
Disapproval Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"Their compassion was not compromised I knew that they did not approve of my sin ful lifestyle living with a woman but they continue to love me and to uphold me."
"That's just a disdain, that total disapproval of anything."
"Everything about that is disgusting. The whole thing is gross."
"I just need to let Maddie know right now that I do not appreciate her being shady towards me."
"They are treating you like dog crap yeah it's crazy it's crazy."
"Living in a world where Satan Reigns and you and I and our families have to suffer the consequences doesn't really feel appealing to me."
"All of that pales in comparison to the number one most disliked video ever posted on YouTube."
"We do not, in any way, shape, or form, condone anything this man says in this video at all."
"This legislation is unacceptable. It is a step backwards and it does not promote principles we have stood for in Georgia."
"I utterly disapprove of violence within romantic or familiar relationships."
"It's not you would not call this a glorious DDT."
"I don't like any of that, that's just my opinion though, but I don't like it."
"Shame on all of them, we're not going to give any medals today."
"His father just strongly disapproved and had questions that Kim."
"I just don't like slimy people trying to take advantage of others."
"I do not defend him. I do not stand by him. He's an actual [__] person. I take back everything I've ever said."
"Now if anybody thinks this is okay I am in the wrong world."
"You have to be okay with social disapproval or rejection."
"All they want to do is piggyback on them and they don't like that y'all they really don't like that."
"An absolute joke. Absolute joke. That is a terrible, terrible decision."
"I love that he's doing that... I got no love for those guys."
"People who've gone along with this should be ashamed of themselves. Completely ashamed of yourself. There's nothing safe about it, there's nothing normal about it, there's nothing healthy about it."
"I don't like the way it's being framed, I don't like the way it's being brought. I don't like that it is being brought."
"It's not fair to do that to an entire generation, it's sort of disgusting to me."
"The immigration part of this is a garbage bill"
"Every single one of Donald Trump's answers is utterly disqualifying."
"Running away from them is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen."
"God never approves of divorce or separation."
"Nobody likes the person that continuously does bad behavior over and over again."
"Say, this is what we call in the history books. Not cool, bro."
"Thanks for making me hate Jack you more than I already do, everyone."
"When I'm with a group of people and someone's rude to the waiter, waitress, I just, I don't like it."
"It's not just that he has high disapproval numbers it's that people who strongly disapprove, who hate him in effect, are large and growing."
"I don't really appreciate anyone being horrible to my daughters."
"King Charles got eggs thrown at him, not a good thing to do unless you just want the publicity."
"I don't like people who use their connections to get in."
"I'm 100% against it, I don't want near my club."
"I don't like how she'll be acting."
"May we never speak of this film again, we won't."
"WWE should be [__] ashamed of themselves."
"This incestuous [ __ ] that's going on here"
"Those bureaucrats who gave a proper balance to approval on the one hand and disapproval on the other would not have a long life in governmental bureaus. They would be pilloried and they would be kicked out."
"I make eye contact with one of the younger officers who shakes his head at me."
"Alis sent declares that Bizer would never have approved of the murder of his own daughter."
"They feel like what you're focused on is fickle and fake."
"I must admit I don't agree with murder. The Joker does need to be removed once and for all."
"What is this? Where this movie just goes off the rails in the second half"
"The judge expressed their discontent with the homeowners association's flagrant violation of the law."
"I absolutely do not support that at all."
"We just never liked a single guy that I've ever ever dated."
"Just the facial hair alone should be illegal."
"It's just unacceptable, it's just unacceptable."
"You low down and dirty, you low down and dirty."
"I have never found the antics of deviants to be one bit amusing."
"Principal Mourinho tells everyone that it's time to stop dancing, which I agree with because these people do not know what they're doing with their bodies."
"It's so disgusting to me on so many levels."
"The next time, let me not say that, good when Dr. I'm going to do it again. Any of them, yeah, no, not Cole. Cole lost me with this."
"Oh, this is disgusting, despicable."
"This just isn't right. This is... yeah, this is like... this is sick. You shouldn't be doing this."
"This is not okay. This is not normal."
"That's not cool, we don't like that, especially people that beat up dogs."
"It's those moments of joy that remind me why I'm willing to put up with Becca's constant disapproval."
"You make it very plain you do not like Miss Fairfax."
"I ain't mad at it, you saying it worked out for y'all, I'm not against that, bro, I don't like the clout chasers, the dick riders, the liars, the fakers, the imitators, the copycats, I don't like them [__]."
"I need to see that that's rude Lon town man proper Club."
