
Emotional Wisdom Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Everybody means well, you know hurt people hurt people."
"Give up this idea that they belong to you for ever and ever and ever. That is the problem with attachment."
"Love precedes respect. Love is greater than respect."
"Hate bitterness, they're just wasted emotions, they just eat you up and it hurts and you suffer."
"Forgiveness doesn't excuse their behavior, it prevents their behavior."
"Love can keep you grounded, love can get you hurt."
"Hurt people hurt people... that's true... we have to be aware of that."
"It's very conflicting isn't it because like you can still love someone and want to limit your exposure to them but still recognize them for who they are."
"You cannot control love until you have some to control."
"That is the greatest love that there ever is."
"Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved before."
"When you learn after a while that it's not about chasing love, it's like letting love come to you and find you."
"If you have to ask someone to prove their love, then we already know the answer—they don't."
"It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all."
"Never love something that can't love you back."
"Love is not to be chased, to be worked for, to be earned."
"There are certain things that can only be seen through eyes that have cried."
"Give yourself grace, give other people grace. Forgiveness is important."
"Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting it to hurt the other person."
"Don't forget, yes, open your heart, yes, be vulnerable, yes, you can do that, but also be smart."
"Just pay attention to the wisdom of your anger."
"Never trust your tongue when your heart is better or broken. Hush until you're healed."
"Great intuition is the emotional wisdom of the sensitive, this is who you are."
"Listen to your heart. It has a lot to say, and so often, especially in this world, either we go to the extreme and we let our emotions just kind of explode everywhere or we become very rigid."
"Unveiling toxic relationships: 'When a person shows you who they are, believe them.'"
"To hold a grudge is to drink poison and think that the other person will die. It takes a big person to apologize, but in many ways, it takes an even bigger person to forgive."
"It's time to let go, trust that your heart is wise."
"Holding on to anger will eat you alive, but truth at any cost."
"Follow your heart. It will never let you down because your heart wants what the heart wants."
"Live in your heart, it is the gateway to the divine."
"Love should be unconditional and free, sometimes letting go is an act of love."
"The heart, that is the place from which opposites can be reconciled."
"If you chase love, it will elude you, but if you become love, it will surround you."
"There's no such thing as good or bad emotions, just emotions."
"Forgiveness is not for the one who offended you but it's for you. Not forgiving somebody else is like drinking poison and expecting them to get sick."
"It's only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"In the flow of the heart and the feelings, there is a wisdom that you can attune to or align with by listening and surrendering."
"Until you understand the definition of love, you don't really love yourself."
"In loving, everything works. In fear, nothing works."
"Bill Clinton becomes the first elected president to be impeached by vote of the full House of Representatives."
"You have to like who you love." - "Thank you Dan."
"Following your heart is the key to unlocking it all."
"Time is a thief and pain is a gift." - Lori McKenna
"The heart always knows which direction you should go to."
"Don't reach out, don't take action, don't try to make them come back... when your efforts are visible and tangible, is when you actually can push them away."
"Hurt people hurt people. So if you can forgive, you're doing yourself a great favor first and foremost."
"Just listen with an open mind, Open Heart. Take what fits and leave the rest out."
"Pain doesn't solve pain; it only creates more pain."
"As much as I love you, love ain't got nothing to do with trust."
"The heart knows objective truth and empowers us to respond constructively."
"You cannot combat lovelessness with more lovelessness."
"Follow what your heart is telling you to do."
"If you love something you gotta let it go, right? It comes back, it's meant to be."
"Sometimes in life, you gotta let go of the things you love the most."
"If you love, they'll come back... it's a beautiful system."
"Love is always over hate, it's always love over hate."
"Emotional wisdom is really loud right now so definitely one of the practices I would suggest is something around giving yourself some space to feel your emotions."
"Love, even if it wasn't the answer we were looking for, we all know it's the right answer."
"Gnosis is an emotional wisdom we feel it rather than think it."
"...it's so clear when somebody loves something you just have to let it go..."
"It's better to have loved and lost in many respects, and I totally get that."
"A little bit of forgiveness goes a long way."
"Hatred corrodes the container it's carried in."
"Love is a flower that needs the sun and the rain. A little bit of pleasure's worth a whole lot of pain."
"If you don't heal what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you."
"At the end of the day, love trumps all."
"A breakup now, heartbreak now in the temporary, is better than a broken marriage in the future."
"Hurt people hurt people y'all be safe."
"Sometimes you can't love somebody into loving you back."
"When you love somebody, you don't take it to hell with the person that you love."
"You should never force a relationship with someone, even if your heart is in the right place."
"It requires a large measure of tact and goodness of heart not to bring out these shadows of the past."
"Don't bleed on who didn't cut you."