
Social Discomfort Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Most people hate it, even those who do it recognize they're always on eggshells."
"What if I throw out the word Jesus, is that gonna make everyone feel uncomfortable?"
"It's like being invited to a party that you'd rather not attend."
"It's like the sort of girl laughs like I'm really uncomfortable but if yeah but if I say something I might get my neck snapped like hahahaha kind of laugh."
"Show up to the family dinner with a ball gag, make it awkward and they won't invite you back next year."
"If you come to my house, I won't even try to laugh it off, I won't even try to like laughing Lee Blake okay."
"You're making everybody uneasy. It's a First Amendment protected activity, sir."
"They don't really feel welcomed in your space."
"The fact is, some people get uncomfortable when they see a big knife. Yeah, a little small knife, sure. I've had eyebrows raised with a mini."
"Social situation is not my forte, being surrounded by people asking for autographs."
"Let's talk more eat, let's talk more like how uncomfortable this first one is."
"Second-hand smoke, or second-hand embarrassment?"
"Balls or no balls is supposed to make the normies uncomfortable."
"You feel like the kid left after everyone paired up."
"I'm politically homeless...I don't really fit anywhere, and it's...very uncomfortable for me."
"People don't like being wrong and they don't like being challenged."
"Can she ask to feel the Tumtum? Unpleasant conversation."
"I feel like I don't like I don't feel comfortable to like get blacked out and like dance you know what I mean because they're just like staring at you like what are you doing you know"
"You're uncomfortable in crowds or heavy energy."
"Did he run away because he was uncomfortable?"
"It's evident in the film but, in your words, why is it uncomfortable for white people to talk about race?"
"I thought I just didn't like to be around people but it was really because I felt so Fish Out of Water."
"There's this uncomfortable feeling you have here that people are always wondering, 'What are you doing in Japan?'"
"Friendship isn't supposed to feel like you're pretending the whole time."
"I definitely felt like a third wheel and questioned why I even bothered to go on the vacation."
"Stop making it about you. People don't like to have their pleasure interrupted, their peace interrupted. Life is uncomfortable."
"Any body comments are rude and just so uncomfortable and cringe-worthy."
"There's been 10 giant men just back to back to back sweating all over and I'm the 12th. Oh, you must be insecure because you don't want to pay the fee to go in beside me."
"Being a Democrat at a conservative convention is a lot like being an atheist at a Southern Baptist Leadership Conference."
"The truth is called hate speech when someone is revealing the truth and it makes you uncomfortable."
"That's my move, my move in other words is to make everyone feel a lot less comfortable than they did before I entered the room."
"Why are men so uncomfortable about the female body?"
"I find his manner pompous and I just don't want to be in the same room with him."
"I don't like going places where people know me."
"It's mind-blowing that nobody's like, nobody does that, you know what it is, you know what it is, it's a form of shyness too, like, people feel uncomfortable doing content on campus because they think, what, people don't think."
"I don't know if I would call it bullying, but it was very uncomfortable."
"I don't enjoy being in large groups where I don't know a lot of those people."
"It's hard to be at a party when you feel like an open wound."
"Maybe if you're at a party, they'll say something like, 'Ugh, I hate these things,' and then you may ask them why they came."
"I'd rather be alone, I am not good in crowds."
"Different makes people uncomfortable."
"I'm so tired of things being awkward."
"Ladies in bunches always filled me with vague apprehension and a firm desire to be elsewhere."
"I get very irritable around crowds."
"Everybody knows what it's like to be in a dark place and not want to be around other people who are having a great time."