"Zona's family, especially her mother Mary Jane, did not approve of the fact that Zona and Erasmus had begun seeing each other."
"This is so wrong, this is awful, this is wrong, and it's not okay."
"That’s not cool. Proper snakey man."
"He's not gonna like it, not one bit."
"Langdon had been against the drug activities right from the start."
"...because that is absolutely a disgraceful comment."
"This is not going to be your video, buddy."
"That's some garbage right there, some hot garbage."
"...what kind of stupid move is that?"
"Oh my people, I disassociate myself completely from whatever you are doing. I am not a part of you, and I will never engage in this nor will I ever condone it."
"Now that's Dirtbag, that is not right."
"Let's add that one on to the huge list of things that we hate about Tedros."
"I gotta be honest man like that guy's a [__] [__] bro."
"That's being a sellout my God bro."
"Real Hooper's don't like nobody doing this right here."
"This is a horrible concept, a horrible concept."
"...companies pandering to this nonsense..."
"Not cool not cool not cool not cool."
"I laughed because it was so fast but I do not approve of that [ __ ] Lindor truffle you piece of [ __ ] not to share it with you."
"Well, if you're on the receiving end of a lot of disapproval from everyone around you, that can really mess with the way you view yourself."
"Accepting life as it is in the moment, tolerance, and acceptance however do not equate with approval."
"I'm not about to sit down to your level but I sure will let you know just about how I'm acting, that how you're acting is disgusting and extremely inappropriate."
"There is no way that this type of behavior can be condoned."
"It's stupid. I mean, it's really, really stupid."
"It's probably the most god-awful thing you can say."
"Oh my gosh, no, that would be obnoxious."
"I honestly am shocked about the affair. I do think you should be ashamed of yourself."
"The queen states that just because she received the letter does not mean that she approved the marriage."
"Choy had always disapproved of his father's unscrupulous methods."
"I completely agree in which that any weirdo that is calling out for death threats or whatnot, it's cringe and it's disgusting."
"I didn't like the Kermit bit. I don't know what the [ __ ] JJ's doing, and it's a no from me. I want JJ to stop."
"He's not Daddy, no like I don't [ __ ] with that, he's saddy."
"You cannot be doing things like that, man."
"His little experiments offend me. If he disappeared, I wouldn't shed a tear."
"It's disgusting. It's despicable."
"Oh no, boy, oh no, no, you can't do that."
"This is just some straight up AOR horseshit."
"God didn't forget that, he didn't like that."
"Victoria and Stella, my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, glared at me as they said this."
"None of that was cool, none of that was cool."
"I'm awarding it my bollock stamp of disapproval exclusive to hagga indeed."
"You're not allowed to do that. That is the biggest jackass in the world."
"I may not be the best person to ask this but it is so lame that this thing still exists and both these guys would be better off in America not associating with that."
"He doesn't like the news, he doesn't like it. No."
"You know you would not think that it was okay period end of story period end of story."
"Disgusting. I can't think of any reason why someone would think that this is okay."
"We don't condone a lot of things that Myra said."
"I can't imagine what she would say about cemented. She probably would not like it very much."
"I'm sorry, but that is just not okay."
"That's toxic behavior, my dude, no!"
"You will face persecution; you will not have the approval of others."
"We do not condone stealing, no condoning."
"I do think about death a lot, and I really disapprove of it quite honestly."
"My church youth group would not like this."
"That's some straight-up violence right there. That's awful."
"There is nothing I hate more than a girl who's like, 'I'm the cool girl.'"
"I will never respect anybody like that ever."
"I don't condone none of that stuff what they saying happened."
"It's sickening. Like, talented, isn't it? Despicable."
"No to this Gary RuPaul's Drag Race."
"No, bro, you ain't supposed to be doing this, no proper training and nothing."
"I'm not doing that, Trick Daddy. He don't care. I'm not doing that. Trick Daddy said that. Yeah, damn. Yeah, he don't care."
"We ripped him to pieces, like, unmade him."
"Katie is like not the one These Days."
"To think that you would do so under the same roof as your husband and children is abhorrent," Simon told Mrs. Banfield.
"Reminds me of Ryan dude, you know my mom is not approving of these jokes."
"Guys who wanted to jump right into bed were disgusting."
"This is so wrong on so many levels."
"I mean, who the [ __ ] does that? That's by the way, that's [ __ ] up."
"It's just pathetic behavior really."
"He's not for her. He's not on the team."
"Disgraceful. Go hang the shame curtains."
