
Access Control Quotes

There are 296 quotes

"If you don't have the permission, we'll just say, 'You do not have permissions to use this command.'"
"So wouldn't it be nice if we could actually ensure that only those users who are authorized are allowed to execute certain actions?"
"Matthew and I both got badges with no identification."
"I ordered one... it was going to be 400 500 no 250 maybe... no they introduced this thing at eighty dollars eighty bucks."
"The guards do not care about your running box. Go on in front of them."
"Don't give people access to you who don't deserve it."
"Be mindful that people who did not stand by you do not deserve access to your success."
"Grant access to anyone from anywhere in the world with various levels of permission and security."
"How can I even log in if she won't let me know the password?"
"Roles allow you to control who has access to what within your server."
"IDORs happen when access control is not properly implemented."
"Access to platforms is granted or denied based on opaque, unaccountable processes."
"Every file on the system is owned by somebody and other people may or may not have permission to look at that file or do things with it."
"Finally, we solved the security. How? No one gets in, no one gets out. Lock the door."
"Disney strictly prohibits guests from going into backstage areas without explicit permission."
"Physical access control is crucial for security."
"They've locked down the house, making it extremely difficult to come in or out."
"It's a back door to your base with a handy force field that lets your team through and keeps the enemy team out."
"It's such the core of the thing I want to have access in case my the way I split it off from there gets weird."
"I am deeply, deeply known and I am loved as I am."
"A lot of security boils down to two questions: who are you, and what should you have access to?"
"Want wide-open access? Learn how to create 'anyone can join' shares with FreeNAS!"
"Netflix is cracking down on password and account sharing."
"The API key is like a password to access the API, ensuring secure usage."
"As people's roles in the White House change, so should their access."
"Gating lets us control what passes through and what gets blocked."
"The two dollars keeps most of the headaches and trolls out there."
"Access to physical assets should also be granted only on a need-to-know basis."
"Authorization is the process of determining who has access to what data."
"The principle of least privilege states that a user, program, or process should have access to the bare minimum privileges necessary to perform its function."
"Predefined roles give granular access control to specific Google Cloud resources."
"Identity and Access Management, also known as IAM... manages access control by defining who (the identity) has what access (which is the role) for which resource."
"The reference monitor... confirms whether a subject has the right to use a resource prior to granting access."
"For a web server, only web traffic from the internet should be allowed to access it."
"Don't let guests roam free in a building."
"Security groups... define permissible network traffic consisting of rules similar to what you'd see in a firewall rule set."
"To allow users enough flexibility to perform their job but prevent them from accessing areas they are not allowed to access is referred to as the principle of least privilege."
"The principle of least privilege is key when thinking about all up resources."
"I can actually leverage something called JIT, just in time access."
"If I'm working with resources in Azure, many of those support things like role-based access control, very granular access even at the data plane."
"I can apply role-based access control, I might have governance requirements to say, 'Hey, you can't use this type of resource, you must have this agent installed, you cannot use these regions'."
"Least privilege... constantly reevaluating what you really need."
"Once you put the code in, it gets deleted. Now you're in the waiting room."
"I can specify what's required for each Azure AD role: require MFA, configure approvals, etc."
"Use the least privilege model to specify resources and actions."
"Make sure only the users who need it have SSH access."
"Row level security ensures users only see the data that's relevant to them."
"In this one, nobody can get in unless their IDs are checked or maybe their bad system is checked, making these two best."
"Instead, we would create a security group, specify rights and permissions for that group, and then add users to that group to provide them with the rights that they need."
"We're doing almost like a white list. We're only allowing access to things we don't allow access to."
"How do you make sure that only the right users have only the right access to only the right data for only the right reason?"
"Make sure the right users get only the right access to only data for only the right reason."
"To ensure access to AKS1 can be granted to the contoso.com users, you need to create an OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint in your tenant."
"BigQuery has datasets and jobs contained within a specific project. Datasets are top-level containers used to organize and control access to your tables and views."
"Create different membership levels and restrict access."
"Limit access to data and systems so that users and other subjects only have access to what they require."
