
Game Strategies Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"You should be aware of what other people have picked."
"Among Us taught me a lot about learning when to be clear."
"This quote implies that all the clues and ideas are present from the start if only we pay attention."
"Survival mode taught me a lot about Fallout 4, and I think it's a DLC in itself, albeit a free one that does nothing but recontextualize existing mechanics."
"I think it's fun to steal people's cards in this manner."
"It's all checks and it's all checks all the way down."
"When you can both do that, it's a different game."
"Surviving in No Man's Sky is pretty easy as long as you're prepared."
"Understanding the situations in which a pick works."
"Honestly, if you're trying to learn this game, go down to the comments."
"David Montgomery absolutely must play and honestly he should have a humongous game." - "David Montgomery absolutely must play."
"The power of your Sims' persistence, teamwork, and magic is truly something."
"We've stayed alive this whole playthrough by being smart."
"It's called hot spring water and it instantly heals you. I didn't know it, but this was the best item of the whole game."
"The game is over, it's just a matter of how it plays out."
"It's always generating a ton of mana. Sometimes they'll generate way more than any of these cards will even do in a single game."
"How to play-- it's still about the suffixes."
"This is a big one: antibiotics. If you're going to attempt this new survival beta mode, I strongly recommend that you start out with your intelligence at least at six."
"All in all they are pretty balanced with each other order is really for a science game freedom for culture and autocracy for domination"
"Combinations of these spells can come up with some really creative stuff."
"I'm not here to make friends. I will eventually when I do the popularity one, but we're not doing that yet so that's fine."
"There's nothing to fear. You can defeat Giratina and show the tight bond you share with your Pokémon."
"Okay, well, we've got those... Also, speaking of Enchantment libraries, one of the things that was suggested that is like, 'Oh, that's a brilliant plan.'"
"Killing enemies restores a moderate amount of health."
"Crafting Strategies Unveiled: From White Sockets to Influence Orbs"
"Path still gets those insta zip lines from looking at the care packages to help the team rotate great distances."
"I think the meta will largely revolve around... less lightning for sure."
"It finishes the game instead of some of the other more salt inducing, like drag it out finishers that we've been talking about."
"For the first time ever, there's all sorts of alternative ways to win, including playing tall. That's really exciting to me."
"It's amazing that Sarah can still find damage with roaches."
"Consent is very important in the real world. No means no. But in chess, it's go forth, please deliver a Checkmate."
"This level just, it can be done in like less than 30 seconds essentially."
"It's just not the best I think that overall this is the best weapon that you guys should go grind for."
"I think our potion station with another word farm with some other farms, it's gonna be absolutely fantastic."
"You know what's great about that Tibalt? Still exiles. Tibalt beats everything."
"Eclipse is focused on dueling, giving omnivamp."
"Maybe that's what makes it fun, you know, the moment to be the hero but also you have the moment to be the villain."
"We're never really going to see the full combination because it's always going to be evolving."
"Late in the game, oh yeah, they should probably have given up."
"Tanks in Overwatch 2 are the best characters in your team, keep them alive."
"There's no real wrong way of doing it, the best thing is just to look through them and look towards the end and think hm what am I trying to do here where am I trying to go."
"The team that strayed away from the multi-tank rush ended up winning in the end."
"I don't want to risk winning too much. I mean, the thing is we can always remove it, yes, right?"
"It can survive 12 RPGs or sticky bombs or anything like that making it incredibly useful and valuable if you're trying to not be blown up."
"That smoke grenade gives you some cover while you plant the bomb."
"I don't know what the f*** I'm ever gonna do with this card, but hey ho."
"That 360 is actually technically a strat, it helps level the vehicle up if you just drive straight off sometimes it flips and dies."
"It's pretty much just the sick game of slowly getting rid of the contestants."
"Turn the fire and disaster budget all the way down when I turned disasters on the way."
"I think it's safe to say that I've kind of been starting all the engagements at this point."
"Nourish: Heals for an additional 20% if you have a rejuvenation, regrowth, lifebloom, or wild growth effect active."
"Your opponent is much more likely to say scissors immediately after you have asked them a question."
"A majority of the viewing audience thought alliances were cheating."
"Finale of Devastation... potentially the best card in the set."
"The tank meta is such a real thing right now there's real no good counters to Rosa."
"Skip these uniforms if you need a phoenix force character."
"It's a false impression because in fact you can win the game within a few minutes."