"What he has done is absolutely ridiculous."
"This ain't it, this is no, that's just gonna be like, 'Babish, I'ma head out.'"
"What a hateful thing to do to anyone."
"This is extremely stupid for a bunch of reasons."
"Even young pups like me don't like it."
"This wedding is not happening. I won't allow it."
"What you're witnessing right before your eyes is a Romeo and Juliet's story... two young lovers falling in love... a father who does not approve."
"You shouldn't have done this. This was wild. What were you thinking? You're just parading her around, like, bro."
"This ain't it, did not pass the vibe check."
"I don't hate anyone here. I hate their actions."
"I do not approve of that. That's why, because it goes and that is dangerous."
"Laura's constant disapproval of Ashley and Edgar causes Ashley's frustration to grow."
"There's just human behavior and the physical consequences of that, many of which those behaviors I do not appreciate, I do not condone, and I personally wouldn't accept."
"You're very racist, and I don't approve. I don't."
"It's a horrible testimony against any church if what we communicate is hatred. But I wonder if they're confusing hatred and serious disapproval. I can disapprove of something without hating somebody."
"Why did they do that? Just bouncing him on his lap and taking liberties, bro!"
"What an absolute disgusting joke."
"'Stop that, stop that! Don't make me see this!'"
"Supporting James Charles is not the tea."
"That did not pass the vibe check whatsoever."
"Can someone please explain why people do this to their cars?"
"It's crazy that people think it would be an okay idea."
"This account confirms God's absolute disapproval of any communication with the world of the dead."
"That should not be allowed. That should not be allowed."
"Oh my God, you're just so cringed, bro."
"This is messed up, bro. This is messed up."
"That sounds like such a [__] move."
"This ends our association," Darcy's father declared to Wickham.
"I've never swatted ever. I'm not a fan of it. It's just like, you know, people have died, innocent people. So like, yeah, that's not something I'm a fan of."
"Yo, that [ __ ] was so lame, I ain't gonna lie."
"That's a terrible set, what are you guys on?"
"I already told you, dude, stop. That's bad, that's really bad. That's really bad. That's really bad, yo. Who said this [__]? Dude, come on, bro."
"I never want to hear that again from another general."
"The costume was just lazy it was awful"
"85% of his 2020 voters approve of the job he's doing as president and ten percent disapprove."
"I think it's quite... I think it's a really bad move."
"I just don't like seeing Lisa make a fool of herself with an older man."
"It's terrible, it's terrible, we're drafting things that are gross, this is gross, that's a draftable."
"The majority of the fuqaha hold the opinion that al-qaza is only disliked. It's not haram but it's just disliked."
"Absolute joke. Absolute joke. Disgusting."
"The crowd boozes, Titus and Hogan and the Bella twins celebrate and dance and the crowd booze."
"Yeah, that gets a thumbs down. Stick with this one, I reckon."
"Dude, what the hell, you know it's not okay."
"Puritans had never liked bishops and not only on account of the vestments that Hoopa disliked and that Andrews is proudly sporting here."
"I do not support your behavior and I do not want to be an accomplice to it."
"Divorce is lawful but the most hateful thing in the sight of God."
"Somebody asked me, do I approve of the massacre of millions of peasants under Stalin for Stalin's forc collective vision? Of course not. I do not approve, I have never approved, and I never will approve. We've condemned it consistently."
"A sour sensation coated his stomach; he couldn't believe the city council had approved this development."
"I've seen a trend on TikTok, and I really hate it."
"In civilized circles, when you are showing disapproval, you don't have to take a sledgehammer; you can take a feather."
"Disgraceful, disgusting, despicable, detestable."
"She was definitely that cool family member that all of the kids liked but the adults rarely approved of."
"I'm not impressed, Emily. Take that smile off your face."
"A man who spent his whole life striving for peace and love and harmony was hardly going to regard as admirable the conduct of people who got on television and trashed people he admired."
"Eternal optimist seeks to capture high school beauty who returns sentiment but her possessive father disapproves."
"That's some weak [__], though. I ain't [__] with that."
"My mama don't like you, and she likes everyone."
"He's a horrible friend to Harry, he's a horrible boyfriend to Hermione, he barely passes his school, he's the worst."
"How dare you Kanye, how mother dare you."
"I do not condone the use of these seeds."
"Canadians are turned off by all of these leaders; there's nobody that at a personal level they're rallying behind."
"It's not okay, bro, it's just sad."
"If Christine Ky's parents had still been alive, they would not have approved of the company she was presently keeping."