
Explosives Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Fuse is once again an aggressive legend who is all about explosives and creating chaos."
"We're going to start with news out of Los Angeles where 17 people were injured in a large blast when police attempted to safely detonate illegal explosives during a fireworks bust."
"Bless these explosions and just wheelbarrow them in. Why not in the Emperor's name?"
"High-explosive rounds on tier 10 tank destroyers are one of the most underestimated tools."
"It's an explosive, you shoot it with a gun to make it explode."
"Fiction became reality on September 28th, when two men armed with explosives walked into a Bank Tennessee and made off with an undisclosed amount of cash."
"Let's be honest, TNT is pretty easy to make, and you deserve it."
"Alfred Nobel from Sweden has combined nitroglycerin with different absorbance and stabilizers even managed to create a dynamite a powerful and safe explosive."
"I like his gumption and his passion for things that go boom."
"With the enhanced gunpowder and alchemist cookbook, there's a very real possibility we're just going to have an absolutely obscene number of bombs on the map at any time."
"The explosives are carefully positioned and secured within the drilled holes, ensuring proper distribution and control."
"Torpex is actually 50% more powerful than TNT by weight."
"His remote explosives take some effort to set up but once everything is in place it will almost surely one shot anything within range when it goes off."
"There are a few down here on the south end of the lake we have these things that are called dynamite holes."
"When used correctly, C4 can do this. Wow, that was a rush. And when you use it incorrectly, it can do this."
"Plastic explosives were introduced with the first Fallout."
"Those were like bombs made to blow up people and like whatever wore that, we call we call those uh v-bits."
"Whatever we wanted tended to revolve around trying to make explosives and burning a lot of [__], burning [__]."
"A thin metal casing, mainly there to provide anti-flash protection, would be held up and supported by the pressure of the charge inside."
"Protection criteria is provided to minimize serious injury, loss of life, and damage of property. Placing explosives at least 200 feet away limits exposures and minimizes risks."
"...the eyes can be deceiving. For example, we see here a pipe bomb which is one of the reasons why I always say never move explosive devices, even if you think you know, you probably don't."
"Dynamite truly revolutionized the explosive world."
"Nobel's invention of the detonator paved the way for modern explosives."
"Nitroglycerin, despite its power, is relatively insensitive in pure form."
"RDX is much more powerful than TNT."
"Modern warfare relies so much on explosives that it's hard to, and also, you know, explosives in the end, their effect hasn't changed from their initial use."
"Next week we’ll dig into those, explain what it really is besides explosive, how we might manufacture and store it, and some of its other uses besides blowing stuff, in Antimatter Factories & Uses."
"The idea was to place a shaped charge of the plastic explosive C4 on the device."
"Oh my gosh, he's putting on explosives."
"One month after people, in a series of steel sheds and concrete bunkers in rural Pennsylvania, thousands of pounds of explosive power sit idle in a fireworks factory."
"As I burst out of the tunnel and into the freezing night, an earth-shattering series of explosives shook the ground beneath me."
"Apparently the criminal gang was also creating tutorial videos on how to blow up ATMs which they had been selling to other criminal groups."
"All dynamite is, is sawdust or wood pulp, and they saturate that with a liquid high explosive called nitroglycerin."
"The implosion was a meticulously planned operation, explosive charges strategically placed throughout the structure."
"The rounds are now called squash head and use the PE 3 filler or plastic explosive 3."
"The way the Joker reacts to everything in the scene is priceless."
"He has fun setting off the explosives and seems genuinely surprised when they start up after the delay."
"This was a dynamite storage, this is a magazine."
"This is black powder, you don't have to worry about black powder exploding when you hit it; it'll never go off just by hitting it."
"It's not like the modern explosives, so there's absolutely no danger."
"In the end, high explosives proved the saving factor."
"He must absorb facts about a thousand and one different explosive devices."
"Rule number one of explosive compounds: don't use them as your personal chemistry experiment."
"There's two things that solve every problem: money and explosives."