"Without going around, that door does not operate. It's just either in my car or in that car. In my '71, I can only unlock the door if I go through the passenger."
"...role-based access control is designed to assign permissions based on job responsibilities."
"The biggest risk in web applications is broken access."
"Access control methods include mandatory, discretionary, non-discretionary, and role-based."
"Access control models use different types of authorization mechanisms to control who can access specific objects."
"Zero trust: Assume breach, verify explicitly, least possible access."
"Even though a policy doesn't exist in the identity, but still if it is present in the resource-based policy and the effect is allow, the permission will be granted because this is a resource-based policy and it does not depend on the implicit deny."
"Attribute based access control is an authorization strategy that defines permissions based on attributes."
"Smart locks and smart garage door openers, these are very important because as a security guy, it's all about protecting your entry points and access points."
"Not only can you get access, but you could decide who to fool the computer into thinking is coming and going."
"DAC allows owners to grant or deny access to resources."
"Policies are the engines that allow or deny a connection, you know, based on policy, one gets to access or gets no access to a resource."
"A policy is a very clear document, it defines who has access to a resource and what are all the actions they can perform."
"'Need to know' and 'least privilege' principles help limit access and prevent security incidents."
"Least privilege: where a subject is only given those privileges necessary to complete their job."
"Authorization creep is when employees work at a company and move from one department to another, they are often assigned more access rights and permissions."
"All access control mechanisms should default to no access to provide the necessary level of security."
"RBAC model uses a centrally administrated set of controls to determine how subjects and objects interact."
"RBAC is useful as the access controls are based on the individual's role or title within the organization."
"Azure data lake storage supports Access Control Lists (ACLs) at the file and folder level, making it the correct answer."
"If you want to access this particular CSV file, you should have a credential, so that you can access it."
"The answer here is B, apply an IAM role to the Lambda function. Apply an IAM policy to the role to grant read access to the S3 bucket."
"So this is sometimes lumped together with need to know the only difference is that least privilege will also include rights to take action on a system but only the rights that are necessary providing the least privilege required in order to complete the job."
"The access control triple - you're going to know that it's definitely Clark Wilson."
"Service accounts are indeed limited, they don't have full run, they don't have full control, nothing should have full control on your system except fully authorized administrative accounts."
"So based on those conditions, I'm going to either allow or disallow access. So in this case, I'm going to grant access but require multi-factor authentication, except from trusted locations."
"Q respects your existing access controls, only returning information you're authorized to see."
"In the Zero Trust model, each and every access request to applications, data resources is evaluated using identity, device posture, and other factors."
"For every access control in AWS, we look at the policies, we look at the requests coming in, and we give a yes or no answer, an allowed or denied."
"This is how we will first control who has access and restricting the access to the pages."
"What it's going to do for you here is it gives you the ability to restrict rows inside of your data model to be viewed specifically by individuals that you set."
"To share your bucket with different groups of users, consider using S3 Access Points."
"We want to make sure that different applications or different job roles or device identities like door locks cameras point of sales they can only see or have access to things that they need to have access to."
"There is no write happening in the ontology layer that isn't going through the access control model."
"Attribute-based Access Control evaluates attributes such as user role, job title, department, location, time, device type, and other contextual information to determine whether access should be granted or denied."
"Confidentiality ensures that information is protected from unauthorized disclosure and is only accessible to those with proper authorization."
"The principle of least privilege dictates that users should be given the minimum levels of access or permissions necessary to perform their work tasks."
"Least privilege means only providing the minimum level of privilege needed to do a task."
"ABAC is definitely the next big thing and it's coming in big time."
"Just in time access provides access through privileged roles only when needed and not before, and it's time-bound by assigning start and end dates."
"My governance is all around, hey, I get the right structure in place and I have my role-based access control, my policy, my budgets..."
"Decentralized access control gives control of access to people closer to the resources."
"User accounts that have too much access or are no longer needed create risk for the organization."
"BeyondCorp Enterprise does identity and context-aware access controls."
"Under no circumstances should you let someone else use your super key."
