
Artistic Pursuit Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Choosing to pursue art is very difficult, so you should only pursue it if you are truly passionate about it."
"I just wanted them to really believe that they can do it, this music thing that they say is their dream."
"I'm just trying to be a good artist, trying to make my bread, trying to make good music for the people."
"In 1926, Buster set out to make his masterpiece, The General."
"I felt their emotions very much intertwined with mine. There was a sort of power in this that I'd never seen before, and I knew that I had to pursue voice from that moment."
"I think meek is still chasing his intro to his first album; he's still chasing that success of that song."
"If you want to be an artist, you will be. It's not always easy, but in the end, it's pretty [expletive] cool."
"The challenge, yeah, that's the challenge, that's for making great art."
"By showing you what you could achieve and what you could make, it was very inspirational and it made me want to use my own imagination and do more painting and more creativity."
"I'm really lucky he didn't have that. You know, he had a really supportive brother, he had a really supportive sister-in-law, he had some friends, but beyond that, people didn't get what he did."
"The true tragedy that dogs the steps of most artists is that they realize their ideal—absolutely."
"You may finally have some sort of creative success come your way."
"I'd be kind of lost if I didn't have the music to chase."
"All you really have to hang on to is your own belief in what it is you've done."
"Go out there and make stuff. It's not gonna be perfect. You're always gonna look back on it and be like whatever I was young and I didn't know what I was doing but it's such a better step than doing nothing and not finishing anything."
"It gets hard sometimes... why am I doing this for?" - Anthony Ramos
"All it takes is one yes to exhilarate you again." - Anthony Ramos
"Emerging artists want to work with the very best materials possible."
"Stop questioning yourself and jump into that creative project."
"Honestly, what motivates me is perfecting my craft. I might never reach it, I probably will never reach perfection, never-ending, but you know, see, you know already, man."
"Why are you letting what people say intervene with what you're trying to create?"
"Mary Jane continues pursuing her dreams of becoming an actress and eventually lands the leading role in a play titled 'The Importance of Being Earnest'."
"I just didn't think it was accessible... I certainly didn't think you could have a career doing it."
"I'm a creator, so I'm always trying to find some way to express myself, to create."
"Are you then at this point supposed to pivot or just keep making music because it makes you happy?"
"It's nice that there are still people who are like, 'I'm gonna just keep following my own vision.'"
"I still just want to be able to wake up every day and survive and make art..."
"As long as you just keep making stuff, eventually you'll get to where you want to be."
"This wasn't a money thing, this was a passion thing for us."
"The soul of why I pursue this is actually the same sentiment that was there all those years ago."
"Travis Scott risked it all for his dream of being an artist."
"You are a creative soul, and whatever your skills or desires may be, you need to follow your heart and seek what makes you happy."
"Novelty is at the heart of any creative pursuit of mine."
"Photography is an art form and something you'll be improving at until the day you die."
"Figure out what your number one, no question, not a shadow artistic pursuit is. Absolutely to the center of your being."
"Commit to your screenplay, success is ahead."
"It was a spirit of the show that all of the actors and the writers created of wanting to do the very best work possible."
"John is just insane enough to carry on banging his head against his dream... thank God because he was meant to."
"There's something about getting a beautiful shot that still excites me more than anything else in the world."
"He was looking for revelation and he was a musician."
"When should an artist quit their day job? It's when it becomes unbearable, or their other thing becomes undeniable in terms of supporting them."
"Now when I came to Wales, I said to myself, I wouldn't mind getting into a bit of art, a bit of painting, something I used to do a long, long time ago."
"I don't know if I can win, I don't know if I have it in me to spend hundreds and hundreds of hours on a single piece, but I want to try."
"I hope you continue trying new and hard things. Don't give up on your artwork and I think in the end you'll be glad you stuck with it."
"You always seem to be working towards a goal in a very creative, artistic way."
"Some of you might find yourself feeling really good when you pursue something artistic, something creative."
"For me, it's the pursuit of trying to make work that is striking, can we make things that are beautiful?"
"My mom always encouraged me and my dad to pursue my artistic career."
"I'm still on the photography side of things and I feel like I'm just getting closer and closer to kind of the look that I'm going for."
"You're following your creative impulse. Spirit just wants to encourage you to continue to do this throughout 2024."
"If you have an idea of what you want to make, what you were put here to do, then just go and do that."
"Yo I wanna do music. I thought she was gonna kill me but she really was just mad supportive and was like yo uh, you're at the age where you gotta make your own decisions you know you gotta decide what you wanna do."
"I always wanted to do music and make music."
"I'm not looking for perfect circles, but I am looking for circles."
"Hope you found this video really helpful. I've really enjoyed making it, and I really enjoyed my whole hot tub project."
"When you make music, you should always be trying to make something that doesn't exist yet."
"I'm on a mission to perfect the art of capturing that."
"I'm still chasing that dragon of craft and beauty and art."
"It's always going to be days that you just struggle with what it is you're trying to actually achieve."
"I'm here because I'm ready to act and take on a serious acting position."
"It's not images we're after, it's poetry."
"It fulfills the needs of many creators in the pursuit of beauty in their artwork."
"I was constantly seeking art, seeking music, seeking just like how to better myself."
"We're trying to tell a story about more universal themes, frankly, like about dreamers being on the outside, following your dream, and what it is to be an artist and try and get your vision across to the world."
"Any advice for artists trying to pursue their passions? Don't give up."
"The life of a jazz musician is a difficult life because you want to play, you want to be, you want to get to the inner spirit."
"Work real hard, and you may be an artist too someday."
"I have decided to set myself upon the path of grand artistry."
"Curtis continued to focus on the pursuit of art, literature, music, and would gradually draw lyrical and conceptual inspiration from ever more insidious subjects."
"This eternal quest to achieve what we refer to as the perfect photograph."
"That's my personal feeling, that's what I'm always striving for."
"Artistic success is basically about pushing the barrier, about taking it to the next level."
"Keep taking your camera out, keep taking photographs, and keep enjoying your photography."
"I take my hat off to anybody who's going to artistically pursue something to a level of success."
"I was always encouraged as an artist to follow my dream."
"People are so kind and supportive that you are pursuing your dream of becoming an artist."
"If you're in a situation where you have a family and you have an artistic aspiration, I think you kind of do owe it to them to get it out of your system, even if it doesn't succeed."
"I wonder if you will ever have time to just write a novel, an artistic creation."
"Get out there, get your work out there."
"You become really inspired if you are in any creative endeavor."
"Follow good work, find interesting stories and talented filmmakers."
"Continue to look at the things that make you feel creative."
"Keep up with your artistic endeavor."
"You can have that print; I'm going to make an enlargement to enter in the newspaper contest."
"The goal with getting better at this technique is all of course always music."
"Ah well, five A.M. is really early, but in photography, it's also really late."
"I gotta get back to creating; I just want to feel good again."
"This album was one of the first things in the past few years of music that has made me happy. It's something that makes me happy, and I needed to continue to pursue that."
"Take time out, spend some quality time giving into your artistic endeavors."
"My life has been trying to just do art, and I haven't limited myself as to where that art needs to be."
"What we do is a really, really slow thing and even one lifetime is not enough."