these sketches and a lot more. If you pre-order by the end of December, you'll get a signed print from me."
"Yes, there is still time to pre-order my new record 'Lost at Sea'. Go to ChrisShiflettMusic.com and when you do, you're going to get four alternate versions of some of the songs off the record sent right to your inbox."
"Before I go, I remind you that my book The Beginner's Guide to Friendship Bracelets comes out on August 23rd in the US and about a month later everywhere else and it's available for pre-order now anywhere you typically buy books."
"...if you do pre-order, think about what you're going to eat, you will end up eating significantly less."
"Good news! You can now pre-order my new book 'Bread and Circuses: What Did the Romans Ever Do for Us?'"
"I cannot believe that and just the email that I got yesterday was so encouraging with how many people have pre-ordered already."
"The pre-order link is in the description box, please be sure to order your game and enjoy it."
"This is currently available for pre-order at most of your online retailers and is set to ship this summer."
"The course starts at $99, and you guys can pre-order the course today at $69."
"Pre-order live on filthy5.com from 8:00 a.m. Thursday the 14th of December. Drops Thursday the 21st of December."
"You're realistically, I'm thinking then a couple weeks before you start seeing it hit the website. We're thinking about those pre-orders. Let us know down below what you think if you would like to jump on the pre-order list."
"The first 750 pre-orders are guaranteed a signed copy."
"Every retail customer that pre-orders one, we put it right on the front here, and the employees, as it goes online, they sign it."
"It's a pre-order only so we made sure we luckily they had some."
"...this has really happened but I I like the approach that you guys took because you had figured out your Breakeven point and then you had sort of asked or had people sign up for pre-orders to ensure that you so that was so smart so smart to cover your costs"
"Destiny is about taking the first step. Pre-order destiny today."
"I'm probably going to pre-order it."
"Run a founding members launch AKA a fancy word for a pre-order."
"It's out November 8th, but to pre-order your copy check out the link below in the description."
"Nothing like some light reading like in my new book which is now available for pre-order. The link's in the description now back to the video."
"Pre-ordered the game, ready to go."
"But the reason why it continues to be as such is because people still pre-order games like right."
"Access to pre-orders the ability to order something before it officially launches so that you make sure you get your hands on it if it's something that you really want"
"The best way to support me is to pre-order a copy of your book."
"The physical album is available for pre-order already."
"If you want to be guaranteed to get a specific model then you need to order before those deadlines."
"Get a pre-order in as soon as possible."
"Hulk Grand Design, the oversized treasury collection will be in stores in December. You need to pre-order that now wherever you buy books."
"Yup, pre-order is open right now."
"Now if you'd like to pick up your very own child, he is up for pre-order right now with Sideshow Collectibles."
"Canceling too many pre-orders will eventually hurt the stores"
"Make sure to pre-order because you want to complete the collection, it's going to be so amazing."
"She looks so good in that skirt, bro. Pre-ordered already."
"Get your hands on that, put it in your pre-orders."
"It's so important that if you do you want to support authors, pre-order their books."
"I know everyone's going to ask in the comments, are you buying the vision driver? Yes, I have already pre-ordered that."
"They were pre-ordering Mad Max video games and you get a car if you pre-order that."
"Signed first editions of the new Night Vale novel are now available for pre-order."
"My book is available for pre-order. I'm Christine, and I give you news every Tuesday and other days too."
"The meal is so popular some KFC's require customers to order weeks in advance."
"If you like a band and you ever want to support them, pre-order their upcoming albums. That is the best way to help."
"You already know I have that pre-ordered."
"When people support you, when they back your campaign on Indiegogo, you essentially are saying to them, 'Hey, if you back this reward, you back this campaign, I'm going to give you a pre-order of the product.'"
"Remember, you can pre-order it now on our website."
"This is awesome, so our smart card t-shirt is available for pre-order on the website."
"We got to pre-order a few items, but my wish list is ginormous."
"Most importantly, this unit now is available for pre-order."
"If you're watching this video, head over to Big Bad toy store, just pre-order this, it should be shipping soon."
"I'm really glad I got my pre-order in when I did."