"...so whereas the data owner may say 'this needs to be encrypted and only available to people of this role within the organization,' the custodians are the ones that configure that security in those controls."
"Lease privilege should be built into all access control architectures."
"Access controls are also a way to provide confidentiality. If someone doesn't have access to the data, they obviously would not be able to see the data."
"Use access and identity tokens to secure your services."
"Implement the concept or the best practice of the least privileged access."
"API Gateway supports multiple mechanisms for controlling and managing access to your WebSocket API."
"It's best to limit the access that all the accounts have and only use the very high level accounts like the root account whenever it is actually needed to use that account and not for just everything, for example."
"Role and permission-based application access."
"Use a security-centric design where access is verified first and ensure all requests go through an access control check."
"...if someone else needs access to the cluster, they just share the kubeconfig, that's not a good idea."
"So now, you can see the subject is group. Group name is Finance. So now, Chris should be able to access our cluster. He should have the same set of permissions as John."
"Secrets manager offers the ability to control access to your secrets with IAM policies."
"Password protecting your code adds an extra layer of security, ensuring only authorized users can access and modify it."
"So, remember, when I said the user settings, those external settings, really important. How much collaboration do you want the user to have? Who can create those admin roles? And how much access do you want them to be able to do, okay?"
"The other thing to keep in mind here is that you have a lot of flexibility in terms of how long access tokens should last."
"An error occurs due to unauthorized access, which we resolve by intercepting requests and adding authentication headers."
"You cannot revoke this access token. They will be able to access all the resources until this token expires."
"You can grant friends or family with access to the camera if you'd like."
"...only the people who are a part of the Help Center admins SharePoint group will have access to this item."
"Only give people access to the things they need access to and nothing more."
"Access and control policies help enforce security, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements."
"Broken Access Control is kind of like this big catch-all."
"This is a form of bypassing broken Access Control here or bypassing access control."
"I want to be able to easily limit a program's access to just what it needs and nothing else."
"I'm now able to access this database normally from an EC2 instance, and if I try and run that same MySQL script again to connect from my laptop over the public internet, this should now not work even if I enter the correct password."
"You can actually define access to that particular cluster through groups of clusters or through individual cluster, however you wanted to."
"Dedicated hosts allow you to provision a server that only you have access to."
"The plan shouldn't be locked away and accessed by just a few people; it should also not be a free-for-all that gives the competition an opportunity to minimize the impact."
"Going through this training makes me realize things that they actually are seeing that they don't need to see."
"Creating roles and profiles for this organization is crucial. Roles let you define data visibility based on hierarchy, whereas profiles let you control who has access to which features."
"Maintaining Access: What is important here is if you do any sort of maintaining access or keeping access you need to make sure that you undo that when you are done."
"We should only be giving necessary permissions to those that need it."
"With the private registry, we can provide better access control by ensuring only the right people with the right permission to get the right access to those modules repositories and even workspaces as well."
"The upside to this approach is that we have fewer files to manage, fewer plans that need to occur, and you can also have better access control for your Terraform Cloud workspaces."
"...there are still people in the loop... how do we as developers and operators and security people get access to the privileged systems that we need."
"...it's any piece of information that you can use for authentication or authorization... it's something that I can provide to another system that's granting me access to it or proving my identity or elevating my capability."
"...and they've added a critical new feature: roles and permissions, and that gives you the basis of a true multi-tenant architecture."
"You only want a certain user to see a certain user's data."
"Let's say you want access to something that's being controlled through the Arduino, we swipe our card and it'll give us access."
"You can control exactly what people can do in your Microsoft Access database."
"Access lists provide a blacklist or whitelist of specific client IP addresses, along with authentication for the proxy hosts."
"Least privilege: you should only be allowing access to things if they are necessary."
"Grant users the minimum access required to do their work and nothing more."
"The AAA model is fairly popular for security architectures."
"...to minimize the risk of theft, the university installed the little security gates that require our ID card to get access."
"Asking for a separate gate to stop people walking around here has become a huge controversy here!"
"Having a method of creating trust between yourself and someone trying to gain access to your systems is a foundational part of IT security."
"Principles of least privilege: You only open up what's necessary to who is necessary to be opened up for, end of story."
"Proxy server can block certain websites from being accessed and it's also used to monitor network or internet traffic."
"This does allow you to share limited access to your Airtable data only in the way that you want your users to interact with it."
"If the server supports SAML, we can use an external identity provider to provide single sign-on to the resource without having to enter credentials multiple times."
"It just gives you a lot of really good control over who can access which systems, which I think is great."
"Confidentiality is keeping any sensitive or private information in the hands of those that actually need to access it."
"Up to eight months of battery life with four double A batteries, easy installation, and remote passwords and unlock."
"Deny by default, only allow those things that you know about that need to communicate between your assets."
"Finally, you have a premium content page that you can only access after you log in."
"Leveraging smart pointers, both unique and shared, allows for granular access to some of the GPU specifications."
"This is how you can delegate access to other members of the site and wall off what they have added access to."
"With IP whitelisting, you'll be able to log in on your WordPress website only from specific IP addresses."
"Utilize role-based groups for authenticating content with Google Sites; this will ensure that the content is both accessible and only editable by the right staff members."
"With TACACS, we're going to give role-based differentiated access based on who the user is."
"You don't have permission to access the page, please contact admin."
"NTFS allows security to be applied to the file and folder level and supports users and groups."
"The idea of conditional access is setting a bunch of conditions in place that monitors where, when, and how somebody is accessing information in your environment."
"Conditional access is going to add a lot of security to your environment."
"It's about granting users and systems the narrowest set of privileges to complete the required task."
"We adhere to the principle of least privilege necessary to complete a task."
"Permission sets offer a very powerful way to extend data visibility within Salesforce to the individual users who require it."
"I put myself and my mindset first deliberately before I ever allow the world access to my mind."
"We can use sharing rules to extend access to roles, public groups, and territories."
"One of the most basic things that you can do is just pass in rules and then allow owner, which means the person that created the field or the type is the only person that can read, write, update, or delete that field."
"The biggest part with access control is security."
"We need a simple way to define and enforce rules that read something like this: Identity I can or cannot perform operation O on resource R for all combinations of I, O, and R in your ecosystem."
"The manager can read and manage the employees' data and read employee details."
"The idea behind authentication is you want to be able to protect your application and only grant access to those who are actually using the application."
"Authorization is the process of checking, depending on your status, what are you allowed to do."
"We want to give the right people that have the right level of access access to the right resources in the right context."
"Permission checks are going to allow us to provide a method of limiting user access to model data and the actions the user can perform on models."
"You could probably leverage Microsoft SSO for role-based access."
"BioLockdown... you can restrict access to any application and require that in order to use said app you scan a fingerprint that's enrolled inside of Touch ID."
"By group, give access via policy; it's a very powerful tool and it makes it very easy to do security around my network."
"Simple things like schemas, controlled access to only parts of the database for different types of functionality, makes a ton of sense."
"You should control which people from which group have access to what in your organization."
"Platforms manage some form of access control for producers which determines which kinds of producers are allowed, which kinds of actions they're allowed to do."
"You could determine, based off of API level access, which ones are public as well."
"It's critical to have network access control security solutions in place."
"It's about providing access to the right people at the right time but also making sure that your data is protected."
"User access levels, where different users are given different levels of authority."
"If it succeeds, I assume that it's enough and then I open the lock."
"It's a lot better, leaders you get a code like a passcode, you know, five, ten minutes."
"We can create a policy which has checks that we need to do, and if the user passes these checks, they would be able to access the system."
"Authorization defines what you're allowed to do."
"Role-based access control is a pretty good first choice."
"Change the access code to your triggers."
"The access control allow origin response header identifies to the browser if an origin is permitted to access the resources of a specific website."
"Should return an error if the user cannot view repos."
"Once you've identified who is making a particular request, you need to decide if they are allowed to access it."
"We can apply permissions in three areas here in our project: project level, view level, and object level."
"RBAC helps to enforce least privilege principle as it ensures that employees are only granted access to resources that they need to perform their job functions."